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Simple Tense Perfect Tenses Perfect Continuous Tenses

Present Continuous Tense

The present continuous tense is formed by; to be verb + main verb + ing ending.

The present continuous tense is used when talking or writing about actions or conditions that
began in the past and are incomplete and ongoing at the present time, but will finish at some
point in the future.

I am feeling sick today

(This condition began sometime earlier and continues even now.)

I am studying French
(I study French, but I started sometime in the past and I continue to study it

The condition (sick) and the action (study) both started in the past and continue at the
present time.

Other specific functions that the present continuous tense are used for include:

Current actions- She is sleeping now.

Temporary actions- I am currently living in Rome.
Temporary habitual actions- Im brushing my teeth.
Repetition of action- Youre always studying- take a break.
Anticipated/arranged actions- My sisters moving to France.
Developing/changing actions- American railroads are becoming competitive again.
Future actions- He is moving to Chicago in the fall.
Actions that occur over time- My niece is taking six classes at the university.

The present continuous can suggest that an action is going to happen in the future, especially
with verbs that convey the idea of a plan or of movement from one place or condition to

The team is arriving in two hours.

Hes moving to Portland this summer.

Because the present continuous can suggest either the present or the future, it is usually
modified by adverbs of time.
Past Continuous Tense

The past continuous is formed by: was/were + verb + ing ending.

The past continuous tense is used when talking or writing about a continuing action
or condition that began in the past and was completed at some point in the past.

I was feeling sick yesterday.

(This condition began and ended sometime earlier I am no longer sick.

I was studying French.

(I studied French. I started sometime in the past but I dont study it now.)

The condition (sick) and the action (study) both started and stopped in the past and do not
continue at the present time.

Other specific functions that the past continuous tense can be used for include:

Actions in progress in the past-

Yesterday afternoon I was singing in the rain.

Actions which began before something else happened-

I was fixing my car when a friend came over to visit.

Parallel actions-
While I was working in the garden, my wife was cooking dinner.

Repeated past actions-

When Beth worked at the restaurant, she was always complaining about her co-workers.

Polite inquiries-
I was wondering if you could give me a hand.

Many times a speaker (or writer) has the option to use either the simple past or the past
continuous to express the same idea. It is the speakers choice the speaker may have
wanted to stress that something else was happening (or happened) at the time.

I felt sick yesterday, so I went to the doctor.

I was feeling sick yesterday, so I went to the doctor.

The past continuous and the simple past are often used together in a sentence. In these
situations the past continuous is used to describe an action in progress and the simple past
describes a shorter interrupting action.

I was taking a shower, when the phone rang.

Some verbs that express mental states or forms of perception do not usually take
the continuous tense. These verbs are:
Mental state Condition Perception

believe like seem need belong mean feel see

know love prefer understand own resemble smell hear

want wish forget remember have cost taste

Future Continuous Tense

Future continuous tense is formed by: will/shall + be + verb + ing.

The future continuous tense is used when talking or writing about a continuing action or
condition that will begin in the future.

I will be feeling sick tomorrow.

(This condition will begin in the future and continue for an unspecified or unknown
period of time.

I will be studying French soon.

(I will study French in the future and will continue for an unspecified or unknown period
of time.)

Other specific functions that the future continuous tense can be used for include:

Actions that will be going on at a particular time in the future-

She will be going to the shopping mall next Saturday.

Current actions that will continue into the future-

Dr. Kim will be working at the hospital for the next five years, and then he will retire.

Actions which are fixed or expected to happen in the normal course of thing-
Next year, Kelly will be moving to France.

Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan, mengatakan (atau apalah namanya
itu istilahnya) suatu yang sedang terjadi saat ini, sedang berlangsung saat ini. Misalnya: Saya
sedang menulis sekarang, Anda saat ini sedang membaca pelajaran Present Continuous Tense
yang saya tulis, Saya sedang jatuh cinta, dsb. Ada gambaran kan? Coba Anda sebutkan
sendiri contohnya 3 biji lagi. bisa kan? mudah kan? hehe..

