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Vandal Savage

Determined to defeat Zoom, Barry continued to hone his speed. However

he, quickly realized that he was not getting any faster, which Wells
confirmed by pointing out that there were a number of reasons Zoom
was more faster and stronger than Barry. Barry however concluded that
they would just need to figure it out fast. He then went off to meet Patty.
The next day Barry told Joe and Patty that a recent murder at the docks
was committed by one man with the only evidence found being traces of
a crystal that broke off the killers knives. Later at Jitters Cisco and
Kendra were attacked by the same man. Barry quickly came to their aid
and saved Cisco when the man threw a knife at him, which Barry
stopped. This resulted in a grateful Cisco accidentally revealing Barry's
identity to Kendra, much to Barry irritation. Later at S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry
and the team determined that the man who attacked them was the same
one who killed the others at the docks, with Barry noticing that the
daggers were centuries old, and that the man kept referring to Kendra as
a "priestess Chay-Ara," and seemed to know her despite Kendra
claiming she grew up in Wisconsin and had never left the states.
Knowing that the police could not protect Kendra, Barry decided to got
to Oliver and his team for help in Star City. Barry proceeded to rescue
Oliver, Thea, and Diggle from Damien Darhk and his soldiers from
H.I.V.E. At the new Foundry, Kendra was introduced to the rest of the
Arrow team. When Thea suggested a description of the mysterious man,
Barry used his abilities to draw a sketch of the man. Felicity proceeded
to use face recognition software to find a match. When she did she
discovered that the only known photo taken of the man was from 1975
meaning that the man should at least be in his 80's. Oliver proceeded to
question Kendra more. When his questioning started to get harsh Barry
stepped in, only for Oliver to point out that by asking them to help
protect Kendra, and by bringing her to Star City, Barry put all of them in
possible danger. Felicity proceeded to calm him down and suggested
they all go back to their home to relax and catch up.

At Oliver's loft, Barry and Felicity proceeded to catch up and tell each
other about what changes had happened recently in their lives. Barry
then proceeded to go to Oliver and apologize only for Oliver himself to
apologize and tells him that he was glad Barry came to them for help as
it showed real maturity, something Oliver claimed he lacked. Soon after
Oliver made a toast about how great it was to see everyone again. Later
Barry went to Cisco to reassure him that they would keep Kendra safe.
Cisco proceeded to tell him that when he kissed Kendra he got a "vibe"
of seeing her with wings like a bird with a suit to match. When Barry
asked him why he didn't share this information sooner, Cisco told him it
was because he thought it was unrelated until now and asked Barry not
to tell her about his powers. Not wanting to risk damaging their
relationship, Barry agreed to not say anything. Suddenly the man broke
through the window of the loft. Barry quickly fetched Oliver's bow and
arrows but the attacker begun throwing knives at everyone, forcing
Oliver to engage him while Barry protected everyone. Eventually Oliver
managed to shoot two arrows into the man's shoulders but Thea
impulsively shot the man in the chest and he fell off the balcony. To their
surprise, however, the man was nowhere to be found. Back at the
Foundry the group tried to find out more about the mysterious man, until
Barry suggested they use Cisco's powers. Cisco proceeded to tell
Kendra about his abilities and the vision he got of her. Suddenly
Malcolm Merlyn and the League of Assassins appeared and revealed the
man's name was Vandal Savage: an immortal who has lived over
centuries. Malcolm told them they could not protect Kendra, but Barry
told Malcolm he was wrong and they could. Later when Hawkman
abducted Kendra, Green Arrow and Flash searched for her and found
Hawkman, and the two engaged him. He proved capable of fighting them
both. After working together they managed to subdue Hawkman and
brought him back to the foundry where they questioned him, but he was
only interested in Kendra who he also addressed as Chay-Ara. Upon
being asked the man identified himself as Carter Hall but revealed that
he was really the Egyptian Prince Khufu, and he and Chay-Ara were
lovers who have reincarnated over the centuries after their deaths to find
each other in each life. Carter also revealed that Savage has, for
centuries, hunted down both Kendra and himself and has killed them
206 times, as their life-force is tethered to his, and every time he kills
them, he becomes stronger with his immortality and healing reinforced.
Barry was confident they could kill Vandal but Malcolm arrived again to
inform them Savage has left and is now searching for the Staff of Horus,
which will make him near impossible to defeat. Carter suggested that he
be allowed to show Kendra how to activate her powers and memories.
Going to the top of a building Carter suggested Kendra jump off to
unlock her potential. When she began to hesitate Carter pushed her only
for Barry to save her. When he suggested she try again, Barry and Cisco
refused. Oliver then pulled Barry aside and asked why he was acting the
way he was, with Barry admitting that he felt the rules of how they stop
evil keeps changing and how even with powers he still feels powerless.
Oliver told Barry however that he had already done enough and after
making a joke about Kendra giving him a "lift" back to Central City, they
realized that's where the staff was located after remembering Kendra felt
drawn to Central City, and came to the conclusion that both her and
Carter are attracted to the items that destroy them, or are from their past.
Felicity located the staff at a church in Central City. Oliver and Barry
raced towards Central City to try and stop Savage, only for him to beat
them to it. Oliver and Barry proceeded to try and take the staff away from
Savage only for him to overpower them with the staffs power. Savage
proceeded to blow the church up using the staff with Barry racing both
him and Oliver to safety. Doubting Savage blew himself up the two
considered the current situation a tie.

