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Millicent Atkins School of Education: Common Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate Name: Rebekah Williams

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Subject: Language Arts


List the Common Core/State Standard(s) to be addressed in this lesson.


Decode multisyllable words.


Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on
grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.


Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.


Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
when writing.

List the Rationale (cite theories or theorists):

Lev Vygotsky believed that social interactions influence our cognitive growth. Vygotsky encouraged more
interactive activities in the classroom that promote cognitive growth. He believed that an individual gains
knowledge through first-hand experiences and collaboration with other individuals. Scaffolding was one of
Vygotsky’s main theories and he believed that children need scaffolding in order to gain knowledge on new
ideas. Scaffolding is the practice in which a teacher provides several different supports for a student
through different learning experiences. In the beginning, a teacher will provide much support for the
students, but the teacher will gradually lessen the amount of support so that the student is able to
complete the new idea on their own without the help of the teacher. I will be using scaffolding in this
lesson by teaching the students the different vocabulary words and their definitions.

List the learning objective(s) to be addressed in this lesson (specific, measurable, attainable, timebound).
Use the following format: “Students will be able to…”

The students will be able to define the following vocabulary words (relatives, recognized, population,
caretakers, resources, success, survive, and threatened). The students will be able to accurately write a
sentence using each of the vocabulary words (relatives, recognized, population, caretakers, resources,
success, survive, and threatened).

Describe how the learning objective(s) and the learning outcomes is/are appropriate for the
age/developmental level of the students.

The common core state standards establish the importance of students continually building their
vocabulary and word knowledge. The students should continually be learning new vocabulary words, what
the vocabulary words meanings are, and how to accurately and appropriately use the vocabulary words in
sentences. At any age, a student should learn the importance of communication, because it is an important
life skill that needs to be continually developed throughout school.

Describe the Classroom Demographics: (e.g., ethnicities; gender ratios; special needs, including those of
gifted students, those of students’ physical needs, and those due to cultural characteristics).

20 students total

10 boys

1 of these boys is virtual only

10 females
4 on IEPs

Describe your Knowledge of Students: (in terms of the whole class and individual students)

(e.g., language needs; approaches to learning; prior learning and experiences; academic
proficiencies/behavioral differences; areas of interest).

All students can speak English; four students are English language learners.

All students are a month behind due to COVID-19 and school closings.

List the materials/resources you will need to teach the lesson.


White Board

White Board Markers

Fly swatters

True and False Vocabulary Worksheets

Sentence Vocabulary Worksheets

Apple TV - stream the powerpoint


Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology that you plan to incorporate into the lesson and explain how it
will enhance instruction and student learning.

We will incorporate a Smartboard into the lesson. It will help enhance the instruction and students
learning by allowing interaction between the students and the lesson. The students will be able go up to
the Smartboard and interact with the lesson. We incorporate PowerPoint into the lesson. It will help
enhance the lesson by giving the students a visual representation of the vocabulary words.
Accommodations: Base this on the information you provided for Classroom Demographics and
Knowledge of Students above.

Describe the accommodations/differentiation/modifications you will use to meet the needs of all learners
and accommodate differences in students’ learning, culture, language, etc. *

Two students can use the accommodation of using a slanted surface while completing their worksheets. The same
two students can also use pencil grippers to help their writing.

Pre-Assessment: Describe the instrument or process you will use to measure students’ level of
understanding toward the learning objective(s) prior to teaching the lesson.

The students will complete the true and false vocabulary worksheet. They will fill in the blanks on whether
the vocabulary words (resources, caretakers, recognized, relatives, population, success, threatened, and
survive) were used correctly in the sentences. If they were used correctly, then the students will write true.
If they were used incorrectly, then the students will write false.

Pre-Assessment: Describe how the results of the pre-assessment (what the students have demonstrated
they know) will be used to design the lesson objectives, instruction, and post-assessment. (Include charts,
graphs if applicable)

After the students filled out the pre-assessment, I noticed that they knew the majority of the vocabulary
words. Six of the students got all of the questions correct. Ten of the students had three or less of the
questions incorrect. Two of the students had more than three of the questions incorrect.

Classroom Management

Identify the management and motivational strategies you will use to meet student behavioral/developmental needs
in order to keep students on task and actively engaged throughout the lesson.

In order to maintain the classroom management, I will use nonverbal communication by using hand
signals. I will use my fingers to show 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. This will demonstrate the amount of time that the
students have in order to be quiet (5 being the beginning of the countdown and 0 being the end and them
needing to be quiet. I will establish this technique at the beginning of the year, so that the students know
what is expected of them. I will also use an attention getter “Class, class” and the students will answer
“Yes, yes” in order to also get the students attention before moving to the next task. Proximity is another
classroom management strategy. I will move around the classroom and not stand in one place for too long.
If these strategies do not work, then I will seek other disciplinary actions according to the misbehavior.

“I Do”

(Teacher introduces lesson and models expected outcome(s) of learning objectives)

Describe what instructional strategies you will use to model/explain/demonstrate the knowledge and skills
required of the objective.

● The teacher will begin the day by having the students complete the true and false vocabulary
worksheet. This will serve as their pre-assessment and as their morning warmup.

● After each of the students are done taking the quiz, allow the students to keep their own quiz and
have them correct their quizzes in order to see how well they understand the information. Use the
answer guide to go over the answers with the students. (there is a picture of the answer guide
below as a reference.)

● After correcting the quiz with the students, ask the students to put their pencils down but keep the
paper in front of them.

