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Savanah Rincon

Period 5

November 09, 2017

ISSN Project Reflection

The purpose of the project was to create an altar for a loved one who has passed. It is a

popular tradition around the world to do this for The Day of the Dead. The Day of the Dead is to

celebrate the deceased because they have divine permission to visit friends and relatives on

earth and enjoy once again the pleasures of life. When I first received the project I felt kind of

sad to remember the passing of people, but then again its a part of life. I also didnt feel so sad

because they come to visit us. For this project, I had to create an altar for a relative or

somebody I knew who has died. I also had the option to choose a celebrity if I didnt have a

relative who has died.

When I received the project, I couldnt think of anybody to do my project on, because I

wasnt very close to the relatives that have passed. I also didnt want to ask and make their

family sad all over again. My partner Sorayde, did not have any family members who have died

yet, thankfully. So, we asked Ms. Jimenez for help and she told us that we could do her nephew

Adrian. Next, I got Adrians Moms number to ask her questions about her son in order to do this

project. I really wanted to make this project good, because Ms. Jimenez said she was going to

take it to her house and display it so I wanted to make it perfect. Throughout this project I really

feel like I made a new friend. I still text Miss Sylvia occasionally and check in on how she is


I learned that, some people can be going through a rough time and we may not even

know it. It really opened my eyes and now I try to be nicer to everybody. Even the happiest

people can need somebody to talk to. I will forever keep this shared experience in my heart and

I will change because I know that I can be mean sometimes. I had already known that people
can be going through tough times but this felt closer to home because I feel like I now know

Adrian now, when he was once a stranger.

By interviewing Sylvia, we communicated ideas amongst ourselves. I asked her for his

favorite foods so I could know what to put in the altar. Sylvia called me on the phone so it could

be easier and that is how we communicated ideas. I also had to make sure Sorayde knew

everything I did so I had to tell her. That is another way I communicated ideas. As I surfed the

internet, I investigated the world, and I took that information to put into my project. I made sure

to add what my altar should look like and what went inside of it. I also took notes from in class

videos on the Day of the Dead. Interviewing Sylvia is also a way of investigating the world

because she gave me information I didnt know before. I had to recognize how Sylvia felt and

take her feelings into consideration when asking questions. I could not come off as rude,

because first impressions mean everything and i could not come off as rude.

Translation of Paragraph 3: Aprend que, algunas personas pueden estar pasando por un

momento difcil y es posible que ni siquiera lo sepamos. Realmente me abri los ojos y ahora

trato de ser ms amable con todos. Incluso las personas ms felices pueden necesitar a

alguien con quien hablar. Por siempre esta experiencia compartida me se va quedar en mi

corazn y cambiar porque s que a veces puedo ser mala. Ya saba que la gente puede estar

pasando por momentos difciles, pero esto se senta ms cerca de casa porque siento que

ahora conozco a Adrin, cuando una vez fue un extrao.

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