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Associated Press Jessica Hernandez

200 Liberty Street Assignment #2

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Sept. 27, 2017


FULLERTON, Calif. Whether its a comma that you cant seem to place

correctly, or youre having problems deciding if two words should have a hyphen

between them, the newest edition of the Associated Press Stylebook will always have you

covered. The new edition includes over 200 new or revised entries, with chapters

covering business, fashion, food, religion and sports terms, as well as media law, news

values, punctuation, social media use and a new data journalism chapter.

The Stylebook should be used as a writing and editing reference guide, and has

been updated yearly to include all the latest trendy language, spelling, punctuation and

grammar rules. For instance, the 2016 Stylebook included new terms of use for

marijuana, cannabis and pot because of its rising social reputation.

The AP Stylebook is a comprehensive editing guide for my writing, and I am

able to use it to keep track of changing millennial semantics, said Professor Jeffrey

Brody of California State University Fullerton. I dont see anyone succeeding in the

Communications fields without the latest edition. He stepped down as head editor of the

Daily Titan newspaper on campus due to retirement.


Within the first pages of the guide is a section of the new information that this

edition includes as compared to the last edition. It also includes valuable detailed sections

in alphabetical order on the regulations of business and sports reporting, as well as rules

about how to avoid copyright infringement and libel.

I reference my AP Stylebook when I get started on a submission for my editors,

said writer for the Los Angeles Times, Jonathan Bauer. I find the Whats New page in

each edition that tells me all of the newest updates very useful. The section on

punctuation marks is over 10 pages long, and I have the copywrite section in my

paperback full of markings to help me find key words faster.

The AP Stylebook is available in both a paperback and an online form. Many

students, writers, and editors alike find both versions aid their writings clarity and

professionalism. The print edition is a popular paperback with more than 2.5 million

copies sold, whereas the online version is searchable, regularly updated, and includes

access to topical and pronunciation guides to provide a comprehensive resource.

The search feature on the online stylebook is such a time saver, said Erik

Lindsey, a student of journalism at University of Southern California. Its a valuable

tool for reference in my opinion, and I recommend anyone who wants to write

professionally to pick one of these up. The 2016 guide contains more than 3,000 A-to-Z

entries detailing the APs rules on grammar, punctuation, spelling and capitalization.

The book is available in campus bookstores, on Amazon and on the Associated

Press Stylebook website for roughly $24. This affordable alphabetical guide can be used


by writers, editors, and students alike to maintain professional standards of

grammar and punctuation in their writing. College bookstores and members of the AP

non-profit new cooperative will get discounts on the print editions of the stylebook.


About: The Associated Press is an essential global news network that delivers fast,
unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. It was
founded in 1846, and now Associated Press is the most trusted source of independent
news and information.

Associated Press Stylebook. (2017) Retrieved October 02, 2017, from

Bauer, J., personal communication, September 27, 2017. Writer. Los Angeles Times.

Brody, J., personal communication, September 27, 2017. Professor. California State

University Fullerton.

1. Problem statement
To get more consumers to purchase the AP Stylebook and Libel Manual.

2. Pertinent Research:
A. Client: Clients prime goal is to sell more copies of the latest edition of AP
Stylebooks. Add real research to final press kit.
B. Message/subject: To let communication students worldwide know why the
Stylebook is such a valuable tool. Secondary research is available online at the
Associated Press website and within the books themselves. No primary research
necessary. Add real research to final press kit.

C. Publics
1) Students in the Communications concentration at the University level.
2) Editors of newspapers on campus.
3) Writers and journalists for newspapers.
4) Writers of educational blogs.
5) Editors of public newspapers.

D. News Media/Channels of Communication:

1) University newspaper 5) Ad on National Public
2) Magazines for PR majors 6) Blogs about writing
3) Community newspapers 7) Targeted Facebook ads
4) Ad space on journalistic websites 8) University bulletin boards

3. PR Objectives
1) Increase sales of Stylebook sales by at least 1%.
2) Have a least 2 school newspapers publish up our story.
3) Have one mainstream newspaper publish up our story.
4) Increase sales of online stylebook through main website by 5%.
5) Increase Amazon sales of stylebook by 5%.

4. Key Message Statement:

To let communications students worldwide know exactly why the Stylebook is such a
valuable tool.

5. Method of Evaluation
1) Monitor sales of book after release has published.
2) Survey through school media for evidence of the story.
3) Survey for public broadcast of our story.
4) Monitor online sales of stylebook through home website.
5) Monitor online sales of stylebook through Amazon website.


Associated Press Stylebook. (2017) Retrieved October 02, 2017, from

Bauer, J., personal communication, September 27, 2017. Writer. Los Angeles Times.

Brody, J., personal communication, September 27, 2017. Professor. California State

University Fullerton.
Froke, P., Bratton, A. J., Garcia, O., Minthorn, D., Ritter, K., Schwartz, J., & Acoca, S.

(2017). The Associated Press Stylebook 2017 and briefing on media law. New

York: The Associated Press.

Lindsey, E., personal communication, September 27, 2017. Student. University Southern


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