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Twelve Proverb Across Today During

Metaphor Simile However Proposal Bridal
Dental Gerbil Nasal Postal Hemisphere
Climate Inverse Population Rainforest taiga

1. I will drive __________________ the country to get to Choluteca.

2. It was a rainy day, ________________________ it was really hot.
3. I have a ___________________ for you, do you want to hear it?
4. Its a really ___________ voice, it comes from his nose.
5. I forgot to paste the _____________ to my letter!
6. We live in the north _______________________ of the earth.
7. In Spanish we have a ________________ related to waking up early.
8. Animals that live in the ________________________ are really colorful.
9. We used a ______________ in class, comparing two books we read.
10.I need a ______________ job, maybe I need brackets.
11.The ______________ is a beautiful animal.
12.I was using a _______________ when talking about the stars and your eyes.
13.Susana is going to turn _______________ this year.
14.Hector was really sleepy ________________ the math class.
15.Honduras __________________ is really warm.
16.______________________ is going to be a great day!
17.Black is the __________________ color of white.
18.My sister got a _______________ shower before her marriage.
19.Honduras _____________________ is about 8 million people.
20.The ________________ of Alaska is really white and cold.

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