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Functional Skills English Reading

Level 2 Sample assessment

September 2011
Version 1.0


Source booklet

Fun Day

Do not write your answers in this booklet as this will not be

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question paper.
Document 1 Letter. Use this document to answer questions 1-3, 9 and 13 -15.

253 Adolphus Crescent

New Houghton
PL25 2JA5

14 May 2010

Dear Volunteer

As you are aware, it is time to put into motion our plans for this summers fun day events. As agreed at
last weeks volunteers meeting, we will once again hold the event in Fallow Park.

The meeting was well attended by members of the New Houghton residents committee as well as the
usual volunteers.

Please remember that this is a community day and we want to attract visitors of all ages. Regrettably, we
can offer no payment for entertainment provided on the day, although a free lunch and accommodation
for those contributors who require it is available. You will have to use your powers of persuasion to
convince entertainers and others to take part! After all, it is for a good cause.

While we currently have a team of twenty volunteers, we can expect over five hundred visitors to our fun
day so I would like to invite you to recommend volunteering for GoGreen fun day to your friends. I am
sure you are aware of the many positive aspects of volunteering for us. Not only is it an excellent way to
meet up with new people and have some fun, its a chance to learn new skills too. You could even include
it on your CV to impress potential employers!

Please send your suggestions for activities and the details of any bookings you have made to me by post
or via email. All information must be received by Friday 21st May so I can discuss them with you at
Mondays meeting.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours faithfully,

Tessa Davies
Volunteer Co-ordinator
07749 83440

Functional Skills English Reading sample assessment

Document 2 an internet discussion forum. Use this document to answer questions 4-
9 and 13-15.

Author Topic: GoGreen fun day 2009

RobbieD 25 August 2009 23:30 PM

This was the best experience ever! I made some fantastic friends and had
such a laugh even though it rained. I would recommend volunteering for
GoGreen to people of all ages and interests. I will definitely be working for
them this year, GoGreen are the best! Not sure what Ill be doing yet so Ill
keep you posted. Ive become much more confident with people since I
started volunteering at these events; Im ready for anything now! Its great to
think Im doing something useful. Id love to do a big sculpture competition. It
would be a chance to put some of my art skills to use. Thanks to GoGreen
for the opportunity of a lifetime!

Mikey 26 August 2009 11:04 AM

(Ex-volunteer) When I volunteered to help out at last years fun day, I thought it would be all
fun and games. Little did I know that I would spend most of the morning
trying to sell tickets to strangers hiding under umbrellas in the pouring rain! A
lot of activities were cancelled and some of the other volunteers decided to
set up activities on the hoof. Two of them started a tug-of-war contest which
was popular judging by the crowd that gathered around that part of the field. I
was promised a free lunch but forgot to go to the food tent and didnt get so
much as a soggy sandwich. I wont be volunteering again in a hurry!

Omar 26 August 2009 16:40 PM

I loved the fun day because all of us volunteers got the chance to meet up at
the end and celebrate our success. Its good to put something back into the
community I got a real pleasure from making the visitors happy. Although
we got wet this didnt affect the overall mood. The best part was the tug-of-
war me and Rob organised. A great time was had by all. This year Id like to
take on more responsibility, maybe I could help the band set up their gear.

Suri 27 August 2009 12:10 PM

The steel band was a big hit and I had fun joining in their drumming
workshop in the afternoon. It was a shame that Raw Message couldnt make
it on the day. Lets hope they can play at next years event.

Shaun 27 August 2009 13:29 PM

The best bit for me was the street dancing in the big marquee. One of the
dancers was only eight but had some great moves! Im looking forward to the
next event.

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Functional Skills English Reading sample assessment

Document 3 - an article from a local newspaper. Use this document to answer
questions 10-15.

Record rainfall on Fallow fun day

Monday 26 August 2009

By Regan Dodds

Rain was the main visitor to GoGreens fund-raising event at Fallow Park on Saturday but organisers and
visitors did not let the weather dampen their enthusiasm on the day. I for one had a great day and,
judging from all the smiles around, so did everyone else.

No-go zone
Free rock climbing lessons, paint-balling and a concert by local band Raw Message were just some of the
activities lined up but which had to be cancelled due to problems with access to the main fields. The park
entrance and fields became increasingly water-logged and inaccessible to vehicles so essential
equipment such as the climbing wall could not be set up.

Giving it some welly!

Not that this deterred event organisers or visitors. Many events did go ahead and others, such as a mud
wrestling contest in fancy-dress, were improvised on the day. Fancy dress costumes were rapidly
fashioned from bin liners and sticky tape. Instead of paint-balling there was welly-boot throwing. One
amused volunteer, Amber McAlroy told The Echo, It was brilliant! This young girl threw the rubber boot
so far it nearly hit the mayor!

Paws for thought

Dog owners were encouraged to join the alternative Wet Crufts competition, although judges were
obliged to appoint first prize (a packet of dog treats) to one of only two contestants. Gilly the Labrador,
who took second place, refused to muddy her paws by walking up and down the small enclosure.

Enthusiastic volunteers even organised a tug-of-war competition on the spur of the moment. Ibrahim
Habib, a local student commented, The atmosphere was great. I was on the winning team in the tug-of-
war and got completely covered in mud but it was all part of the fun. My girlfriend thought I was mad. It
turned what was a potential wash-out into a really brilliant and eventful day.

Go Green
GoGreen coordinator Tessa Davies said: Everyone has pulled together to make this rainy day a success
and we still managed to raise 500. There were plenty of activities to keep everybody happy; the
tombola kept turning, the horse and cart kept all the kids moving and the rain just made the burgers and
teas taste better!

Functional Skills English Reading sample assessment

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Functional Skills English Reading sample assessment

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