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Personal Statement Anya Simmonds

I have always had a great interest in Interior Designing. This is due to me having a
passion for interior designing which developed form my love of Art and Design, also
from when moving homes. My interest has mainly grown from moving houses and re
decorating the whole house, it has also grown through watching programmes related
to designing homes. I understand that designing the interior is very important as it
makes a place look unique and fit for purpose as it also has to meet someones
preferences. I am applying for this course for the reason that I want to develop my
knowledge of interior designing. In the future I intend to use my creativity and help
people with my decorating ideas and designing to help them make their homes look
attractive also give them what they are looking for. Throughout my A level studies I
have gained and developed many skills in art and design. I have obtained several
skills which I can transfer into designing.

Out of Sixth Form I enjoy visiting art galleries such as the National Art Gallery
London. One artist that had really inspired me during work was Andy Warhol who
changed the viewpoint of pop art and made people realize what it is. I also enjoy
flicking through furniture catalogues where professionals have presented their
furniture in a beautiful way in a room and have decorated it outstandingly.

I am very punctual. I can work within a group effectively and can collaborate very
well with others. I also have very good communication skills when working with
others. I can work individually and can present my work very well to a group. I
mange my time effectively and can meet deadlines when required.

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