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Journal 1

On October 2th, I went to do my teaching practice in Al hayah kindergarten that located in the
Ajman; I arrived there at 7:30 and the school administration welcomed as with an opened arm.
Afterward, the secretary took us to the KG section and she placed two of us in one classroom and
she told us that there is two teacher absent today, so when they will come back tomorrow I will
separate you to your classrooms again.
In the next day, the secretary took us to our classrooms, when I entered my classroom my MST
welcomed me with an smiley face, after that, I introduced myself in front of her and students by
telling who I am and why I am here.
Further, the English teacher came to sit with me and started to giving me some information, like,
the classroom schedule, students level, how they go through the curriculum and what kind of
activities that they are doing. After the first period had finished, I sat with my MST to tell her
what I am going to do to accomplish in this journey of teaching practice in order to she know
what I am going to focus on, how many lessons should I teach the students and what the subjects
are. Then, during the break time my MST showed me the classroom centers with telling me some
information about them, she took me to the English teachers room and told me that if I want to
put my things or want to sit I can come to this room.
In general, when I finished attending all the classes, I left the school and I was very excited and
happy from my two MSTs the Arabic and English teachers because they motivated me to teach
by encourage me with a variety of ideas on teaching approaches and how can I apply the
strategies to encourage students to learn more.

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