● Pull up the PowerPoint slides that have the vocabulary words and their definitions on the
Smartboard. The PowerPoint will show a vocabulary word on separate slides. Each slide will have
the definition of the word and a couple of ways that the word can be used in a sentence. (There are
pictures of the PowerPoint slides after the students post-assessment worksheets for reference.)

● Begin the lesson by going over each definition of the words, discuss different ways the definitions
could be stated, and discuss the different ways that the words can be used in a sentence.

● After going over the PowerPoint, ask the students if there were any vocabulary words that they
would like to discuss a little more.

“We Do”

(Teacher engages students in guided practice)

Describe the learning activities you will use to provide students multiple opportunities to practice the skills and
content needed to meet the learning objective(s).

● The teacher will use the whiteboard and whiteboard markers to write the following vocabulary
words (curiosity, permanent, balance, intelligence, invisible, concentrate) in different spots on the

● The teacher will then split the class into two teams. (Team A and Team B)

● The teacher will call one student from Team A and one student from Team B up to the board and
give them a fly swatter.

● The students with the fly swatter will face away from the words written on the board.

● The teacher will read a definition of one of the vocabulary words written on the board or use one of
the vocabulary words on the board in an example sentence.

● After the definition or example sentence of the vocabulary word is read aloud by the teacher, the
two students with the fly swatters can turn around.

● The student with the fly swatter that hits the vocabulary word first gets a point for their team. If the
student can give the teacher another example sentence using the same word, they can earn their
team another point

● The round is over and now a different student from Team A and Team B may come to the board
and repeat the process until everyone on each team has gone at least two times so they can learn
more vocabulary words.

● The students who are not currently holding the fly swatter will watch their teammate play quietly
and be thinking in their own heads what the answer would be.

● The team at the end with the most points wins and can get a special treat from the teacher.

“You Do”

(Students engage in independent practice)

Describe what the students will do to independently practice the knowledge and skills required by the lesson

● Now that the class has gone over each of the vocabulary words several times, the students will then
receive the sentence vocabulary worksheet.

● The worksheet is over the eight vocabulary words (population, recognized, success, resources,
caretakers, relatives, survive, threatened).
● The students will be instructed to use a word from the box on the worksheet to correctly answer
the questions. They will also be asked to use the word in a sentence.

● Once the students have completed the worksheet by themselves, they will be able to check their
answers with a classmate. Place the students with partners to check their answers.

● After each group has checked their answers, the class will go over the worksheet as a class.

Lesson Closing

Describe how you will reemphasize the lesson objective(s) and any skills/content that were taught in an
interactive manner (whole/small group, etc.).

The students and I will review the definitions of each of the vocabulary words. Allow the students to read
one sentence off of their worksheet and their classmates will guess which vocabulary word was used in the
sentence. Once all the students who wanted to share a sentence have shared one, then do a final review
of the vocabulary words.

Post-Assessment: APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson post-assessment you will use to measure
students’ level of understanding toward the learning objectives after teaching the lesson.

The students will complete the same worksheet described in the pre-assessment. However, if the word is not used
correctly in the sentence, then the students will still write false, but fix the mistake by rewriting the sentence to
make it a true statement.

Post Assessment: Based on the results of the Pre and Post-Assessment, to what extent did students achieve the
learning goals/objective of the lesson? Cite examples from the lesson plan, assessments, and/or video.

If applicable, insert a table/chart/graph before your explanation.

At the beginning of the lesson, only six of the students knew all eight of the vocabulary words and ten
students who had three or less of the questions incorrect. Although, two students who were unable to
have the majority of the questions correct. Sixteen of the eighteen students could correctly answer the
majority of the pre-assessment questions correctly.

At the end of the lesson, thirteen of the eighteen students were able to correctly answer all eight of the
post-assessment questions. Three of the eighteen students were able to correctly answer seven of the
eight post-assessment questions. Two of the eighteen students were able to correctly answer five of the
eight post-assessment questions.

Reflect on your instructional strategies, interactions with students, and classroom management strategies. Describe
what went well and what areas you need to revise in the future. Cite examples (from video) that support your

Describe revisions that you could make if you were to teach this lesson again. Why would you make each revision?
Cite examples from the lesson plan, video and/or student work that would prompt revisions.

Overall, I was very pleased with how the lesson went. While I was giving the lesson, the students interacted greatly
with the lesson and helped make experience enjoyable. The students were very well behaved throughout the entire
lesson. There were times that I had to calm the students down while playing the game, but other than that they
listened and interacted well. The classroom management strategies that I had set in this lesson plan were very
similar to the strategies that the teacher had already set. She had signs hanging around the room with the strategies
and so it was easy to determine what her strategies already were. I never really had to use either of the strategies
that I had set, but I knew that the students would already know what was expected of them since they were similar
to the ones that their teacher had set. There are parts of the lesson that I wouldn’t change, such as the I do part and
the game. The students seemed to learn much from the I do part and enjoyed the game very much. I didn’t have any
problems with the students not wanting to interact with the I Do. The game was a fun way to have the students
compete against each other, while also learning the definitions to the words. They seemed to understand the
definitions of the words, because all of the students were able to use the word in a sentence when they won their
round. The students also showed that they were understanding the words and their definitions in the post-
assessment. The number of students who answered all of the questions correctly on the post-assessment increased
greatly, which means that the majority of the class understood the lesson. Although there were parts of the lesson
that went well, I would revise a few parts of the lesson. The long of the game in the We Do section seemed to be too
long, so I would limit the number of definitions to be only repeated twice and no more than that. Another revision
that I would make would be to allow more time for the students to work on their You Do worksheet. Since the game
lasted longer than I had thought, there wasn’t as much time for the students to work on their worksheets.

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