Positif: S + Tobe + Ving
Negatif: S + Tobe+ Not+ Ving
Tanya: Tobe + S + Ving

Jangan bingung, Ving maksud saya adalah Verb + ing ya. Nanti dalam pelajaran tenses
yang lain saya akan menulis Ving ini berulang-kali. Pastikan Anda mengingatnya ya. Kok
tidak ditulis saja Verb+Ing? Ya bebas dong, saya yang nulis ini, hehe..

Kalau Tobe nanti itu berganti dengan is, am, are. Tergantung pasangannya apa. Dalam
bahasa Inggris setiap Personal Pronoun atau Kata Ganti Orang sudah ada pasangannya
masing-masing. Present Continuous Tense tak akan pernah lepas dari Tobe ini. Seperti ini nih

I am
She is, He is, It is, John is, Mufli is, dan sebagainya.
You are, We are, The are, John and Mufi are

Present Continuous Tense ini digunakan jika kita menekankan pada Sekarang nya itu.
Kalau kegiatan yang berulang-ulang seperti I go to work everyday nggak pake Present
Continuous Tense tetapi Present Tense saja ya.

Berikut ini contoh kalimat Present Continuous Tense sesuai dengan rumus diatas:

- I am writing now (Saya sedang menulis sekarang)

- You are reading my article at present (Apa artinya?)
- She is waiting for you.

Ayo bikin contoh sendiri di dalam hati, lalu diucapkan sendiri, agar lancar juga ngomongnya.

Kalimat Negatif Untuk Present Continuous Tense

Mudah saja kalimat Negatifnya, tinggal tambahkan NOT setelah Tobe. Ingat rumusnya kan?
Yes, Anda benar, rumusnya: S + Tobe + Not + Ving.

Kalimat yang diatas tadi akan saya jadikan kalimat negatif ya:

- I am NOT writing now (Saya sedang tidak menulis sekarang)

- You are NOT reading my article at present (Apa artinya?)
- She is NOT waiting for you.

Gila, Gampang bangets!

Loh katanya tadi Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang
SEDANG terjadi saat ini? Kalo negatif kan artinya yang TIDAK SEDANG terjadi saat ini
dong? Salah dong? Ya ndak lah.. Maksud saya, kalimat negatif ini ya bentuk TIDAKnya.
Gitu aja kok repot!, haha..

Mari kita lanjutkan!

Kalimat Tanya Present Continuous Tense

Gampang pulak nih, tinggal Tobenya taruh depan, jadi deh. Ingat rumusnya kan? Harus ingat
nih rumus, karena tidak bisa pake kalkulator untuk urusan rumus tenses ini. Kalau Anda
sering praktekkan, sering pake maka rumus ini meresep sendiri di dalam otak Anda, hilang
menjadi ketrampilan otomatis. Sebelum itu terjadi maka silahkan install rumus ini dengan
cara memahaminya dan menggunakannya sesering mungkin. Pasti deh Anda bisa.

Ini nih contoh Kalimat Tanya dalam Present Continuous Tense, saya pake contoh kalimat
yang diatas tadi tetapi untuk bertanya:

- Are you writing now? (Apakah kamu sedang menulis sekarang?)

- Are You reading my article at present? (Apa artinya?)
- Is She waiting for you.

Nah itu dia, tinggal tambakan tobe sesuai pasangannya. Dan selalu ingat untuk Present
Continuous Tense selalu pakai kata kerja bentuk ING, maksud saya kata kerja tambah ING.
Kata kerja itu bahasa Inggrisnya Verb. Saya singkat V, karena tambah Ing saya singkat lagi
Ving. Inga inga! hehe..

So pasti bisa juga mengguanakan Kata Ganti Penanya seperti What, Where, Which, Why,
Who dan sebagainya dalam kalimat tanya ini. Contohnya begini:

-What are you writing now? (Lagi nulis apaan kamu sekarang?)
-What are you reading (lagi baca apa Anda?)
-Who is She waiting for (Doi lagi nungguin siape?)

Begitulah basicnya tentang Present Continuous Tense ini. Inti dari Continuous itu adalah
Sedang, atau katakanlah sedang berlanjut (seperti arti katanya), sedang terjadi.

