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Critical Reflection (Post- Presentation)

1. How prominent was your groups inquiry question when you were engaging in
your planning?

It was not very prominent for us as a group however I do feel like we stayed true to it because it
was based around learning and teaching but we always knew what topics we wanted to cover
and that allowed us to not constantly refer back to the inquiry question.

2. How did you ensure all teaching and learning activities were tightly aligned to
your inquiry question for the lesson?

We kept in mind what we wanted which was to focus on how multiculturalism affects students
and teachers while doing our research and using our stories to connect the ED 2500 students
with this material affecting teaching experience or being a teacher over all.

3. When were your students most engaged?

They were most engaged when we did our activity, as soon as we said think about the
ethnicities in your school, everyone started talking and engaging with others.
Also when we asked them questions, most of them had some stories or comments
related to multiculturalism either in their own schools or in practicum.
Then although the video was more for comedic effect, the students were very engaged
and laughed at the things you shouldnt do in a work or even school setting.

4. When were your students least engaged?

I would say they are less engaged when talking about the new curriculum, because it was mainly
factual and not a super interesting topic to simply talk about in a presentation in my view.

5. Reflecting on the lessons of your classmates, what did they do that was most
effective for your learning? (be specific)

For my learning I enjoy visual aids so for example in the bullying presentation they had the video
about the birds picking on the big bird, which is a good way to start off a presentation, then
afterwards they got us to see what types of bullying was present in that video, so tying the
information presented to the video.

6. Discuss two insights this project has granted you about teaching.

That there is a fair amount of planning put into an activity of 3-4 minutes let alone a
whole lesson on a topic itself.
To be inventive in how you engage your students, so they retain the information better.
For example again visual aids.

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