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Industry: PHYSICAL or MENTAL services

EX: CONSULTANT (giving advices) in a partnership within the context of industry (mental service)

INTENTIONS in a contract of Partnership:

1. Division of Profits & Losses

2. Exercise of profession or vocation
3. Particular Partnership (Art. 1783)

Article 1783. A particular partnership has for its object determinate things, their use or fruits, or a specific undertaking, or the exercise of a
profession or vocation. (1678)

SPECIFIC UNDERTAKING- application is the LT and LAs (annotation of Assigned Topic)

Profession: entails degree

Vocation: application of skills that is learned / does not required degree

o Culinary Arts- Bakery/hotel/Restaurant/food chain

o Welding- auto mechanic
o tailoring- Boutique/tailoring Shop

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