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Unit I

MIS : It is an integrated sys which is used to collect, correlate, & collectively display inf to meet the specific needs of
various levels of management. It helps in making decision & taking actions for fulfilling the objectives of an

Functions of MIS :

1. Gathers data from internal & external sources of org.; 2. Process the data to convert it into inf.; 3. It supplies the
processed data i.e. mgmt inf to managers to assist them in the function of dec making purpose.

Purpose of MIS :

It is composed of 3 elements : 1. Management; 2. Inf; 3. System.

Levels of Mgmt :

1. Top
2. Middle
3. Lower

Types of inf :

1. Structured inf.; 2. Unstructured inf.; 3. Internal inf.; 4. External inf.

Types of information system :

1. Executive Support System (ESS) 2. Decision Support System (DSS)

3. Mgmt Inf Sys (MIS) 4. Knowledge work sys (Expert sys)
5. Office automation sys (OAS) 6. Transaction processing sys (TPS)


Objectives of MIS :

1. Identifying inf needed at all levels of mgmt (a. Initialising inf. need, b. Ask ques about the need, c. Suggesting
interpretation of that need, d. Detailing the original status, e. Review with the mgmt); 2. Listening objectives of MIS
anticipated benefits; 3. Identifying sys constraints (internal constraints are : a. Top mgmt support, b. Orgnl policies, c.
Personal need & availability, d. Cost & res.s, e. Acceptance); 4. Determining inf. needs & resources; 5. Developing
alternative conceptual designing & selecting one; 6. Preparing the conceptual design report.

Approaches of MIS development & growth :

1. Top down approach; 2. Bottom up approach; 3. Integrative approach; 4. Traditional approach; 5. Prototype
approach; 6. End user dev approach; 7. Systematic approach for dev. in small org.
Components of TPS :

1. Input; 2. Processing; 3. Storage; 4. Output.

Methods for processing transactions:

1. Online entry with immediate processing;

2. Online entry with subsequent processing; 3. Batch processing.


Objectives of DSS :

1. It should support the mgmt judgment rather than replacing it; 2. It should assist the managers in making
effectiveness rather than its efficiency; 3. It should improve the managers dec making effectiveness rather than its

Components of DSS :

1. DB Mgmt Sys; 2. Model mgmt sys; 3. Support tools.

Functions of DSS :

1. Model building; 2. What it analysis; 3. Goals seeking; 4. Risk analysis; 5. Graphical analysis.

Tools of DSS :

1. Linear programming; 2. Mat. req. planning; 3. Queuing theory; 4. Description analysis; 5. Correlation analysis;
6. Variance analysis; 7. Transportation prob.; 8. Network analysis; 9. Max. flow of distance; 10. Regression
analysis; 11. Dynamic prob.; 12. Multidimensional scaling; 13. Maskav process.

Application of DSS :

1. Supply chain mgmt; 2. Customer relationship mgmt; 3. Geographic inf. sys.; 4. Web based customer dec. support


Components of EIS :

1. Executive; 2. Database (a. Data warehouse, b. Data mart.); 3. EIS software (a. Personal productivity s/w, b. Pre written
EIS s/w, c. Customise EIS s/w.); 4. EIS output.

EIS dev. process :

Defining EIS Design EIS Developing & procuring Design EIS

database EIS s/w. output
Features of AI :

1. It is manmade unlike human intelligence which emerges from human brains. Therefore it does not fully think the
way as humans do, though efforts are being made for understanding such kind of thinking.

2. AI is a type of comp prog that enable the comp to think or behave the programmer wants it.

3. Unlike the inf. sys. which provide inf. about the status of the phenomenon or object, AI has the potential to extent
ers problem, solving ability, beyond his normal capabilities.

Characteristics of Expert sys :

1. It performs prob solving work of human; 2. It represents knowledge in the form of rules & frames; 3. It ineracts
with human; 4. It can consider multiple hypothesis
hy simultaneously.

