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WKNJ Newscast

Date: Nov 9th ,2017

Allison Yuschik

Good afternoon, its Thursday November 9th, 2017 at _____________ oclock and youre

listening to 90.3 WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey, and Im _____________ with the news.

In Local News

A school bus crashed on westbound Route 280 Wednesday afternoon. The crash

happened on the border of Newark and East Orange according to News 12 New Jersey. The

crash involved three cars and the school bus. Injuries resulted from the crash, there were children

on the bus at the time of the accident, but police did say that none were seriously injured

according to News 12 New Jersey. Part of Route 280 was closed for a while to clean up the crash


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In more Local news

Vehicles in a parking were on fire Wednesday night. The parking garage belonged to a

Avis car rental company at Newark Liberty Airport according to News 12 New Jersey. An

employee saw flames under the hood of one of the cars and firefighters arrived. Windy

conditions spread the fire to three cars then two more cars caught fire from them said News 12

New Jersey. the fire took about 20 minutes to contain and no one was injured.

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In National News

The economic embargo on Cuba was stiffened on Wednesday by the Presidents

administration. American travelers to Cuba and now have limited access to place associated with

the Cuban military such as hotels and businesses according to the New York Times. If

Americans want to visit Cuba they will have to coordinate the trip through approved tours and be

accompanied by tour guides again according to the Times. Those that already have trips in place

can complete them, the new rules will be for future trips to Cuba according to the Times.

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In More National News

The FBI has in possession the phone of the gunman responsible for Sundays church

shooting in Texas but are unable to gain access to it. This could potentially open another legal

battle between the FBI and Apple headquarters over encryption and privacy according to the

Washington Post. The two engaged in a legal battle back in 2016 over the same matter involving

the San Bernardino shooters phone, Apple did not open the phone as the Justice Department

wanted them to because to do so would create a security weakness in the phones of all

customers said the Washington Post. The FBI is looking into cloud storage or a laptop

connected to the phone to gain access according to the Post.

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In International News

Air pollution in Indias capital New Delhi has hit new high levels this week. Schools

have been closed and health effects such as headaches and nausea irritate the populous according

to the New York times. The air is almost 30 times higher then what the World Health

Organization deems safe according to the Times. The thickness of the smog is causing car

accidents and grounding planes in the area. The pollution is caused by car emissions, smoke

from crops that are burned on local farms and from industrial factories according to the Times.

This time of year, the air is colder in New Delhi causing the smog air particles to be close

together making the air denser said the Times. Deputy chief minister of Delhi State Manish

(MAN-IS-H) Sisodia (SIS-O-DIA) said on Wednesday, the pollution has overwhelmed the city

and the levels will be looked at again and that they will make a decision on how long the schools

will be closed for according to the Times.

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In more International News

Priti Patel, the Secretary of State for International Development in the UK has come

under controversy over undisclosed meetings with Israeli officials according to

Patel went on a trip with her family to Africa on holiday at her expense, while on the trip she met

with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (NET-AN-YA-HU), Yuval (U-VAL) Rotem

(RO-TEM) senior Israeli Foreign Ministry, Yair Lapid a coalition partner of Netanyahus and

twelve other politicians and organizations according to Patel originally said that the

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson knew of her trip but, on Monday recanted her statement, now

saying that Johnson was informed of her trip while she was in Africa and not beforehand

according to As per the UK Foreign Office, ministers meetings with foreign

officials are conducted under strict protocol. Any private meetings should be disclosed in

advance said Patel later apologized for her actions saying I can see how my

enthusiasm to engage in this way could be misread, and how meetings were set up and reported

in a way which did not accord with the usual procedures. I am sorry for this and I apologize for

it according to Patel resigned from office on Wednesday amid the controversy.

More news, sports, and weather coming up

(Play PSA #1 here.)

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In Sports

The New York Rangers the New York Rangers beat the Boston Bruins 4-2 last night at

the Garden. The Rangers scored 3 goals in the first period and a goal in the third period

according to the Bruins scored in the first and third period one goal apiece according


The New York Knicks lost to the Orlando magic 112-99 last night in Florida. The Knicks

scored 28 points in the first, 22 in the second, 26 in the third and 23 in the fourth according to The Magic scored 27 points in the first, 27 in the second, 30 in the third and 28 in

the fourth according to

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In Weather

Its finally starting to feel like winter outside with temps only reaching a high of 52

degrees by this afternoon. The low will 32 degrees by tonight according to On

Friday is when we will really feel the cold, temperatures will only be in the 30s with 19mph

winds according to

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In Entertainment

Accusations by actress Kristina Cohen (of Ladies Like Us) that she was raped by actor

Ed Westwick (of Gossip Girl) are now being investigated by the Los Angeles Police Department.

On Monday Cohen made the accusation in a Facebook post according to E! Online. Cohen filed

a police report that prompted the investigation during the week. Westwick denied the accusation

on Tuesday saying I do not know this woman. I have never forced myself in any manner, on a

woman. I certainly have never committed rape according to E! Online. The actress has revealed

her story after many accusations of sexual misconduct against Harvey Weinstein and Kevin

Spacey have come out according to E! Online.













1. 1) (x ) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class.

2. 2) ( x) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for other classes, I clearly

explain that in the paper.

3. 3) (x ) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around those words, or used

indentation and citation within the text.

4. 4) (x) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in the bibliography in the

text of the paper.

5. 5) (x ) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.

6. 6) (x ) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be stated in another way. I

cited the source within the paper and in the bibliography.

7. 7) (x ) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks interpretation or originality.
8. 8) (x ) I checked yes on steps 1-7 and therefore have been fully transparent about the research

and ideas used in my paper.

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