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Technical Reports

1st Year Communication

Final Revision

Prepared By:

3C-Academic Staff
Chapter 1

Q1-Define "Technical Reports"? What is written communication is

concerned with?
Professional communicates with each other and interprets specialized
information to perform a task, solve a problem or make a decision.
Written communication concerned with:
1) Memos.
2) Letters.
3) Proposal.
4) Reports.
5) Manuals.

Q2-Writing Is Important For Your Career. Explain

The writing helps in
1) Proposing various projects.
2) Writing progress reports.
3) Contributing articles to the employees.
4) Describing a product to the employees.
5) Writing procedures and instruction for employees.
6) Designing material that will be read on a computer screen.

Q3-What Are The Skills Needed In Technical Communication? OR

What Kinds Of Things Must People Learn To Become Effective And

Efficient Communicators?
The communicators should stress on:
1) Understanding the situation and users.
2) Should have clear organization and logical reasoning.
3) Should follow grammar and avoid mistakes.
4) Should write clear and concise sentences.

Chapter 2

Q1-Define "Technical Documents", What Are The Interests Of Readers?

A. Technical documents addresses the readers desire for information.
B. Readers are interested in:
1) What you have done.
2) What you recommend.
3) How you speak for your company.

Q2-Define "Efficient Writing", Mention its Elements?

A. An efficient documents sorts, organizes and interpret the information to suit the
readers needs,abilities and interests.
B. Include these elements:
1) Content that makes the documents worth reading.
2) Organization that guides readers and emphasizes important material.
3) Style that is economical and easy to read.
4) Format that is accessible and appealing.
5) Visuals that clarify concepts.
6) Supplements (appendices, abstracts).

Q3-Mention the Various Origins of Inefficient Documents?

1) More or less information that readers need.
2) Un-interpret information.
3) Confusing organizations.
4) More words that readers need.
5) No visual aids when readers need them.
6) Vague technical expressions readers cant understand.

Q4-What Are the Fundamental Problems That We Can Meet Them in
Technical Writing?
1) The Information Problem :
The information problem arises because different readers have different
information needs in different situation.
2) The Persuasion Problem :
The persuasion problem arises because people disagree about what the
information means and about what should be done.
3) The Ethics Problem :
The ethics problem arises because the interests of your company conflicted with
the interests of your readers.
4) The Adaption Problem :
The adaption problem arises because communication technology requires
writers to cope with new tools, working, relations, and audiences.

Q5-What Are The Complaints About Technical Writing Seniors Officials

In Science And Industry?
a) Generally foggy language.
b) Inadequate general vocabulary.
c) Failure to connect information to point at issue.
d) All sorts of illogical reasoning.
e) No clear continuity.
f) Poor grammar, punctuation and overall organization.
g) Almost meaningless introduction.
h) Very Little concept of writing.

Q6-We write to fill up exam booklets not to give the meaning in a

concise way. What can we do to become less wordy?
1) The first key is to use short words.
2) Accomplish the same thing by using words of one or two syllables.
3) Never use a long word when a short one will do.

Chapter 3

Q1-What Are the Topics to Be Covered In a Technical Writing Reports?

1- Clarity of expressions.
2- Communication to fit the readers needs.
3- Organizing reports and other communications.
4- Grammar and syntax.
5- Style and tone of expression.
6- Finding and using published information.
7- Writing a draft and completing the finished documents.
8- Mechanics (punctuation, abbreviations, capitalizations).

Q2-What Makes For A Good Paragraph in Technical Writing?

1) Unity: It focuses on a single idea.
2) Coherence: one sentence leads to the next in some kind of logical sequence.
3) Adequate Content: Enough details to support the main idea.

Q3- Mention and discuss in details the principal writing tools?

A. Good Topic Statement :
It has the main idea and helps the reader to guess what is coming.
B. Appropriate Pattern of Organization :
The Supporting statement should follow a consistent pattern of organization.