Components of Expert Sys :

1. User Interface; 2. Knowledge Based; 3. Inference Engine; 4. Development Engine.

Expert Sys Dev. Process :

Prob Creation Specification Dev. of Testing & Actual

identification of dev. of rule set prototype. refining Dev.
team prototype


System Devlopment :

Types of Sys :
types of

open & close abstract & formal &
& probabilistic
sys physical sys. informal sys

Concepts related to system :

1. Boundary; 2. Interface; 3. Black box; 4. Decomposition; 5. Integration.

Elements of a sys :

1. Input; 2. Process; 3. Output; 4. Feedback & control.


input process output

System Dev./ Phases on SDLC :

desigining the devplng the testing & implementing &
probs, determining inf. analysing sys.
recommended documentary maintaining the evaluating the
oppurtunities & reqd needs
s/w s/w sys. sys.

Note :implementing & evaltng sys involves - a. Training, b. Conversion. c. Evaluation.

Sys. Dev. Approach :

1. Waterfall model; 2. Proto-typing model; 3. Requirement gathering; 4. Spiral model; 5. Incremental model

Lets discuss them now :

1. Waterfall model :

Phases :
(iii) design
(i)Feasibility (ii) reqmnt (v) testing
study analysis &
(iv) coding (vi) maintenance

Drawbacks :

1. this model states that entire model should be frozen before the start of dev. process; 2. It requires formal
documentation after each phase 3. It provides the working model to the client at the end of the dev. phase; 4. The
model lacks any feedback path to the proceeding phase of the SDLC.

2. Proto-typing model : analysis

This model overcomes the waterfall model. The toy implementation enables the Customer type
client to play with the proto-type & evaluate the functionalities provided in it to get the feel
of actual sys. to be developed. This model is for those who req. client feedback. design


3. Evolutionary model : testing

It is iterative in nature & in each new iteration achieves a

completely new enhanced version.

4. Spiral model :

Invented by BOGAM (comp scientist).

It is combination of : waterfall + proto-typing = spiral.

It consists of 6 regioins : 1. Client comm.; 2. Planning; 3. Risk

analysis; 4. Engineering; 5. Construction & release;
6. Client evaluation.
5. Incremental model :

There are three phases in incremental model : 1. Design; 2. Implementation; 3. Analysis.

This model is devlpd in various incremental steps. Each step adds some functionalities to the existing version of s/w
until its fully devlpd.

Description Description Description

Implementation Implementation Implementation

Analysis Analysis Analysis

Increment I Increment II Increment III

Predetermined objectives of system analysis :

1. Knowledge of sys operation; 2. Identification of user req. in the proposed sys.

Determination of req.s :

1. Req. anticipation; 2. Req. investigation; 3. Req. specification

Structured analysis tools :

The various struc analysis tools reqd to dev. sys are :

1. Data flow diag.; 2. Data dictionary; 3. The dec. Tree; 4. Dec. Table

Lets discuss them now :

1. Data flow diag. :

DFD is a technique used to specify how data flows b/w functs. of sys. Basic elements of a DFD are entity, diags, data
flow, data store, & process.

Types :

1. Physical DFD; 2. Logical DFD; 3. Context diag.; 4. The 0 level DFD

2. Data dictionary :

It is an orgnsd cllction of all relevant sys data elements. It is a catalogue of data elements of the sys. It stores the
description & details of data flows & data stores.

Attributes :

1. data element; 2. Data description; 3. Aliases; 4. Length; 5. Data values; 6. Data names; 7. Data struc.

Data Name Data Description No. of Characters

F name First name 8
L name Last name 8
Add Address 7
Phn Phone number 11
Dob Date of birth 11
3. The Dec. Tree :

Condition action
ROOT action

Condition action


4. Dec. Table :

The dec. tree consists of 2 parts : 1. STUB; 2. ENTRY.

