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ID :57947891 & Login Password :ashles007 & Trade Password : 450852

client code 57947891

Pan card : AULPM5794Q

Demat account no. 1204720002370262

My shares remaining

spice jet 16.13 , hundred shares

sun tv 370 , twentyfour shares

lic housing 201.35 , fiftytwo shares

Remaining amount in shares +

Client report trade portfolio (gives total sell/buy and profit/loss table)

.trade derivatives (gives also the above same chart)

Exposure .(gives total funds deposited and total funds used)

In the bank .. rs. 1000 9%s.irs 90per year (rs 8 per month).(for 1600 profir = 144 per

Now in case of share trade.

Spice get share buy @ 1600 =100*16

Now if it is sold @ 2500= 100*25

Pforit will be rs900

Suppose u invested 10000

1.5% goes in dalali .i.e. +rs 150

Also for each year.. +rs100 goes + rs 60 interest per month ie 400 u will have to earn atleast
for 10000

i.e for 100 rs u should earn atleast 4 rs total earned 1.5 rs

for 1000 40 rs

5000..200 rs

8000.320 rs

9000.360 rs

for 10000.400 rstotal earned 150

for 2000800 earned 300

for 300001200 rs

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