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Vance Havner
12th August 1986

 We have never had more to live on and less to live for.

 Some of the old mystics were really mistakes. They tried to be

more saintly by hiding in caves. Living in a hole never made
anybody holier.

 When a pedestrian with a heavy load is picked up by a motorist,

he puts his burden down in the car; he does not keep it on his
shoulder. The God who can carry you can carry your load. So cast
all your care upon Him for He cares for you.

 Too many Christians live their Christian lives inside their heads; it
never gets out through hands and feet and lips.

 Marriage has been reduced to a joke and is no longer a lifetime

contract. We have cheap marriages and cheap homes because
there are too many cheap people who lack the integrity to keep
any contract.
 Total abstinence is considered Victorian and puritanical. We
discuss what to do about alcoholism, but nobody seems to want to
do much about alcohol. And that is simply a matter of trying to
mop up the floor while you leave the faucet running.

 More Bibles are bought and fewer read than any other book.

 ‘I’ll give her a piece of my mind’ is often the first salvo in a bitter
verbal war. Giving away pieces of our minds is poor business. We
cannot afford it, for one thing, because we do not have that much
mind to spare! And we would have more peace of mind if we gave
away fewer pieces of our minds.

 Too many church services start at eleven o’clock sharp and end at
twelve o’clock dull.

 Two little girls were looking at the great picture of Christ at the
Door. One asked the other, ‘Why don’t they let Him in?’ the other
replied, ‘Maybe they’re down in the basement and can’t hear Him!’
too often we are down in the basement of our lower selves, the
cellars of sin, and we hear not His voice. The big question today is
not, ‘Is God speaking?’ but ‘Are you listening?’

 If you see a Bible that is falling apart, it probably belongs to

someone who isn’t!

 The greatest choice any man makes is to let God choose for him.

 A husband who is faithful to his wife most of the time is not

faithful at all. There is no such thing as ‘part-time’ loyalty to Jesus
Christ. It is all or nothing.

 To some Christianity is an argument. To many it is a performance.

To a few, it is an experience.
 My concern is not that most of our people are such worldlings that
the cause of Christ does not attract them; it is rather that they are
such weak Christians that anything else attracts them.

 We should learn to take an ‘inside’ vacation, within ourselves.

Merely taking an ‘outside’ vacation, changing the scenery, will do
no good if the same old inner strain goes along. ‘Getting away from
it all’ is usually a great delusion, for we generally take it all with

 If you are what you’ve always been, you are not a Christian. A
Christian is a new creation.

 The church has no greater need today than to fall in love with
Jesus all over again.

 What we love usually manages to get into our conversation. What

is down in the well of the heart will come up in the bucket of

 It has been said that the apostle Paul had only two days on his
calendar. He who is ready for today is ready for that Day and he
who is ready for that Day is ready for today.

‘Friend, remember that it is better to read 1 quote 10 times

(meditatively) than to read 10 quotes 1 time (superficially).’

Gathered by Totaf.

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