Tetapi, Sedang itu bisa bisa jadi tidak sekarang loh ya. Ada juga sedang tetapi kemarin.
Nah loh!. Ini namanya Past Continuous Tense. Sebagai contoh pengantar misalnya gini:
Waktu istriku datang dari pasar KEMARIN, Saya kebetulan banget SEDANG tidur, jadi nda
bisa bantu bukain pintu, untung anak saya yang kedua belum berangkat sekolah. Tuh, kan
sedang juga, tetapi kemarin.

Anda menangkap bedanya kan? Semoga. Kalo masih bingung coba baca contoh di atas sekali
lagi dan renung-renungkan dulu!, hehe..

Continuous atau Sedang tetapi BESOK atau sedang tetapi akan datang juga ada loh. Anda
mau ke rumah saya besok jam 9? Oh jangan, karena jam segitu besok itu saya akan SEDANG
tidur!. Tuh.. sedangnya BESOK kan? Ini dapat Anda pelajari dalam Future Continuous
Tense. Sedangkan topik yang satu ini adalah tentang SEDANG SEKARANG alias Present
Continuouse Tense. Present itu artinya kini, atau sekarang.

Contoh lagi deh untuk Present Continuous Tense:

Saya sedang berpartisipasi dalam kontes SEO. Bahasa inggrisnya: I am participating a SEO
Contest. Walapun memang saat ini saya sedang menulis artikel bahasa Inggris ini, maksud
saya tidak melulu sedang di panggung contest itu, yang ditekankan adalah PROSESnya
bahwa saya SEDANG mengikuti kontes itu. Kontes itu belum usai, sedang dalam progress.
Kontes apa sih? Kontes berhadiah jutaan rupiah ini loh, temanya ini nih, baca ya: Stop
Dreaming Start Action

Ingat rumusnya ya? S + Tobe + Ving untuk Present Continuous Tense. Dukungannya? hala la

Past Continuous Tense

Cara Sukses Bisnis
Dapatkan panduan singkat, padat, berisi, to The point, langsung disini detil

Pengan Cepat Bahasa Inggris?

Perbaiki dulu MOTIVASI Anda belajar bahasa inggris ini, sebab beda cara BEDA Hasilnya. Baca disini detil

60 Juta Perminggu (GRATIS)

Khusus Hari INI saja bisa Gratis daftarnya, Ini Khusus Untuk Blogger detil

Detik Demi Detik Dapat Uang

Temen-temen, ini ada contoh beberapa bisnis yang dapat mengalirkan uang detik demi detik, ada yang MUDAH loh ya

Peluang Bisnis Bagus

Bisnis ini akan dengan CEPAT disantap oleh orang-orang yang siap berbisnis, siap bekerja dan siap sukses :) detil

Past Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang SEDANG TERJADI
juga, tetapi sedang terjadi sekarang, melainkan sedang terjadi tetapi DULU, tetapi sudah
lewat. Loh sedang kok lewat? bukannya sedang itu artinya masa kini alias sekarang?. Oh ada
juga sedang dulu. Mari kita bahas tuntas.

Seperti arti katanya, Past berarti sudah lewat, sedangkan Continuous artinya sedang.
Contohnya gini:

Kemarin teman saya datang ke rumah saya, gedor-gedor pintu, tetapi nda ada yang buka.
Padahal saya ada di rumah, tetapi saat itu tuh Saya sedang tidur!. Kapan sedang tidurnya?
Kemarin, saat teman saya itu datang. Bukan sekarang kan? Tetapi sedang loh! Itulah Past
Continuous Tense.

Rumus Past Continuous Tense

Positif: S + was/were + Ving
Negatif: S + was/were + NOT + Ving
Tanya: Was/Were + S + Ving

I was sleeping when my friend came to my house yesterday

Lihat tuh, I was sleeping adalah bagian Past Continuous Tensenya. Sedang tidurnya itu
kemarin, saat teman saya datang ke rumah.

Jadi, Past Continuous Tense ini mirip banget rumusnya dengan Present Continuous Tense,
bedanya di TOBE nya yang menjadi bentuk kedua.
Ingat-ingat perubahan dan pasangan TO BE nya ya.

