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California Baptist University School of Education

An Apple A Day, Keeps the Doctor Away!

Concept Attainment Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan #2

Note: Clarity and ease of locating each lesson is what is needed.

Add TPEs where appropriate. Each lesson must have at least 2 TPEs added and explained.

 Materials must include examples and non-examples of the concept being taught.
 Anchor chart, markers, powerpoint presentation, computer for presentation, yes pictures, no pictures
 Vocabulary – List key vocabulary terms
 Past, present, healthy
 Literature – List supporting literature or reading materials
 Were our grandparents really healthier than us? - ABC News
 California Studies Weekly (Week 15)
 Kids Meet a 101 Year Old | Kids Meet | HiHo Kids - YouTube
 Making Healthy Choices - YouTube
 How American Food Has Changed Over the Last 50 Years (

2. OBJECTIVE (10 points) Must contain the word concept – You should be able to know this lesson will be on
developing a concept by reading the objective.

Ex. After the lesson on the concept of __healthy choices then and now__ students in grade _1_will be able to
state both orally and in writing the correct definition of ___healthy choices__.

Central Focus: Comprehension or Composition (See edTPA Making good Choices p. 30-32.)

Students will be able to discuss how people stayed healthy long ago compared to the way they make healthy
choices today.

 Hist. Social Science Standard

 State Bloom’s Level on the Taxonomy in Bold Type: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, and Analyzing

 CCSS ELA Standard:

 ELA.L1.5a: With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in
word meanings. Sort words into categories (e.g., colors, clothing) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories
 ELA. W.1.8: With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from
provided sources to answer a question.

 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standard CCSS

 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can
follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and

 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.L.5: Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and

nuances in word meanings.

 ELD Standard(s): Part 1: Interacting in Meaningful Ways, Group B: Interpretive, Section 7: Evaluating Language
o Emerging: Describe the language writers or speakers use to present an idea (e.g., the words and phrases used
to describe a character) with prompting and substantial support.
o Expanding: Describe the language writers or speakers use to present or support an idea (e.g., the adjectives
used to describe people and places) with prompting and moderate support.
o Bridging: Describe the language writers or speakers use to present or support an idea (e.g., the author’s choice
of vocabulary to portray characters, places, or real people) with prompting and light support.

Language Function Statement: edTPA

What main communication language function do students need to use to communicate their understanding of this content?
Use: Student uses language to: (see Toolkit samples)

My students will be able to both write out and verbally tell me the correct definition of a Healthy Choices and they will be able to have
opportunities to verbally discuss and write out their examples.

Essential Literacy Strategy

Comparing and contrasting: I will use a graphic organizer with yes and no categories. I will place one picture at a time on the
yes followed by one on the no. This will help to show similarities and contrasts.

Analyzing: Student uses language to separate whole in parts, identifying relationships and patterns.
Inferring: Students will seek patterns within the yes column of the lesson.

Additional Language Demands in each area:

Academic vocabulary/symbols: List vocabulary

Past, present, healthy

Syntax: (Use language frames in Language of … section in Toolkit)

Students will use language arts skills to discern similarities and differences of various healthy choices. For example: __________ is a healthy
choice because it has ________, The students will be able to work with this simple structure to discover their own examples.

Discourse Tools: (Use Graphic Organizers in Toolkit to help students learn to speak and write language for this content)

Students will be provided a graphic organizer for concept attainment. It will break down the definition of healthy and provide examples and other
resources to learn more. The students will become more aware of their vocabulary as the lesson progresses. Through the lesson the students will
be challenged to recognize how the vocabulary is used in relation to their examples and non-examples.

3. ASSESSMENT (10 points)

Note: Use the rubric in your 50 Social Studies Strategies text on page 18

Formal Assessment – Rubric p. 18 of text:

This lesson will be assessed by the written definition and examples in the student journal.

Rubric: See page 18 in 50 Social Studies Strategies text for the rubric that would be useful for
this lesson model and add it here.

Unsatisfactory (1 points) Satisfactory (3 points) Good (5 points)

Student cannot identify the concept or its Student identifies concept and some of its Student identifies concept and all of its
essential characteristics. essential characteristics. essential characteristics are clearly identified.
Student is unable to distinguish examples and Student is unable to distinguish between Student is able to distinguish between some
non-examples of the concept. examples and non-examples of the concept. examples and non-examples of the concept.

This lesson will be assessed by the written definition in the student journal. The definition must include three
descriptors and three examples of the term/concept healthy choices then and now.