As Malcolm Merlyn arranged a meeting to negotiate with Savage along

with Green Arrow and the Flash, while running to the meeting, Barry saw
a transparent version of himself come out of a wormhole before
dissipating, hinting he would travel back in time soon. Savage
demanded Kendra and Carter, or Central and Star City would be
annihilated. As Cisco developed gloves to take the Staff of Horus from
Savage to kill him, Barry and Oliver go and free Kendra and Carter
before Savage kills them. Kendra's powers don't work, leading to her
and Carter's death, making Savage near impossible to hurt. Barry uses
the Staff against him to little effect along with Oliver. Oliver tells Barry to
run, as he's fast enough, before Savage takes the Staff and wipes out
Central City with a magical blast, but not before Barry runs through a
wormhole to allow him to re-live the last day. With encouragement from
Oliver, Barry helps fix what went wrong before, allowing him and Green
Arrow to vaporize Savage into ash with the Staff, destroying the weapon
itself, and ending Savage for a time.

A rogue team up
To be added.

The Reverse-Flash returns

While trying to find a way to defeat Zoom, a meta-human named Russel

Glosson appears. Barry tries to stop him from stealing Vandervoort
diamonds at the CCPD but Glosson gets away. Believing where he
would appear next, Barry and the team go the the Central City Museum
to stop him. He invites Patty to come with him and when Glosson shows
up Barry tries to stop him but he drops a chandelier on top of Patty
which causes to push her and get hit instead. He later visits her at her
apartment who was upset at him believing he left her and after a small
argument Barry leaves. He later discovers Glosson kidnaps Patty and
goes after them. After an initial struggle Flash finally defeats him and
saves Patty. While Flash was on patrol Cisco informed him of a runaway
chemical truck but Flash was unable to stop it as someone rigged it, and
was set to collide with a building and destroy an entire city block.
Fortunately Flash found a spanner and literally unbolted all the tires,
causing the truck to stop. However Flash was soon informed by Cisco
that Turtle was dead and sped back to S.T.A.R. Labs, unaware he was
being watched. At S.T.A.R. Labs Caitlin examined Turtle and deduced
the cause of death was severe brain trauma and Jay noted it occurred
the same night he was captured. Jay was quick to blame Harry but he
denied any involvement as Barry went back to the precinct to follow up
on the runaway truck case. While there however he was very shut off
with Patty in regards to her leaving which she couldnt understand, but
Barry simply stated that everyone he loves leaves eventually. Later
Flash responded to a break in at Mercury Labs but was horrified to see
the trespasser was a still alive Reverse-Flash, though Reverse-Flash was
surprised to hear Barry call him by his real name and didnt seem to be
aware of his death. Instead Reverse-Flash simply told Flash that he knew
what time period he was from and that soon he would die, and Reverse-
Flash knocked him out and abducted Tina McGee. At S.T.A.R. Labs
Harry surmised that Eobard is still alive because this is a younger
version who hasnt yet traveled back in time to kill Nora, and travelling
through the Speed Force protected him from timeline changes thus
protecting him from Eddies death thus leaving a timeline remnant of the
Eobard who would eventually go back in time and kill Nora. While the
team worked on finding Eobard, Barry talked to Caitlin about Tinas
abduction but she revealed that Jay was dying of an illness caused by
Zoom taking his speed, but believed the way to cure him was to replace
his dying cells with healthy ones but there was only one way to achieve
this: His Earth One doppelganger.

At the police station Patty asked Barry to look over the evidence from
the truck incident which he agreed to but was distant with her, which
Patty didnt understand why he was doing so but he simply said that
everyone he loves leaves him eventually. Much later Patty, after looking
over old case files and after learning of Barry and Joes connection to
S.T.A.R. Labs, learned Barry was the Flash and confronted him about it.
Barry played dumb but Patty desperately told him he didnt need to lie to
her anymore, understanding why he didnt tell her, but begs him to be
honest now and shell stay. However Barry, not wanting another person
for Zoom to target or stand in the way of her own future, refused to
admit he was the Flash causing Patty to walk away in tears.

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