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The sea is a large expanse of salt water on the land. The ocean has
ecosystems, tides and currents. There are different ways of calling the
deep, but generally there are two types of waves: the open main and the
closed wide. The open sea are those that connect with the ocean, for
example the Mediterranean Sea. Closed seas are large expanses of closed
salt water, for example the Red Sea.

The Wise Mens summary

When a special baby was born in Bethlehem, the King Herod called the Wise
Men to find this baby. They didnt know where the baby was, but they
followed the star and they found the baby in mothers arms. He had many
gifts, very expensive and king gifts. This night the Wise Men dreamt that
they could not say to King Herod, where was the baby, because he would kill

After an angel advised Joseph to take Jesus and Mary, and run away to
Egipt, here there were safe to King Herod.

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