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A recent article in the Saying No To Styrofoam, are concern to the environment by starting
a movement with foam-free Seattle Group. Authors, Ellie Rose discuss about environment
problem because Styrofoam and give a motivation to care about the problems being faced to
the environment. Because their focus to aware about dangerous of Styrofoam, everyone
should have the same opinion about this, unless you already bored to live on this earth.

Body Paragraph 1:
According to authors Ellie Rose, someone who gives real action towards the reduction of
styrofoam material. A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Human Adipose
Tissue Survey for 1986 identified styrene residues in 100 percent of all samples of human fat
tissue. According to a Foundation for Achievements in Science and Education fact sheet,
Longterm exposure to small quantities of styrene can cause neurotoxic (fatigue,
nervousness, difficulty sleeping), hematological (low platelet and hemoglobin values),
cytogenetic (chromosomal and lymphatic abnormalities), and carcinogenic effects. Why
styrofoam dangerous to the environment? Because styrofoam is an immortal trash, can be
damaging the environment, health, natural biota. One substance contained hearts styrofoam
is benzene and carcinogens that can make cancer diseases. In a state of heat, styrofoam
will react more easily.

Body Paragraph 2:
A Contrary view to Consider is shat alternative had been prepared to replace the styrofoam
material today. Polystyrene exists in our environment for hundreds or thousands of years
because it does not biodegrade. Instead, it photodegrades, meaning sunlight breaks it into
progressively smaller pieces, literally too small to measure by any available means. The
environment will be maintained by us, and the environment will be damaged by us, so
everything is in our hands. We should be able leaving dependency of use styrofoam and
switch to product more environmentally friendly. Examples of small steps we can do is bring
your own food boxes and gave assurances also food contamination as little as possible.

Styrofoam is a lasting garbage bacause can not be decomposed in our environment and the
composition of Styrofoam benzene and carsinigents as a trigger cancer, that's why
styrofoam is harmful to the environment. So, we need to work together to keep our planet
because of the environment will be maintained by us and will be damaged by us, so
everything is in our hands.

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