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There is not in the whole world

Language like spanish
Of the most sincere words
Verses the most sovereign! LANGUAGE DAY

The Castellano is austere Today is April 23, we are going to sing

The spanish is lozano Because the day of the language, we are going
to commemorate.
Has steel hardness
It has a human heart!
Let's commemorate, with enthusiasm and honor
Because he unites the brothers, of all the nation.
Language born in Castilla Of all the nation, that's why I invite you
And with triumphant lexicon To speak our language well, of all the
With Cervantes reaching the summit. prettier.

Language that in the world shines Of all the most beautiful, I have always been
And without being arrogant Faithful, as was our poet, Mr. Marco Fidel.
He who was born there in Bello, in that beautiful
Of other tongues is light.
Who wrote the great dreams, of Don Luciano

From Don Luciano Pulgar, to the language I sing

to him,
Language day is a party To remember also, the great Manco of Lepanto.
Which must be understood, LUCK!
Which in all years
Reading is celebrated
And we do not even know how to read ...

Why to read
You have to love books,
Those who teach us to understand
That poems are not for old people
But to make us grow ...

Reading and stories

They open our minds
And not the vice of the street, of the morbid
Of values for the soil
Which is the putrefaction of today ...

Thanks to those great writers

Which taught us the value of reading
And that the truly great friends
They are in the books and,
We must love them with madness ...

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