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Assess how this behavior serves you.

Choose to either avoid or activate.

Try out whatever behavior has been chosen.

Integrate any new behaviors into a routine.

Observe the outcome.

Never give up.

Ex: Every morning Stan stays in bed reading the newspaper. Stan has many activities he needs
to do around the house, however he finds them aversive.

A: How does Stans behavior serve him?

C: Based on your assessment of Stan, would you have Stan avoid or activate? (This is always up
to you!!)

T: What can Stan try? (Remember were just trying. We can always stop and try something else.
Were scientists and this is an experiment.)
I: Did something you try work? Or improve the situation? Is something new youre trying
serving you better? How can you integrate it into your life? How can Stan integrate your
solution into his life?

O: What new outcomes do you notice from making this change? What evidence can you
observe that shows you your experiment is a success?

N: How can you encourage yourself to stay motivated? What can you do to help yourself never
give up? What would you tell Stan?

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