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Bryan Cicero


We must love
one another or
These two linesLarkins
What will survive of us is
love and Audens We must
love one another or die
No offense to the Beatles, but on first
reading, Larkins line sounds like And
may be the most well-known
in the end, the love you take/ Is equal to lines of poetry about love
What will survive of us is love. the love you make, that saccharine written in the past century.
reduction of loves transcendence to But whats remarkable about
them both is that the poets
who wrote them agonized
The line is so over them, were conflicted
A+ A+ A+
uncharacteristic of and critical of their own lines.
Both Larkin and Auden
A+ A+ A+ eventually tried to distance

A+ A+ A+

A+ A+ A+
Larkin, one of the
most relentlessly Thinking about the survival
downbeat poets in of love in the context of
Larkins poem, I suddenly
modern literature, felt the parallel with another
that its almost controversial line, this one
shocking in its from W.H. Auden. A quarter-
apparently century or so before Larkin,
Auden originally wrote, in
uncomplicated the closing line of the
penultimate stanza of perhaps
his most celebrated
poem, September 1, 1939:


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