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Recently, hypertension is the main cause of complication which can even lead to death.
One of the most obvious impact and complication of hypertension is the degression of
cognitive function, especially to the elderly.
This research aims to discover the correlation between the length of history as a
hypertension patient and the degression of cognitive function of elderly in Posyandu
Lansia Puskesmas Padang Bulan region. This research is done by cross sectional study
method. The research sample is taken from the elderly in Posyandu Lansia Puskesmas
Padang Bulan region by consecutive sampling. Respondent with history of high blood
pressure will have their cognitive function tested by MMSE (Mini Mental State
Examination). The data will be examined by bivariate analysis using Chi Square test in
SPSS. Based on data collected, there are 16 elderly respondents who have hypertension
less than 5 years, 14 of them (87,5%) have no cognitive function degression, while 2
others (12,5%) do. In the other hand, there are 34 elderly respondents who have
hypertension for five years and above. Fifteen of them (44,1 %) have no cognitive
function degression, while the rest 19 person (55,9 %) do. Based on analysis dta using
Chi Square test, value of p = 0,004 is obtained, therefore the result of this research in
considered as significant and it is proven that there is correlation between the length of
history as a hypertension patient and the degression of cognitive function in elderly.

Keywords : hypertension, degression of cognitive function, cognitive impairment

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