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One hour morning study and 2 hrs evening study daily

Do sleep after doing all work

I will do it this time , just concentrate on main points and whatever u are going to study will come in

Each paper= 100 subjective questions

Start date End date Paper Paper Cover 100 sub Electrical
objectively subjectively questions till engg.
study study date
Paper 1: 30 june Till 27 june Till 6 june Till 6 june Nas, ctrl, emi,
21june digital
Paper2: 9 july Till 19 july Till 19 july Till 30 july Machine,
1 july power system
Paper3: 20 july Till 30 july Till 30 july Till 10 aug Power
10 july electronics,
Csat 2 1 aug Till 20 aug NA NA Rest after
doing csat
Csat 1 30 june Till 21 aug NA NA Paper ethics
after CSAT

Practicle time works

7.00 morning

7.00 to 7.30 arrangement of all study material , goods, study table, time planning, motivation
study, to do

7.30 to 8.30vipassana

8.30 to 9.30 objective study and choosing of topics

9.30 to, rest, gazal, story ,song, extracurricular activity, going office .

11.00 to 4.00office time

E paper 30 mins Note down imp pts Use them in evening

Mrunal ,prs , idsa, etc 1 hr Dont note down, try to Dont need to arrange
memorise and arrange them just consult
it in previous papers
Share market 10/ 20 mins Just watch out Once a week stategy
economic scenarios for money planning
and memorise it as it is
CSAT obj study 1 hr Search wiki for each Memorise and ask
obj questions , dont related questions to
note it , memorise yourself and search for
Topic study, print out While studying Keep it for revision Take on record
Module and patent Do it after studying Per day atleast 3 files Check every detail and
and research prepare for interview

4.00 to 6.00 .enjoy, no study , total blank , mindfulness

6.00 to 7.15.Re**

7.15 to 8.00..vipassana 3 days / 3 days meditation

10.00 to 1.00electrical/ subjective study

1.00 to 7.00.meditative sleep and think about death coming next day and u prepare .

Each Sunday and Saturday ..exrtra time remaining is for rei** and meditation.

Phone talk = I am not @ Kolkata , not more than 2 mins talk

Help: in need of emergency

Friends: I m busy

Behaviour : aloof abd energetic

Talk: only for refreshment , not more than 5 mins, shairy andaj

Tea : max 3 times a day

Sociability: talk slow, diplomatic, to the point , no info sharing , info gathering

Help demand from : yes u should acquire help

Alone behaviour: concentrated, mindful, on study table

Relation ship: must be responsible

Money: free to spend toll aug end

Facing: mystique and engaged

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