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Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Bacillariophyta
Class: Bacillariophyceae
Order: Melosirales
Family: Melosiraceae
Genus: Melosira
Species: Melosira Hyperborea.

Melosira Hyperborean is a genus of Bacillariophyta.Based on the observation under a light
microscope visible thread-like filaments, the cell walls are composed of silica. Melosira is part of
the fresh water and marine phytoplankton. Cylindrical cells, usually connected with a
straight-chain, thick-walled valve and cosmopolitan distribution.

Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Bacillariophyta (Diatoms)
Class: Bacillariophyceae
Order: Pleurosigmales
Family: Pleurosigmaceae
Genus: Pleurosigma
Species: Pleurosigma affinis.

Pleurosigma affinis is a diatom genus of 5-10 m length, microscopic algae characterized by a
silica cell wall, are structurally similar to the clam shell clams. Usually Reproduction is by cell

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