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Luana Stripling

24 Elder Lane, Bethlehem

(027)279 1964

Monday 12 September, 2016

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

I have enjoyed working alongside your child. It has been a productive and learning experience.
Over the course of these last couple of weeks we have focused on the purpose and features of
specific writing types. An example of this is Expository writing- These texts revolve around the
purpose of explaining ie. Non-Fiction texts, procedural texts. The rationale behind this thinking is
that is providing your child with the purpose of why certain writing types are created and helping
them to recognise the text features unique to these specific writing texts, your child is provided
with sufficient information and motivation to write. These teaching sessions hope to integrate
your childs interests with each lesson so your child is provided with additional enjoyment and
again motivation. Also we have been looking at building vocabulary through a variety of oral
language activities. The progress of your childs learning is assessed during the course of the
lesson. These are shown in the completion of a task, through observations and verbal
affirmations from your child. One additional area of support you may provide at home to
encourage further development in your childs literacy is asking your child what they have learnt
during their literacy lesson. The process of having to recount what occurred during the session
strengthens these learning links.

Thank-you kindly for allowing me this opportunity of teaching your child. I will endeavour to
provide effective learning and support for your childs development in literacy that will in turn
spark an innate motivation that sees them understanding and enjoying the process of writing.

Kind Regards,

Luana Stripling

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