Informal Assessment:
Students will also be assessed informally by listening to their oral definitions of the concept of healthy choices
then and now.

4. MOTIVATION FOR LEARNING ANTICIPATORY SET (5 points) Be creative!!!! Must motivate for learning!

 At this point I will put on a video of kids interviewing a woman that is 101 years old. This meant to catch my students’ attention. I will explain
that she has lived through many things and has lived a healthy lifestyle for many reasons.
o “Let’s watch this video explaining the life of someone that grew up long ago.
o Kids Meet a 101 Year Old | Kids Meet | HiHo Kids - YouTube

 “There are several things that answer the question, ‘What is one healthy choice we can make today?’ Today we will dig deeper and begin
searching for the answers.”

5. PURPOSE (5 points)

“Boys and girls, today we will be learning about healthy choices from long ago compared to what they are today. It is
important to understand how to be healthy because you have more energy and more alert. Your attention span is bigger,
and you can live longer.”

I will show students important pictures of the past that include Thanksgiving dinners with what they used to eat and some
pictures of dinners in the present time. I will include old photographs and food advertisements from then and now. This will
include Campbell’s soup and McDonald’s.

 LESSON BODY (35 points)

Provide a rationale (justify reason) for using this lesson model.
The Concept Attainment model serves the students by launching them into a process of intentionally structured inquiry. This style of
lesson is not merely allowing the students to take in and then regurgitate information. This lesson will provide a means for my students
to be able to begin to think more critically about the subject. Through concept attainment the students will learn how to understand
examples and non-examples in a way that will enable them to generate their own descriptors to describe the subject. This lesson style
allows me to partner with my students so that they will be able to come to conclusions on their own.

Prior to starting the lesson body do the following:
 Restate the Objective in Kid terms
 After today’s lesson you will be able to identify key descriptors of what healthy choices today compare to the choices made long ago and
how those choices have impacted us today.

 Mark SDAIE in bold type where it applies.

 In this lesson I will be using the SDAIE strategy of providing visual aids. I will generate a power point presentation that will effectively
show examples, non-examples and mixed examples.

Note: The Concept Attainment lesson has 6 steps. Follow them exactly as follows:

Step One- Definition:

The teacher must introduce the concept by name and define it.
Give several key attributes of the concept that are age appropriate and scientifically correct!

Today we are going to study the concept of healthy.

According to the dictionary healthy means: Promoting good health.

Step Two - Examples:

 This is a picture of a family having dinner together all drinking milk. It is healthy because it provides
nutrients, keeps you clean or gives you energy.

 This is a picture of a baby in a metal bathtub. It is also healthy because it provides nutrients, keeps you
clean or gives you energy.

 This is a picture of how shopping was much different. It is also healthy because it provides nutrients,
keeps you clean or gives you energy.

 This is also a healthy because it provides nutrients, keeps you clean or gives you energy.

 This is also healthy because it provides nutrients, keeps you clean or gives you energy.

Step Three - Non-examples:

 This is candy. It is not a healthy choice because it does not have provide nutrients, keep you clean or
give you energy.

 This is a picture of soda pop. This is not a healthy choice because it does not provide nutrients or keep
you clean or give you energy.

 This is a picture of always staying in the house. This is not a healthy choice because it does not provide
nutrients or give you energy even though it does keep you clean.

 This is a picture of always being busy. This is not a healthy choice because it does not provide nutrients
or keep you clean even though it can give you energy.

Give 5 more examples of what is not an example of the concept and the reasons why it is not. It is very important
to go over each item and compare and contrast them so students can clearly understand the concept.

Step Four - Mixed Examples:

 Here is someone washing their hands. Is this an example of healthy choice? It is a healthy choice because
they are staying clean.

 Here is a picture of girls riding their bicycles. Is this an example of healthy choice? It is a healthy choice
because they are getting energy from playing outside.

 This is picture of playing games all day. Is this an example of healthy choice? It is not a healthy choice
because it is not providing them with any nutrients.

 Here is someone getting lots of rest. Is this an example of healthy choice? It is a healthy choice because it
can give you lots of energy.

Vocabulary. This is where students have a chance to develop the correct

terms/vocabulary and really own the terminology.

Step Five - Redefine Concept:

*** TPE 4.7 – Plan instruction the promotes a range of communication strategies and activity modes between teacher and student and
among students that encourage student participation in learning.

I picked this TPE because it takes into account that the learning environment is not solely focused on the teacher and student interaction.
The students are being active in teaching one another through the pare-share activity.