Tobe: is, am berubah menjadi WAS

Tobe: are berubah menajdi WERE

I, She, He, It, John, Merry pasangannya adalah WAS

We, They, John and Merry pasangannya adalah WERE.

Contoh kalimat lainnya:

-They were learning in the classroom when I came
Mereka lagi belajar di kelas ketika saya datang.

- I was writing
- Joko was sleeping
- Ayo anda tambahkan sendiri

Kalimat Negatif Untuk Past Continuous Tense

Gampang bangets nih, tinggal pake rumusnya, tambahkan NOT setelah Tobe (was/were).
Ingat rumusnya kan? Yes, Anda benar, rumusnya: S + was/were + NOT + Ving. Misalnya
dari contoh sederhana yang terakhir diatas, menjadi:

- I was NOT writing

- Joko was NOT sleeping
- ayo Anda buat yang lain.

Kalimat Tanya Past Continuous Tense

Kembali lagi gampang sekali, yang penting Anda sudah faham penggunaannya seperti saya
terangkan diatas. Untuk bikin kalimat tanya tinggal TOBE nya (was atau were) di depan.
Berikut ini dari contoh diatas akan menjadi:

- Was I writing .?

Biasanya sih kalo bertanya kan gak nanya sendiri, karena itu lebih sering contoh-contoh yang
ada dibuku pake YOU, sehingga menjadi:

- Were You writing ?

Contoh lain:
- Was Joko Sleeping ?

Tentu saja Anda bisa membuat kalimat yang sangat panjang untuk contoh-contoh ini. Saya
bikin ringkas saja agar mudah difahami. Kapan akan lancar bahkan tanpa mikir lagi Anda
bisa menggunakan kalimat-kalimat Past Continuous Tense ini? Jawabnya adalah ketika Anda
sering memakainya, baik dalam menulis ataupun berbicara. Tul?

Yes, kalimat Past Continuous Tense sering digandeng dengan Past Tense, tentu saja
maksudnya untuk mengatakan bahwa kejadiannya tersebut SEDANG terjadi tetapi di masa
LAMPAU (lewat) ketika sesuatu yang lain terjadi. Bagimana jika ingin menyatakan
LAMPAU nya saja tetapi tidak menekankan pada SEDANG TERJADInya itu? Yes, gunakan
saja Past Tense.


A. Present progressive = am + (base form + -ing) : I am working. OR is + (base

form + -ing) : She is eating. OR are + (base form + -ing) : We are studying.

1. A planned activity.

Sofia is starting school at CEC tomorrow

2. An activity that is occurring right now.

Jan is watching TV right now.

3. An activity that is in progress, although not actually occurring at the time of


Sara is learning English at CEC.

B. Past progressive = was + (base form + -ing) : I was working. OR were + (base
form + -ing) : They were eating.

1. A past activity in progress while another activity occurred.

At 6:00 yesterday I was eating dinner.

The phone rang while I was eating.

2. Two past activities in progress at the same time.

While I was answering the phone, my wife was cooking dinner.

C. Future progressive = will be + (base form + -ing): I will be working. He will be


An activity that will be in progress.

Tomorrow Sam will be studying for the test on Unit 1.

D. Present perfect progressive = have + (base form + -ing): I have been working.
OR has + (base form + -ing): She has been eating.

1. This tense emphasizes the duration of an activity that began in the past and
continues into the present. It often uses time words or phrases. It may be
used to refer to continuing activity that is recent.

He has been painting houses all summer.

Ive been studying English for 2 years.

2. It may be used to refer to continuing activity that is recent.

He has been going to school at CEC.

E. Past perfect progressive = had + (base form + -ing) : I had been working. He
had been eating.

When the teacher arrived, I had been waiting almost 10 minutes.

He was out of breath because he had been running to catch the bus.

F. Future perfect progressive = will have + (base form + -ing): I will have been
working. She will have been eating.This tense emphasizes the duration of a
continuing activity in the future that ends before another activity or time in the future.

By 2003 Janet will have been studying English at CEC for 3 years.

By 9:45 tonight I will have been sitting in class for 2 hours and 45 minutes.

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