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Alex Barker

Research Proposal

English 231C


Michelle D Heart

Due October 24, 2017


Mammal Endangerment: The conservation of the North Atlantic right whale


The North Atlantic right whale is among the rarest of all marine mammal species.

These whales have two separate populations western and eastern. Commercial whaling

decimated the species in the early 1900s. Today, only around 450 North Atlantic right

whales remain. This whale species is in imminent danger of becoming extinct.

These whales are now mostly found along the Atlantic coast of North America,

where it is threatened by entanglement in fishing gear, ship collisions, and global

warming. Some scientists believe these whales have gone extinct in the eastern North

Atlantic and now survive only along the east coast of the U.S. and Canada. North Atlantic

right whales have not aggregated as consistently at the times and places where they have

in the past. This reduces the likelihood that they will be sighted since survey efforts are

most efficient when conducted while whales are coming together in larger groups to feed,

calve, and care for young. This change in behavior has made the census-based estimate of

their populations less reliable than in the past.

Saving these whales should be greatly implemented by us as humans. With their

cuddle-factor aside, they are important both ecologically and economically. These factors

make them important candidates for conservation. They have a vital role to play in

nutrient cycling. They also are good for the economy when it comes to whale watching as

a big business.

With information showing facts of the decline of the North Atlantic right whale,

research on conservation for this species needs to be conducted. What conservation

methods, along with how they are to be carried out, is to be addressed. Our research goal

as a group is to find information and submit it to conservation groups. We want to do this

to provide information to contribute to the conservation of these endangered whales. I

believe our research project will have a positive influence on the conservation of right

whales, by getting the point across that they are very endangered and need protection. I

think the overall budget of this assignment will come out to around $2,150, but that we

need around $2,500 to play it safe.


The North Atlantic right whale is one of the most endangered of all large whales,

with a long history of human exploitation and no signs of recovery despite protection

since the 1930s. These whales are now mostly found along the Atlantic coast of North

America. Some scientists believe these whales have gone extinct in the eastern North

Atlantic and now survive only along the east coast of the U.S. and Canada. Between 1990

and 2010, the abundance of North Atlantic right whales increased just under three percent

per year, from about 270 animals in 1990 to 482 in 2010. After relatively steady increases

over that time, abundance has declined each year since 2010 to 458 animals in 2015. The

analysis shows that the probability that the population has declined since 2010 is

estimated at 99.99 percent.

Today, the right whale species is threatened by ship collisions, entanglement in

fishing nets, and separation from calving areas because of shipping traffic. They are also

affected by climate change. Warming oceans can affect the food sources whales need to

survive. Large patches of tiny plants and animals that they feed on will likely move or

change in abundance as climate change alters seawater temperature, winds and ocean

currents. The shift in food availability due to climate fluctuations has already hurt the

reproductive rates of the endangered North Atlantic right whale. With such a small, slow-

growing population, any threatening factor may have a significant impact.

Whale species such as these provide ecological benefits. They have a significant

role to play in nutrient cycling. The larger the whale, the more carbon-filled tissues it has,

meaning that larger whales export more carbon. Whaling has reduced the size of whale

populations and the size of whales. It has been estimated that bringing whale populations

back to their natural level will mean 1.6 x 105 tonnes of carbon could be exported to the

deep sea. These whales also provide economical benefits. Tourism for whale watching is

a profitable business. It is hard to put a value on a species, or on marine biodiversity, it

has been estimated that it could generate 413 million U.S. dollars in marine tourism


I believe gathering a group to conduct research to enforce how endangered the

North Atlantic right whale is and proposing it to conservation organizations has

significant importance. I plan to use the end of October through the beginning of

December to gather a group consisted of three individuals, including myself. I will use

social media and websites to reach out and find the other two researchers. I will compose

a message asking for individuals who want to conduct research to submit to organizations

on the significance of protecting North Atlantic right whales. Ill also state that I only

need a little of their time, they will be provided library memberships, and they will be

paid around $500 for it. I want to find two other individuals with at least an Associates

degree. I think this is neccesary to be sure the proper research will be conducted and

organized properly. Once I find the right two individuals I will go in depth more on our

research goal and introduce them to my current research. I will also get our library

memberships set up during this time. From December to February our group will be to

conduct research on the topic at hand. I think each member should be assigned a topic of

interest relating to the main topic. I will take the information relating to where the North

Atlantic right whale is found today. Researcher two will be assigned to what is causing

harm to these whales. Researcher three will be assigned the importance of these whales to

humans and their ecosystem. Once everybodys research is conducted, it will need to start

to be organized individually by February. From February to March we will organize it all

into one document to be ready for submittal. From March to the middle of April our

group will work on finding the right conservation organizations to submit our findings to.

