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Name ____________________

Health Unit Assessment

Directions: Circle the correct answer.

1. What are the functions of our lungs?

a. Breathe air
b. Help us remember things
c. Bring oxygen to our bloodstream
d. Both a and c

2. True or False: When you are resting, your heart beats slowly and
when you are running, it beats faster.
a. True
b. False

3. All liquid milk products and many foods made from milk are
considered which part of the food group?
a. Grains
b. Protein
c. Dairy
d. Fruits

4. During a fire, it is important to

a. Get out fast
b. Get down low
c. Know two ways to escape
d. All the above

5. True or False: Viruses and bacteria are very big and theyre
a. True
b. False
6. What are foods made from meat poultry, seafood, beans andpeas,
eggs, nuts, seeds called?
a. Protein
b. Grains
c. Dairy
d. Vegetables

7. What organ in our body helps us think, feel emotions, make

decisions, and control the rest of our body?
a. Lungs
b. Heart
c. Stomach
d. Brain

8. True or False: The heart is considered to be the center of life.

a. True
b. False

9. You should wash your ______________ before each meal.

a. Mouth
b. Teeth
c. Food
d. Hands

10.Where does our food go after we eat it and then begins to get
a. Lungs
b. Heart
c. Stomach
d. Brain

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