Q4-Mention the Most Commonly Used Patterns of Organization? And

explain one of them?
1) Chronological Description.
2) Cause and Effect Analysis.
3) Comparison and Contrast.
4) Listing.
5) General to Particular Ordering of Details.
Details are ordering from the more general to the more particular.

Q5-What are the purpose and main content of topic statement of a
It is the main idea, What the paragraph is about, It serves two purpose:
It allows reader to guess what is coming and thus digest it more easily.
It allows them to avoid reading the paragraph altogether if the subject
matter holds no interest for them.

Q6- Clarity the importance of topic statement?

The topic statement serves to establish the main idea, and also to suggest how
the rest of the paragraph will be developed.

Chapter 4

Q1- What are four steps used to orienting the audiences. Compare
between the foreword and summary of technical reports with respect to
purpose and form?
The four-step approach for orienting an audience is the Foreword and Summary
of a technical report or in the Introduction and Summary of a letter and paper.
The purpose and form of the foreword and summary:


1) Define context of report to catch audiences.

2) Indicate missing information, define subject of product, define what was done.
3) Define purpose and focus of report.


1) Present main results.

2) Present recommendation and implication.

Q2- How you can make writing readable?

1) Put new information into framework.
2) Highlight the main topic of the report.
3) Build sections and paragraphs around keywords related to the main topic.
4) Clarify the imported technical concepts when writing to non-specialists.
5) For main ideas, use a general to particular structure.
6) For details, use a listing structure.
7) Each paragraph should have a good statement and organization.

Q3- What are the three forms of technical reports for specialist readers?
1) Short informal report
2) Long informal report
3) Format report (title page and structure)

Q4- What are making the formatting conventions that make reading
There are many formatting feature:
1) Single spacing
2) Shorts paragraphs
3) Lists
4) Headings
5) Number to mark the various paragraphs
6) Liberal use of white space

Q5- Define The Abstract, what is information contained in abstract?

It is the vehicle through which readers' identity and locates the report and decides if
they need to read it or not.
It contains the following information:
1) Bibliographic data
2) Overview of problem
3) Review of method
4) Review of results
5) Review of conclusions

Q5- What is the structure of the short informal report?

1) 1 to 4 pages.
2) Single space.
3) Within the writers company.
4) Describe a procedure, results of a test or investigation.

The heading of the short informal report gives the following information:

To: .

Form: ..


Date: ..


Enclosures: .

References: .

Q6- What is the structure of long informal report?

Q7- What is the title page for formal report?

Q8- What is the structure of the formal reports?

Chapter 5
Q1- Whatdo you know about Organization of reports?
Prepare an initial perspective to what is the general shape of the report going to be.
Decide on the sequence of its contents.
Decide the report size.
Decide the report structure.
Proceed of information.

Q2- What are the factors affecting report size?

1. Objectives of report.
2. Subject and nature of the report.
3. Level of details required.
4. Skills of audience and readers.
5. Availability of resources.
6. Types of appendices attached to the report.

Q3- What are The Sections of report content?

1. Introductory information.
2. Title page.
3. Table of contents.
4. Abstract or summary.
5. Introduction.
6. Result and discussions.
7. Conclusions and recommendations.
8. References Consist of :
Author(s) name(s),Title of the article; Where it is published, Pagesnumbers, Volume
No. , Year.

Q4- What are the appendices?

They are placed at the end of a report to speed up the reading of the text. Each
appendix should have a title and should be self-explanatory.

Q5- Sketch the flow chart for the report outlines preparation?

Q6- What are the steps of the writing process, and explain in details any
one of them?

3- Draft the document:

How do I begin, and what comes next?

How much is enough?
What can I leave out?
Am I forgetting anything?
How will I end?
Who need to review my draft?

Q7- What are the types of errors to be corrected throughout the technical
report writing, explain any one of them, and give some examples for
1. Substantive errors.
Correct your calculations, data, curves, times, places and job title.
2. Sequencing errors.
3. Misspelling.

