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Summary Brave new World by Huxley

Summary: Chapter 7

At the Reservation, Lenina iss surprised as she see the poverty and she realizes how dirty is the
place Lenina wentwhere a social celebration was taking place. The drums reminds her of
Solidarity Services day. Lenina is horrified because of the things she was looking at.

John, a blond youth that never have seen a blond woman before, surprises Lenina and Bernard
by speaking English in an excelente way. He says that he wanted to be the onne who
sacrifices, but the town did not let him. He explains that his mother, Linda, came from other
place far away from the Reservation. During a visit to the Reservation,she was injured but was
rescued by some native people who found her and brought her to the village where she hace
been living since the problema happened. While John cotiues talking Bernardo realizes that
John's father is the Director but he says nothing for the moment.

John introduces Lenina and Bernard to his mother, Linda. She explains that John was born
because she have sex with a native of that wild place and something went wrong with her
contraceptives, the method she uses not to be fertil. She couldnt have aborted the baby on
the Reservation and felt too ashamed to go back to the World State with a baby. Linda explains
that, after starting her new life in the savage village, she followed all her conditioning and slept
with any man she pleased, but some women didnt like her because of what she wa doing so
they fighted with her.

Summary: Chapter 8

As the conversation continues, John tells Bernard that when he was a child her mother was
always telling him fabulous stories about the other place. But he also feel alone and that he
doesnt belong to tat society( he feel he acts as an individual), because his mother wasnt
acting as that society usually acts by sleeping with so many men and also partly because the
people of the village never accepted him. Linda took a lover, Pop, who brought her an
alcoholic drink called mescal. She began drinking a lot. Meanwhile, despite being forbidden
from taking part in the Indians rituals, John absorbed the culture around him. Linda taught
him to read and John also liked to draw. He asked her questions about the World State, but
she could tell him very little about how it worked as he couldnt also understand it a
lot.Bernard continues talking about his like by telling that one day, Pop brought books about
Shakespeare to Lindas house and John read it so much that he could say passages by heart.

Bernard asks John if he would like to come back to London with him. What Bernard wanted
was to embarrass the Director by showing him as Johns father. John accepts the proposal, but
insists that should gowith him too. In the flight, Jhon asks if Bernard is married to Lenina.
Bernard laughs and tells him that they werent a couple. He also cautions John to wait until he
sees the World State before he becomes enraptured with it. John expresses his feelings of joy
at finally getting to see the Other World that he had Heard so much about when he was a Little
boy: O brave new world that has such people in ithe say.

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