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Some people believe that Earth is being damaged by human activity.

Other feel
that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I believe that whatever we do is both making Earth a more comfortable place

to live and damaging it, we cant expect doing no harm while exploiting nature
for our material needs. Although everything we have learned during the
centuries was because of trial and error while having little to no information how
this activities would damage our environment.

As intellectual beings we have built the world around us and developed tools
to protect ourselves from other animals and thats because we are physically
no competition for most of the natures depredators, though intellectually we
have no match being that is precisely what has made us endure and prosper
during time. But not all has to do with surviving from other species, in fact weve
turned to be right now the most ferocious depredators of nature.

Not that theres something wrong with the commodities and technology that we
have developed but, whats wrong is how we have used natural resources
recklessly causing permanent changes in Earth that arent so positive after all.
Some examples are global warming, the millions of extinct and endangered
plants and animals, marine and soil pollution by the excessive demand of fossil
fuels and industrial chemicals.

Its not that were are evil beings that like to destroy everything around them,
its that although we are intellectual beings we are not fully aware of how our
activity for us has a huge impact in our environment and our lives, because we
are risking our health too.

We have to practice consciousness and become aware that we world around

us is not only about us. We must find a balance between our commodities and
the prosperity of this planet we live in.
Should stem cell researches be able to use stem cells from aborted babies to
cure diseases?

Everything that has to do with abortion is somehow for our society a delicate
topic to discuss, and even more controversial is using aborted fetuses to any
clinical or scientifical research. However, when it comes to public health and
finding the cure to a disease that is killing not one, but millions I think that
researches should have the permission to use stem cells from aborted fetuses.

A statistical significant number of miscarried fetuses that were less than 20

weeks old end up being medical waste or being flushed in the toilet, as cruel
as it sounds, thats the reality. If using these human remains can help to cure
a major disease like cancer or multiple sclerosis then Stem Cells researchers
should have the right to use them, anyway there going to end up cremated by
hospitals or somewhere else.

Regarding to fetuses older than 20 weeks old that had died inside of the uterus
or Stillbirths as they are called, the situation becomes more sensitive because
the fetus is almost formed and it should require a permission from the parents
to use the tissue of the fetus in a stem cell research.

Stem cells scientists and researchers should be able to use aborted fetuses as
long as they are considered medical waste.

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