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Electric Current

Simply defined, electric current is a flow of electrons. As electrons are negatively charged, it can
be further added that electric current is the flow of negative charge.

In order for an electric current to flow there needs to be complete circuit with no gaps. A basic
electric circuit consists of a metallic wire connected to an electrical cell and an electrical
component such as a lamp. The metallic wire contains a large number of free electrons that can
move easily from atom to atom, it is the movement of these free electrons that give rise to the

When the switch is in the off position there is a gap in the circuit and the electrical current
cannot flow. In the on position the switch completes the circuit allowing current to flow and
thereby lighting the lamp.

Electric current is measured in units called Amperes (amps for short) and has the symbol A.

1 ampere is a set number of electrons flowing through each point of an electrical circuit per
second. 1 ampere is approximately 6 million million million (6 x 1018) electrons per second
flowing past each point. As the charge on electrons is tiny the unit of charge used is the
coulomb (C). 1 coulomb is equal to the charge on 6 million million million (6 x 10 18) electrons.
Therefore when a current in a circuit is 1 ampere the flow of charge is 1 coulomb per second.

Electric current is measured by an ammeter. By connecting an ammeter in series in an electrical

circuit the size of the electrical current can be measured.
It is important to remember that as an electrical current flows through a component such as a
lamp or ammeter it is not used up but flows in a continuous loop. The battery supplies the
energy source for the electrons to move. These transfer or loose energy when passing through
components such as lamps in the form of heat and light but do not get used up themselves.
Therefore in series circuit the electrical current is the same in all parts of the circuit.

Potential Difference
In an electrical circuit the cell (or battery) pushes the electrons around the circuit. It does this
by transferring chemical energy from the materials in the cell to electrical potential energy to
the electrons. When electrons pass through a lamp in the circuit they give up (lose) some of th e
electrical potential energy to the thin wires in the lamp in the form of heat and light. Therefore
across the lamp there is an electrical energy difference. The electrons entering the lamp have a
higher electrical energy than the electrons leaving the lamp. This difference in electrical
potential energy across the lamp is called a POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE or p.d.
Potential difference is measured in units called Volts and has the symbol V.
It is for this reason potential difference is sometimes also referred to as voltage.
Potential difference is measured by a Voltmeter.
By connecting a voltmeter in parallel across the component of interest the potential difference
across it can be measured (in this case the lamp).

Electric current is the flow of electrons. As these electrons flow around a circuit they bump into
the atoms in the conducting wire and electrical components. These constant collisions make it
difficult for the current to flow or in other words resist the electrical current.

Therefore, resistance is the property of an object or substance of resisting or opposing the flow
of electrical current. Resistance is measured in units called Ohms and has the symbol .

Conventional Current & Electron Flow

Electric current is the flow of electrons from the negative terminal to the positive terminal of a
cell. This is because electrons are negatively charged and want to move away from the negative
terminal and head towards the positive terminal.

When cells were first invented the theory of electron flow mentioned above was unknown.
Rather it was incorrectly assumed that the movement was from the positive to negative
terminal. Therefore, circuit diagrams showed the current moving from the positive terminal to
the negative terminal. We have unfortunately stuck with this convention to this day and so
current flow from positive to negative is called, conventional current flow and is used when
drawing circuit diagrams.
Series and Parallel Circuits
Electrical components can be arranged in a circuit either in series or parallel.

Series Circuits

For components connected in series the following rules apply.

1. Electric The electrical current through each component is the same, as all the current
Current has to flow through everything in the circuit.

2. Potential The potential difference across each component adds up to the potential
Difference difference across the battery. This is because the energy transferred from the
battery to the electrons must equal the amount of energy transferred by the
electrons to the components. The potential difference provided by cells
connected in series is the sum of the potential difference of each cell.

3. Resistance The total resistance across the components in series is equal to the sum of each
resistance across the components. The potential difference is largest across the
component with the greatest resistance as more energy is transferred by the
electrons to overcome the resistance.
Parallel Circuits

For components connected in parallel the following rules apply.

1. Electric The total current through the whole circuit is the sum of the current
Current through each electrical component. The current in a parallel circuit branches
out after leaving the battery and recombines before entering back in.

2. Potential The potential difference across each component is the same.


3. Resistance The combined resistance across the components in parallel is less than
either of the separate resistance across the components.
Circuit Symbols

Circuit diagrams are used to show how electrical components are connected together. Each
electrical component has its own symbol. In order to draw basic circuit symbols it is important
you learn the following symbols.

