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1 Copyright 2016 & Beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2016 and beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness. All rights are
reserved. You may not distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it,
or reprint any part of it without written consent from the author, except for
the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical

advice or as a substitute for medical counselling. The information should be

used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult

your physician before beginning this program as you would with any

exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of

your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of

your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to

accept full responsibility for your actions.

By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions

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result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or

as a result of, the use or misuse of the program.

2 Copyright 2016 & Beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness


Whether you know them as the Adonis Belt, Devil's Horns, or the
Abercrombie V, the curving, carved hip hollows that flank the lower
abdomen (think Brad Pitt striking a pose in Fight Club) are guaranteed to
turn heads on the beach as shirts come off this summer. Use this routine to
land those lower abdominal and oblique cuts that some women (we asked
them) like to refer to as "sex lines.

First things first, getting a v-cut does require some serious commitment, but
theres no magic to it. Obtaining v-line abs isnt something thats going to
happen overnight, and it requires two basic steps.

The 2 Keys To V Abs

Much like getting lower back dimples, the cuts that make v-lines pop are
only visible with a low body fat percentage. Even a thin layer of fat will
prevent your v-lines from showing through. The leaner you are the more
visible this muscle will be. I personally dont like to shoot out certain body
fat figures to aim for.

Body Fat testing for the most part is too unreliable and results vary
drastically. In addition the accurate forms of body fat testing get quite
expensive. What you will need to shoot for is a narrow waist line. How
narrow? Ideally 45% of your height or 1/2 to 1 less than 45% of your
height. So if your 6 tall than you are going to multiply 72 (6 feet in inches)
by 0.45. This will give you 32.4. Therefore you will want to get your waist
between 31.4 to 32.4 You want to measure your waist with a measuring
tape around belly button level. Maintain relaxed posture (dont suck in and
dont push out).

3 Copyright 2016 & Beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
If your waist is greater than 45% of your height you will need to reduce your
weekly caloric intake until you reach the ideal range. Notice how I said
weekly and not daily? This allows for cheat days.

Whats so great about V Abs?

Nothing really EXCEPT that something is hardwired into womensbrains so that when
they see the v lines they somehow throw all inhibitions to the wind and go wild!

But seriously, so many girls go ga-ga over this muscle. In fact, after the movie Thor
came out all I heard was girls talking about how the loved the v shape of Chris
Hemsworths abs.


Goal - Get to low body fat percentage. Decrease body fat percentages to the 6%
13% range for men (and 14% 20% for women). My body fat percentage, for example,
is 8%. And while that doesnt sound too astounding, body fat percentages in these lower
ranges often require hard work and dedication. These are the levels of fat youd find in
elite athletes. Follow these steps to get there.

1. Pick a goal body weight (GBW) no more than 20 lbs less then where you are
Ex. 180 lbs goal body weight from 190 lbs currently

2. Set Base calories = GBW x 10 = 180 x 11 = 1890 Calories

3. Set protein intake @ 35%; Base Cals x .35 / 4 1890 X .35 / 4 = 165 grams

4. Set carb intake @ 35%; Base Cals x .35 / 4 1890 X .35 / 4 = 165 grams

5. Set fat intake @ 30%; Base Cals x .05 / 4 1890 X .30 / 9 = 63

6. Eat food following those macronutrient guidelines 6 days a week

7. 7th day increase carbohydrates by 150g to Restore Leptin Levels and prevent the
down regulation of your metabolism. You would then have 315g of carbs that day.

8. Repeat for 12 weeks then take 2 weeks off where you eat at Maintenance calories

1. Maintenance Calories = Current body weight x 15.

4 Copyright 2016 & Beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
2. Same macronutrient breakdown as before for this 2 week period using
maintenance calories to calculate macronutrient ratios.



The Adonis Belt is created by theInguinal Ligamentand theTransverses Abdominus

(TVA). The Inguinal Ligament is what creates the line but without muscle hypertrophy
(muscle size) in the Transverses Abdominus this line will not be as visible. So in order to
achieve to achieve a good adoins belt you must first achieve muscle hypertrophy in your

The transversus abdominis muscle, is a muscle layer of the anterior and lateral
abdominal wall which is deep to (layered below) the internal oblique muscle. *Note low
body fat is also required for the Adonis Belt to be visible

Once you achieve that narrow waist-line you should start to notice some v-lines forming.
However if you to want stand out youre going to have to build and strengthen this

So without further ado, here are the best exercises for creating sharp v lines:

1.) Side to Side Knee Ups:

This is probably my favourite exercise for developing the v muscle. This exercise
involves hanging from a pull up bar with your arms locked out. From here youre going
to raise your knees up to the side alternating side to side. This exercise works best for
high repetitions. Ideally you want to build up to 60 reps total (30 per side). When doing
this exercise you want to keep constant contraction on your abs. Therefore you will only
bring your knees down just below parallel instead of straightening your legs up

2.) Leg Raise From Dip Bar + Leg Spread:

Another great exercise for the v abs muscle. For this exercise you are going to support
your body with straight arms on a pair of parallel dip bars. From here you are going to
lift your legs up until they are parallel to the floor. From here you are going to spread
your legs wide forming a large v and then your going to bring them back together and

5 Copyright 2016 & Beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
return to the starting position. Repeat for 6-15 reps. If you have very strong abs you can
perform 2 or more leg spreads per rep. Ex: lift legs up, open legs, close legs, open legs,
close legs and lower.

3.) Renegade Rows

Renegade Rows are an awesome exercise. Renegade Rows are incredible for building
super tight obliques that serve to frame the six pack and offer stability. However one
thing that people dont realize is that the v shape muscle is directly connected to the
obliques. As a result by strengthening the obliques you also improve the v shape


Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Leg Raises + Leg 3 8-12 60s between sets


Side to Side knee ups 2 To Failure 60s between sets

Plank 2 To Failure 60s between sets

Stomach Vacuum 3 To Failure 60s between sets

Workout Notes:

Perform this workout 2-3x per week

You can perform this workout at the end of your usual workout routine

Your Abs Grow While You Rest

You probably already know that your muscles grow while you rest. In fact, each muscle
requires 48 hours to recover after an intense workout.

You will often hear the broscience saying that you can train abs every day and that's
called overtraining; don't listen to it and rest your abs!

6 Copyright 2016 & Beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness

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