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depronto, me despert.

Mire alrededor estaba solo, el da anterior estaba muy cansado y me

quede dormido, mire la hora eran las 07:05, tena que ir a trabajar desafortunadamente estaba
tarde, me levante y en el acto me prepare, estaba listo para ir al trabajo. Llegue al trabajo y el
personal de seguridad no me permita ingresar debido a la tardanza, llamaron al
administrador, por suerte encontr una excusa convincente para justificar mi tardanza,
entonces me dejaron pasar y me puse a trabajar.

depronto sucedi un accidente, se produjo un corto circuito, desafortunadamente perdimos

tres mquinas de trabajo pero por suerte no hubo ningn herido. Procedimos a la reparacin
de las mquinas y en tres horas las reparamos y nos reincorporamos al trabajo. Al finalizar me
fui a almorzar de pronto mire a un amigo de infancia y me acerque a saludarlo, almorzamos
juntos. De regreso al trabajo me compre un helado.

Cuando ya era la hora de salida desafortunadamente no llego mi compaero para el cambio de

turno, as que me quede un turno ms.

Wake up, woke me up. Looked around I was alone, the day before I was very tired and I fell asleep,
looked at the time was 07:05, I had to go to work unfortunately it was late, I got up and immediately I
prepared, I was ready to go to work. I had to go to work and the security staff would not allow me to enter
because of the delay, they called the administrator, luckily I found a convincing excuse to justify my
tardiness, so they let me through and I went to work.
Suddenly an accident happened, a short circuit occurred, unfortunately we lost three working machines
but luckily there were no injuries. We proceeded to the repair of the machines and in three hours we
repaired them and we rejoined to the work. At the end I went to lunch suddenly I look at a friend from
childhood and I come to greet him, we have lunch together. To work, I bought an ice cream.

When it was time to leave unfortunately I did not get my partner for the change of shift, so I had one more
Suddenly, I woke up. Looked around I was alone, the day before I was very tired and I fell
asleep, looked at the time was 07:05, I had to go to work unfortunately it was late, I got up and
immediately I prepared, I was ready to go to work. I arrived at work and the security staff did
not allow me to enter due to the delay, they called the administrator, luckily found a
convincing excuse to justify my tardiness, then they let me through and I started to work.

Suddenly an accident happened, a short circuit occurred, unfortunately we lost three working
machines but luckily there were no injuries. We proceeded to the repair of the machines and
in three hours we repaired them and we rejoined to the work. At the end I went to lunch
suddenly I look at a friend from childhood and I come to greet him, we have lunch together. To
work, I bought an ice cream.

When it was time to leave unfortunately I did not get my partner for the change of shift, so I
had one more shift.

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