Component Circuit Symbol Function

Made from a metallic conductor so current can easily

pass from one part of the circuit to another

On/Off switch in open position the circuit is broken so

Switch (open)
no current flows

On/Off switch in closed position the circuit is

Switch (closed)
complete and current flows

Supplies the electrical energy to the circuit the larger

terminal on the left is the positive (+) terminal
Battery A battery is more than one cell.

Lamp Coverts electrical energy to light.

A safety device which melts to break the circuit if the

Fuse electrical current flowing through it exceeds a specified

Voltmeter Instrument used to measure potential difference.

Ammeter Instrument used to measure electrical current

Restricts the flow of electrical current can be used to

limit the flow of current to a particular component

A device which only allows current to flow in one


Thermistor Converts heat to electrical resistance

Variable resistor Used to control current.

Light dependant
Converts light to electrical resistance

Ohms Law
Ohms Law is the named after the German scientist Georg Ohm who in the 1820s conducted
experiments investigating the relationship between potential difference and current on various
lengths and types of metal conductors.

The findings of his experiments led to Ohms Law which states:

The current flowing through a metallic conductor held at constant temperature is d irectly
proportional to the potential difference between the ends.

In other words, if the current doubles the potential difference doubles or if the current triples
the potential difference triples.
Ohms Law can also be stated for the current through a resistor as:

The current flowing through a resistor held at constant temperature is directly proportional to
the potential difference across the resistor.

The relationship between potential difference, current and resistance is given by the equation:

Potential Difference or Voltage (V) = Current (I) x Resistance (R)


Current Potential Difference Graphs

Current potential difference graphs are used to show how the current through a component
varies with the potential difference across it.

Current Potential Difference Graph for a resistor at constant temperature

Current Potential Difference graph for a Filament Lamp
Current Potential Difference graph for a Diode

Current Potential Difference graph for a Thermistor

Current Potential Difference graph for a Light Dependant Resistor (LDR)


In the circuit below the voltmeter reading across the lamp is 3V and the ammeter reads 2A of
electrical current. What is the resistance across the lamp?

Potential Difference across the lamp, V = 3V

Electrical current through the lamp, I = 2A
Electrical resistance across the lamp, R =?

Using V = I x R

Require resistance therefore

R = 3 / 2 = 1.5

The Diode

A diode allows a current to flow through it in one direction only.

It has the symbol:

Remember circuit diagrams are drawn in conventional current. So the arrow on the diode
symbol indicates the direction in which the conventional current can flow.

When the arrow of the diode is in the same direction as the conventional current flow it
is said to be forward biased and current flows.
When the arrow of the diode is in the opposite direction to the conventional current
flow it is said to be reversed biased and no current flows.

Diodes are used in electric circuits to protect electrical equipment. In electrical equipment such
as radio or computers damage can be caused if the battery is connected the wrong way round.
A diode in the circuit only allows the current to pass through when the battery is connected
correctly. If the battery is connected the wrong way round no current passes through the diode
and the electrical circuit for the equipment is protected from damage.

Current Potential Difference graph for a Diode

The Light-Dependent Resistor (LDR)

In a light-dependent resistor the resistance decreases as the light intensity (brightness of light)
It has the symbol:

At low light levels or in the dark the resistance of an LDR is high and little current flows
through it.
In bright light the resistance of an LDR is low and more current flows through it.

The properties of an LDR are put to use in digital camera. The shutter speed of a camera can be
controlled by an LDR. If light levels are low changes in the resistance of the LDR can be
measured causing the shutter to stay open for longer. An LDR can also be used in a burglar
alarm circuit for e.g. inside a safe. When the safe is closed it is dark and so the resistance of the
LDR is high. If it is opened and the LDR exposed to light the resistance drops allowing current to
flow which can then trigger a relay circuit which rings an alarm.

Current Potential graph for a Light - Dependent Resistor (LDR)

The Thermistor

A thermistor is an electrical component in which the resistance decreases as the temperature


It has the following symbol:

At low temperature the thermistor has a high resistance and little current can flow
through it.
But at high temperatures the resistance of the thermistor is low and more current flows
through it.

It is this property of the thermistor that allows it to be used as a temperature sensor. A

Thermistor can be used as an electronic thermometer in which the current flowing through it at
different temperatures can be calibrated in degrees Celsius to give a temperature reading. A
thermistor is also used in a fire alarm. A thermistor is placed into a fire alarm circuit such that
above a set temperature the current through the thermistor is at an amount to trigger a relay
circuit which rings an alarm.

Current Potential graph for a Thermistor

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