We will also find how to submit information to these organizations. Then from the

middle of April to the beginning of May we will review our research and submit it to the

proper organizations. Given my current research, and the whole time frame, I dont think

there will be any issues regarding completion.

The overall budget is estimated at $2,150, however I think $2,500 should be

available to ensure there is enough funding to carry out to completion. At least $500

should be given to everyone for their research contribution. If the full $2,500 is available

and there is some leftover at the end I think each indivual should get paid a little more.

$50 a piece will be alotted for each persons library membership during the time frame.

Then $500 should be available for the snacks and/or meals during the time frame of the

research project. The money for this project will be to come from educational or funding

organizations that will be applied for during the first stages. In the instance that no money

comes available from any organization during this time I will apply for a loan of $2,500

that I will pay back overtime. I will make sure all indivuals are given payment in the first

stages so at least one motive to complete this project is there. However, I hope my motive

of research for this cause will be within the other two individuals as well.


These North Atlantic right whales need conservation methods enacted heavily to

prevent their extinction. Us as humans can contribute to their protection, as well as

conservation organizations. There is an estimate of 450 of these whales left and if

humans dont act fast they may reach a level of extinction, deeming them a lost cause.

Myself, along with many others, do not want to see this happen and neither should

anybody else. These right whales have positive ecological and economical factors, along

with their admiration levels. They are at elevated risk of extinction, and everybody

should do what they can to prevent it.

I think there is immense importance in gathering a group to conduct research on

the North Atlantic right whale. I believe conducting research through our group will

contribute greatly in showing the importance of their protection to conservation

organizations. We may be a small group, but I believe our efforts will pay off and have a

positive influence. We will at least contribute a little to getting these wonderful creatures

protected. The information on these creatures, along with their risk factor, is there now

we will highlight it to help with the conservation effort in their favor.



This research assignment should reach completion by the end of Spring 2018 school

semester. I have no doubts that our research group will complete this by then with the

research I have conducted so far and our timeline.

Timeframe Objective

October 24-December 1 Gather 2 or 3 researchers and introduce them to the

research topic, goals, and my current findings. Get

them library memberships

December 1- February 1 Each researcher should find facts on the topic. Start

on organizing it

February 1-March 1 Gather each researchers group of facts. Organize it

all together as a whole

March 1-April 15 Research conservation organizations to submit our

findings to and how to contact them

April 15-May 1 Submit our research findings to the research



Basic Facts About Right Whales. Defenders of Wildlife, 19 Sept. 2016,

Restani, M., & Marzluff, J. M. (2002, February 01). Funding Extinction? Biological
Needs and Political Realities in the Allocation of Resources to Endangered Species
Recovery: An existing priority system, which should guide the Fish and Wildlife Service
in endangered species recovery, is ineffective, and current spending patterns decrease

long-term viability of island species | BioScience | Oxford Academic. Retrieved

September 22, 2017, from

University of Queensland. (2017, September 12). Biding time could improve

conservation outcomes. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 21, 2017 from

NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center. (2017, September 19). North Atlantic right
whales decline confirmed: 458 remaining: Study confirms need for urgent action.
ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 21, 2017 from

North Atlantic Right Whale. WWF, World Wildlife Fund,

Qualifications of Researchers-

The researchers need to have at least an Associates degree so that they can research,

write and site proficiently. They also must be able to give some of their time and

dedication for six to seven months to carry this research project out.


Item $ Amount

Researcher 1 (myself) payment for $500


Researcher 2 payment for project $500

Researcher 3 payment for project $500

My library card payment $50

Researcher 2 library card payment $50


Researcher 3 library card payment $50

Snacks and meals for six to seven $500


The total budget will come out to $2,150. To get the money needed in the budget plan I

expect to apply for student oriented programs or grants. I want to get around $2,500 in

case any other expenses arise. If none arise the researchers will get paid a little more.

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