The teacher must ask students to define the concept in their own words. You should have given several clear
attributes of the concept that students can easily repeat and write in their journals. Now it is their task to write
the new term with the meaning and description in their journal under the vocabulary for this unit.

They could also illustrate the term and give various examples and non examples. Let them be creative in how
they enter the vocabulary terms. This will help them remember the vocabulary and make it useful for them.

You could say: (Word this part according to the group you are addressing)
Boys and girls, turn to your partners and say the definition of healthy in your own words. This is your
chance to practice saying (rehearsing) this new term. Be sure you both state the definition and give several
good examples and state why they are good examples.

Fully script 2 or 3 student responses.

Now, have them write the definition in their own words in their journal.
Next, please take out your journals and enter this term healthy.
Also write the definition in your own words and give several examples. Explain how making healthy choices
is used and how we can make them.

Step Six - Student Examples:

The teacher must ask the students to find or suggest additional examples of the concept to show their

Students, now it is your turn to own this concept. You are the experts so your task is to find more examples.
You could look in the books I have gathered in our classroom library or on the internet. You could look in
chrome books or ask your elbow partner for some ideas.

You might find more examples on the internet or by looking around the room. What do you do every day that
is a healthy choice? (Give students several places to find more examples of this concept. The more they see
where it belongs the better they will come to understand and be able to use the vocabulary.)

ELD Response to Learning the Concept:

ELD Level Emerging Response to learning:

Listening – Students demonstrate their listening abilities by listening to the information in the video and the examples/non-examples I provided in
the lesson body. Students are bombarded with the vocabulary words throughout the lesson.
Speaking – Students work closely with their partners in their pair-share activity to answer the given questions. Students additionally work with their
partners to work through their definitions, examples and non-examples. Students are encouraged to use vocabulary words in conversation with their
classmates. Students are given sentence frames to use.
Reading – Students will use resources to search for additional examples. Emerging students will benefit from online resources and assistance in the
Writing – Students will work on writing their own definition, examples and non-examples in their journals. Emerging students will need additional
support from an adult as they complete their work. They will be given sentence frames and fill-in-the-blank modifications.

ELD Expanding Response to learning:

Listening - Students demonstrate their listening abilities by listening to the information in the video and the examples/non-examples I provided in the
lesson body. The students at this level should be noticing and understanding the vocabulary at deeper levels as they encounter them whether in the
instruction or in their discussions.
Speaking - Students work with their partners in their pair-share activity to answer the given questions. Students additionally work with their partners
to work through their definitions, examples and non-examples. Students at this level should be a bit more independent in discussing their examples
and non-examples and incorporating their vocabulary.
Reading – Students will use the prescribed resources to come to their additional examples and non-examples.
Writing – Students will write up their own definition, examples and non-examples in their journals. Expanding students should be familiar enough
with the given resources to be able to find the necessary information with limited support.

ELD Bridging Response to learning:

Listening - Students demonstrate their listening abilities by listening to the information in the video and the examples/non-examples I provided in the
lesson body. These students should be functioning basically at grade level abilities. They should be able to recognize and understand the related
material and vocabulary.
Speaking - Students work with their partners in their pair-share activity to answer the given questions. Students additionally work with their partners
to work through their definitions, examples and non-examples. Students at this level should be speaking and communicating academically at the
grade level expectations.
Reading - Students will use the prescribed resources to come to their additional examples and non-examples.
Writing - Students will write up their own definition, examples and non-examples in their journals. Students at the bridging level should be
functioning with a more in depth understanding of the material and requirements.

7.CLOSURE (5 points)

 Gather students at the discussion table or on the rug. It is now the end of the day and students are
prepared to go home. Wrap up the learning with a chance for students to practice key learning once
again. In this case it will be the new concept you have introduced.

 Provide something like the following dialogue:

Boys and girls please come to our “talking circle”. We have much to discuss.
Today we studied the concept of making healthy choices. Now it is your turn to own this information. Let’s practice saying what we have learned
about the importance of making healthy choices. I would love to hear some of your examples and non-examples and why you chose them to include
in your journals. We will now participate in a popcorn game. I will pass the ball to someone and they will share one example and one non-example.
Please be sure to share why you chose each. When you are done, please pass the ball to someone else. If you are not comfortable sharing, please say
pass and pass the ball to the person to your right. If we do not get active participation in this, I will begin picking people at random from the popsicle-
stick jar.

 End with each student stating the learning to the person next to him/her.

 Students will be provided with an Exit Ticket and given 5 minutes to complete. They will circle yes or no
beneath the images to tell me whether it is a healthy choice or not.

8. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE/Homework (5 points)

Provide a rationale/justification for your choices.

The independent practice is designed so that the students can really apply the information on their own. By this point, through the
instruction, collaborative work and private formulation of information, the students should be able to effectively come to their own
examples and non-examples using appropriate resources.

 The teacher assigns the students the task of finding additional examples of the concept on their own. For
example, students can look in books, library or computer for additional examples.

 The students will search for three additional examples on their own. This will take place out of class. All of these examples will be
recorded in their journals. The students will have the option to search for their additional examples on the trip to the library the
following day. These examples can be found online, in a book, or in a magazine.
 Using the examples given in class as an example, the students will be expected to write out their additional examples in their journals.
These journal entries will also include a short writing supplement. The students will be expected to write a minimum of three
sentences explaining why they chose the examples they chose. They may opt to create an illustration of one of their examples in place
of writing out their reasoning (applies to only one example).
 The teacher clarifies what the students are to do with the additional examples of the concept that they identify. EX. Add to word wall,
write on a 3x5 card and add to the file, enter them in the social studies journal on this theme and draw the picture and write a
paragraph defending your choice.


Provide a strategy and written feedback that you could provide within 24 hours of instruction for 3
students who need more support to master the learning targets of the lesson. (See edTPA for directions on
Describe Focus Describe specific feedback type to help learn the essential literacy strategy
ELL Learner For my EL focus student I will be providing picture cards in addition to the vocabulary words.
This will be done so that my student will be able to have a visual representation of the given
vocabulary words.

I will also be providing sentence frames for the definition and example/ non-examples. These
scaffolded responses will be set up to assist the student in coming to their answers in an
equitable fashion.

I will also provide scaffolded sentence frame for this student for their pair-share activity. To
assist this student in their independent practice I will provide the student with the necessary
resources they will need to meet my expectations. This will include a magazine article and
internet web resource.

Student with low For my focus student with low literacy. I will be providing the same resources as my EL focus
reading ability student.

I will be providing picture cards in addition to the vocabulary words. This will be done so that
my student will be able to have a visual representation of the given vocabulary words.

I will also be providing sentence frames for the definition and example/ non-examples. These
scaffolded responses will be set up to assist the student in coming to their answers in an
equitable fashion.

I will also provide scaffolded sentence frame for this student for their pair-share activity. To
assist this student in their independent practice I will provide the student with the necessary
resources they will need to meet my expectations. This will include a magazine article and a
internet web resource. These resources will intentionally be at a lower reading level to assist the
student in their understanding.

Student with advanced For my advanced literacy student, I will require an additional two examples as well as two non-
literacy skills/other examples. I will expect this student to be sure to utilize a book and an encyclopedia in their

10. (10 points)

THEORETICAL OVERVIEW: Provide an overview of the theoretical basis for this lesson model and a
rationale for why you have selected this content for this lesson model. Link your rationale to the specific lesson
objective/standard cognitive level and corresponding descriptive words (i.e., analyze, compare).
See your 50 Social Studies Strategies text page 15 – Strategy 4 to get more information for concept
attainment lesson models.

This lesson is taught by using information processing theory to attain the concepts. My students already have a basic understanding of life long ago
compared to life today. This lesson deepens their understanding by expanding their knowledge specifically on what constitutes a healthy choice. This
model allows my students to be able to tap into their knowledge on what a healthy choice is and how to identify the common characteristics in a
healthy choice long ago compared to a healthy choice today. Students have gained familiarity with concept attainment by being able to
identify relationships and patters.

Cognitive Rationale for using this Lesson Model in relationship to the cognitive level.
Level Highlight/color the cognitive levels that fit with the Lesson and provide a rationale for your
Students have gained familiarity with concept attainment by being able to identify relationships and
Now that my students have effectively generated their own definition, they continue their independent practice by
Application performing research to generate their own additional examples and non-examples of what a healthy choice looks
Through the method of concept attainment my students have gained the ability to understand, summarize and
demonstrate their knowledge on the subject of what constitutes a healthy choice. After seeing the examples and
Comprehension non-examples I have provided the students will demonstrate their knowledge by providing their own definitions
and images.
The students will have working knowledge of what the definition of a healthy choice is today compared to healthy
Knowledge choices they made long ago.


Attach the work you have assigned for independent practice. You must do the assignment just as if you were a
student in your class. Use the appropriate paper, print, and line size suitable for the developmental level of the class.