-Some examples for homophones:

1) All ready: They are all ready to begin.

Already: She has already made her decision.
2) Foreword: Many technical reports begin with a foreword.
Forward: We look forward to your visit.
3) Whos: Whos there?
Whose: Whose jacket is this
4) Your: Do you have calculator handy?
Youre: When youre ready to begin, give the signal

Q8- What Are Guides for high quality writing report?

1) Use only kind of language dictionary.
2) Title should be self-contained.
3) Whole before part.
4) Facts should be separated from opinions.
5) Paragraph should begin with a topic statement.
6) Length of sentence should be kept as short as possible.
7) Personal pronouns are almost not used in technical writing reports.
8) Use one of numbering schemes.
9) Basic ideas should be stated early, enough background must be given.
10) Put the important information and ideas early in the writing.

Q9- What are the numbering schemes?

Chapter 6
Q1-What are things make for good letter appearance, Then show the
main parts of a business letter?
Letter appearance:

When the body of the letter has been composed and ready to type, keep in mind three

1) Typing
2) Paragraphing
3) White space
The main parts of a business letter are:
7) BODY.

Q2- What are the common format for the letter?

1. Unblocked format.
2. Semi-blocked format.
3. Blocked format.
4. Square blocked format.

Q3- What are the essentials of good resume, sketch the main contents of
the resume? What are the main contents of resume?
Essentials for good resume are:
1) Easy to read.
2) Easily visible headings.
3) Not too long.
4) Short phrases rather than full sentences.

Q4- Mention the general guides to be considered before starting to
write application letter for admission, what are the main sections of
the admission letter?
1. Design the letter for multiple audiences.
2. Stress on what you can do for the company, not what it can do for you.
3. Stress on your accomplishments, responsibilities and highlight your best qualification.
4. Set up your letter in expected format.

Q5- With the aid of sketch illustrate unblocked format letter?

Q6- With the aid of sketch illustrate semi-blocked format letter?

Q7- With the aid of sketch illustrate blocked format letter?

Chapter 7
Q1- What is the purpose of memoranda and short reports?
1. A request for assistance on a project.
2. A requisition for parts for a new project.
3. A proposal of your progress on a specific assignment.
4. An hourly or daily account of your activities.
5. A report of your inspection of a site.
6. A record of meeting.
7. A record of your survey to select the best prices or products.

Q2- Sketch the main contents of justification reports?

Q3- Sketch the main contents of progress reports?

Q4- Sketch the main contents of periodic activity reports?

Chapter 8
Q1- Define Page Design and what are the elements of page design
that use to develop the sheets?
Page design: A term that refer to formatting options used to clear, readable, and visually
interesting documents.
These elements of page design: Paper, White Space, Headings, Lists, in-text emphasis,
Fonts, and Color.

Q2- Define White Space", what is the important of white space and
what are the opportunities for using white effectively?
White Space means the open places on the page with no text or graphics.
Important of White space:
1) Attracts attention.
2) Guide the eye to important information on the page.
3) Relieves the boredom of reading text.
4) Helps readers organize information.
Opportunities for using white space effectively:
1) Margins.
2) Columns.
3) Handing Indents.
4) Line space.
5) Right-justified versus ragged edge.
6) Paragraph length.
7) Paragraph indenting.
8) In-text graphics.
9) Pagination.
10) Heading space and lines.

Q3- Define Heading and what are the general guidelines for heading?
Heading are brief labels used to introduce each new section or subsection of text.
They serve as:
1) A signpost for the reader who wants to know the content.
2) A grabber to entice readers to read documents.
3) A visual oasis of white space where the reader gets relief form text.
General guidelines for heading:
1) Use your outline to create headings and subheadings.
2) Use substantive wording.
3) Maintain parallel form in wording.
4) Establish clear hierarchy in headings.

Q4- Sketch the main contents of other heading options?