It includes the foll. :

1. Cond.; 2. Cond. Alternatives; 3. Action; 4. Action entry.

Sys. Design :
The identification of data reqd. includes : 1. Identifying the data source; 2. The nature & the type of available data;
3. Data gap.

Levels of Sys. Design :

1. Conceptual design :

Foll.are steps involved in conceptual design :

problem set sys. constrant determination devlpmnt of preparation of
identification objectives identification of inf. reqd. various res.s report
Unit III

Types of inf :

1. Strategic; 2. Practical; 3. Operational.

Quality of inf :

1. Timeliness; 2. Accuracy; 3. Relevant; 4. Adequate; 5. Completeness; 6. Explicitness; 7. Exception based.

Types of inf sources :

1. Primary & 2. Secondary.

Classification of inf :

On the On the
general basis of basis of
application usage

Action Vs planning organisational

No Action
control database

Recurring Vs
Non Recurring knowledge operational

Internal Vs

Methods of data information collection :

1. Observation; 2. Experiment; 3. Survey; 4. Subjective estimation; 5. Transaction processing; 6. Purchased from

outside; 7. Publications.

Relevance of inf in dec making :

1. Value of inf

i. certainity; VPI = (V2-V1) - (C2 C1)

ii. risk & uncertainity.

Unit IV
Information technologies used by comp based information system :

1. Comp h/w tech; 2. Comp s/w tech; 3. Tele comm. network tech; 4. Data resource mgmt tech

Information tech architecture :

1. IT platform; 2. Data resources; 3. Application portfolio

Contemporary dev in IT ?:

1. Inc in computing power; 2. Dec in h/w size; 3. Fast inf comm.; 4. Incrsd user friendliness

Functions of IT :

1. Data capture; 2. Data storage; 3. Data transmission; 4. Data processing; 5. Data manipulation; 6. Data retrieval;
7. Data display

Nature of multimedia data :

1. Text; 2. Graphics ; 3. Images; 4. Animation; 5. Video; 6. Audio

Application of multimedia data :

Some typical applications of multimedia data are :

1. Media commerce; 2. Medical media database; 3. Bio informatics; 4. News & entertainment; 5. Presentations
recording; 6. Bio matrix

Contents in multimedia database :

1. Media data; 2. Media format data; 3. Media keyword data; 4. Media features data

Designing multimedia data :

The foll characteristics have direct or indirect impacts on design of multimedia data :

1. The huge size of multimedia database; 2. Temporal nature of data; 3. Richness of content through media;
4. Complexity of representation & subjective interpretation.

Challenges in designing multimedia databases :

1. The database should be able to manage diff. types of I/P, O/P & storage devices.
2. The database should be able to support diff. platforms & operating sys.
3. The database needs to handle a variety of data compression & storage format.
4. DB must integrate diff. data models.
5. DB needs to offer a variety of query sys for diff. kinds of media.
6. It would have distributed DB features that cover the entire work as the geographic event.
7. Multimedia data may have to be delivered after available network in real time
8. It needs to synchronise multiple media type related to one single multimedia object.

Types of database :

1. Operational DB; 2. Distributed DB; 3. External DB; 4. Hyper media DB

Schema & sub schema of data :

1. Logical view of user data; 2. The view of database administrator (DBA); 3. Logical view.

Database models :
1. Hierarchical DB model;


Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly

Sub Assembly Sub Assembly Sub Assembly Sub Assembly

Part Part Part Part

Component Component Component Componen

2. Network DB model;

Product Assembly Sub Assembly Part Area Component

Area (P) Area (A) Area (SA) (R) Area (C)






3. Relational DB model

Following are the relationship types :

1. One to one; (1:1) 2. One to many; (1:M)


Patient Bed Patient Hospital

Assign Accumulate

3. Many to many. (M:M)


Patient Surgeon


Relationship with data model :

1. Entity; 2. Attributes; 3. Data value; 4. Key attributes; 5. Record.

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