Lesson Summary of Instructional Preparation
Adaptation Features for Focus Students
Link all Adaptations to Lesson Objective/Standard
Select and explain only what you used in each box and why. Delete the unused ideas.
Preparation Scaffolding Grouping Adaptation
o Adaptation of Content o Modeling o Whole group o Advanced
o I have adapted the lesson o I make my journal available for o As a whole group we o Students working at
with alternative activities the students to have visual learned the definition, advanced levels will need to
for my learners who reference for their own work. examples and non- come up with an additional
function at different o Guided Practice examples. They have seen two examples in their
levels. o While the students are the visual representations I independent work.

o Background completing their work, I will have provided. o EL and Low Literacy
Knowledge walk around class and assist o Small groups and Pairs o Students struggling with
o My students have the them as needed. o The students have the understanding will have an
ability to recall on o Independent Practice opportunity to work in pair- additional visual
information about the past o My students have the allotted share activity to discuss representation of picture
and the present from time to be able to work on their examples and non- cards to help them better
previous lessons. assignments (both in and out of examples. understand the vocabulary.
o The students watch a class) independently. o Works Independently These students will also have
video YouTube of the kids o Comprehensible Input o My students have time in scaffolded responses to help
interviewing the 101-year- o I have broken down the lesson in and out of class to work them work through their
old woman. a way that should be easily independently on their examples.
o Links to past learning understood. I have clearly given definition, research and
o This lesson follows a definition for the students to formulation of examples
directly from the follow and have shown them my and non-examples.
information they learned own examples and non-
about the Life Long Ago. examples.
o Strategies Used
o I used pictures of
examples and non-
o Resources Selected
o The students have their
Studies Weekly curriculum
to use as a refresher
resource. There are also
several books available in
the classroom with
information on Life Long
Ago. Students are
encouraged to utilize
magazines and books
found in the library as
additional resources.
o E-resources
o I have provided students
with multiple videos from
YouTube to refer back to.

Integration of Processes Application Assessment Objective

o Writing o Hands on o Rubric o Linked to Standard
o Students will write out o Students will be actively o I have provided a rubric to o The lesson is directly linked
their own definitions, handling books and other assess the students work. to the standards. The
examples and non- resources in their research. The students can clearly see students will be able to
examples. In their o Meaningful what my expectations are deepen their knowledge on
independent work the o Students already have a for their work. the life long ago compared to
students will be providing knowledge of Life Long Ago to o Written life today, actively research
rationale for why they work with. I have the interview o The students work will be and summarize their
picked their examples. with the 101 year old woman written out and their work findings.
o Speaking which will be used to capture will be graded using the o Integrated with Language
o Students have the their attention. rubric. Arts
opportunity to work in a o Linked to objectives o Oral o Writing portion of the
pair-share activity. o The learning is directly linked to o The students will have assignment directly linked to
o Listening and Viewing the standards. Engaging opportunities to orally share Language Arts aspect.
o The students will be able o I actively engaged the students their definitions, examples o Age Appropriate
to listen to me discuss the in the lesson during the and non-examples with o The lesson is age appropriate
lesson and formulation of anticipatory set as well involved each other and with me. and all of the tasks are within
examples and non- them in the examples and non- the student’s skill set.
examples. The students examples. during the mixed
will be able to see my example section, I engage the
modeled work and the students in a series of questions
power point presentation to assist them in their
o Vocabulary understanding.

o Students will become
more familiar with the
vocabulary as they work
through their assignments
and are exposed to my
examples and non-

Notes for next lesson:

o Strengths/Weaknesses of Lesson
Some strength regarding the lesson is that the students were scaffolded in order to reach the objective. Also, a weakness might
have been that the students could have been given more prior knowledge before the lesson started. Some students still lacked
the concept of what constitutes an image of the past compared to a picture of the present.

o Students needing more help

Students needing more help can be retaught some (hopefully not all) the information in a small group. More information from
the use of videos or articles can be provided.
When students needed more help, they were given the opportunity to ask their peers during think-pair-share and even ask me
during large group instruction.

o Content adaptations
o The adaptations that were added for the students that required it were beneficial because the students were able to gain a deeper
understanding in order to build background knowledge on top of what was learned in the previous lesson.

o Reading skills

In the next lesson I could incorporate more strategies for reading such as close reading, highlighting important information and
summarizing the main idea.

o Vocabulary clarification
I will provide students with multiple opportunities to read and write the new vocabulary words. We will highlight the unknown
words and I will discuss more thoroughly as a whole group.
I could use more vocabulary activities such as: using the word in a sentence with a sentence frame and creating vocabulary
cards for each student.


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