Q5- Why should you use lists in the technical report writing?
Technical writing benefits from the use of lists. Readers welcome your efforts to cluster
items into lists for easy reading.
Here are some points to consider as you apply this important feature of page design:
1) Typical uses.
2) Number of items.
3) Use of bullets and numbers.
4) Format on page.
5) Parallelism and lead-ins.
6) Punctuation and capitalization.
7) Overuse.

Q6- Parallelism and lead-ins, make the listing easy to read. Rewrite the
following paragraph to satisfy the above statement.
To complete this project, we plan to do the following:

Surveying the site

Taking samples from three boring locations
Testing selected samples in our lab
Reporting on the results of the study

The Answer

To complete this project, we plan to do the following:

Survey the site

Take samples from three boring locations
Test samples in our lab
Report on the results of the study

Q7- Parallelism and lead-ins, make the listing easy to read. Rewrite the
following paragraph to satisfy the above statement.
To complete this project, we will to do the following:

Survey the site

Take samples from three boring locations
Test samples in our lab
Report on the results of the study

The Answer

To complete this project, we will to do the following:

Surveying the site

Taking samples from three boring locations
Testing selected samples in our lab
Reporting on the results of the study

Chapter 9
Q1- What are the reasons for using special fonts, color, and graphics?
1) Special fonts, color, and graphics Simplify Ideas
2) Graphics Reinforce Ideas
3) Graphics Create Interest
4) Graphics are Universal

Q2- What are the general guidelines for graphics?

Determine the purpose of the graphic
Evaluate the accuracy and validity
Refer to all graphics in the text
Think about where to put graphics
Position graphics vertically when possible
Avoid clutter
Provide Titles, Notes, Keys, and Source Data

Q3- What are the specific guidelines for eight graphics?

1) Tables
2) Pie charts
3) Bar charts
4) Line charts
5) Schedule charts
6) Flow charts
7) Organization charts
8) Technical drawings

Q4- Compare between Informal tables and formal tables, What are the
guidelines for tables?
Informal Tables: Limited data arranged in the form of either rows or columns.
Formal Tables: Data arranged in a grid, always with both horizontal rows and vertical

Specific Guidelines For Tables Are:

1) Use informal tables as extensions of text

2) Use formal tables complex data separated from text
3) Use plenty of white space
4) Follow usual conventions for dividing and explaining data
5) Pay special attention to cost data

Q5- what are the guidelines for formal table?
1) Titles and numberings: Gives a title to each formal table, and place title and number
above the table.
2) Heading: Create short, clear heading for all columns and rows.
3) Abbreviations: Include in the heading any necessary abbreviations or symbols.
4) Numbers: Round off numbers when possible, for each reading.
5) Notes: place any necessary explanatory headnotes at the bottom of the table.
6) Footnotes: place any necessary footnotes below the table.
7) Sources: place any necessary source references below the footnotes.
8) Caps: Use uppercase and lowercase letters.

Q6- With the aids of the graphs, mention and illustrate the specific
guidelines for a Pie Charts?
1) Use no more 6 or 7 divisions
2) Move clockwise from 12:00, from largest to smallest wedge
3) Use pie charts especially for percentages and money
4) Be creative, but stay simple
5) Draw and label carefully

Q7- With the aids of the graphs, mention and illustrate the specific
guidelines for a Bar Charts?
1) Use a limited number of bars
2) Show comparisons clearly
3) Keep bar widths equal and adjust space between bars carefully
4) Carefully arrange the order of bars
5) Be creative

Q8- With the aids of the graphs, mention and illustrate the specific
guidelines for a "Schedule Charts"
1) Include only main activities
2) List activities in sequence starting at the top of the chart
3) Run labels in the same direction
4) Create new formats when needed
5) Be realistic about the schedule

Q9- With the aids of the graphs, mention and illustrate the specific
guidelines for a Line Charts?
1) Use line charts for trends
2) Locate line charts with care
3) Do not place numbers on the charts itself
4) Strive for accuracy and clarity
5) Use multiple lines with care


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