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International Journal of Mineral Processing, 5 (1979) 369--378 369

Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands




Department of Mineral Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta. (Canada)
(Received September 28, 1977; accepted October 11, 1978)


Plitt, L.R. and Kawatra, S.K., 1979. Estimating the cut (ds0) size of classifiers without
product particle-size measurement. Int. J. Miner. Process., 5: 369--378.

A technique is presented by which the cut size of a classifier can be estimated without
size analyses of the coarse and fine products. Using the corrected solids recovery and the
classifier feed size distribution, an indicated ds0 size can be determined which is usually
within _+ 10% of the actual cut size.
By computer simulation of the classification process, actual]indicated cut size ratios
were determined for a variety of operating conditions. Through the application of these
ratios, it has been demonstrated that the ds0 of a classifier can be estimated with an ac-
curacy comparable to that obtained through the use of classification curves. The main lim-
itations of this technique are that accurate measurement of the solids content in the slurry
streams is required and that no information is obtained concerning the sharpness of separa-


In most industrial situations the performance of a classifier is determined

from the particle size distributions of the feed, and coarse and fine products.
The methodology for carrying out the mass flow split in classifiers using par-
ticle-size distributions is well established (Mular and Bates, 1971; Luckie and
Austin, 1973). There are some situations, such as when well-instrumented
classifiers are used, where the mass flow splits can be accurately measured.
In these cases, the cut size (ds0) can be estimated directly from the solids split
and the feed size distribution, thus eliminating the need to obtain samples and
size analyses of the coarse and fine products.
This procedure has been practiced in our laboratory for several years for
preliminary adjustment of variables. The object of this work was to determine
h o w close these estimates are to the true cut size and to develop correction
factors to expand the limits of applicability of this estimating technique.

*Present address: Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Mich. (U.S.A.)



In mineral processing, classification usually refers to a separation of par-

ticles according to their differing settling velocities in a suspending fluid. If
the material is of uniform density, then the separation would be based entirely
upon particle size and/or shape. A typical classification curve of a uniform
density material in a wet classifier is represented as Curve y in Fig.1. The point
at which y = 0.5 is usually selected as the characteristic cut size and is desig-
nated ds0.
In wet classifiers, such as hydrocyclones and rake classifiers, it is generally
assumed that solids of all sizes are entrained by the coarse product liquid. It
is possible to 'correct' the observed classification curve for this bypassing effect
caused by the coarse product liquid according to the equation:
y' - (1)
where y ' is the mass fraction of particles of a particular size and density which
will be directed to the coarse product as a result of the classifying ac-
y is the mass fraction of particles of a given size and density which ac-
tually report to the coarse product, and
Rf is the fraction of feed liquid which is recovered in the coarse product
As shown on Fig.l, the size at which y ' = 0.5 is the corrected ds0 (ds0c).
Various mathematical functions have been proposed to represent the cor-
rected classification curve. Two of the most widely used equations are:

exp [ad/dsoe ] - 1.0
Y' exp[ad/dsoe] + e x p [ a ] - 2 . 0 (3)
where ds0c is the size of particle in the portion of the feed subjected to clas-
sification which has equal (50%) probability of reporting to the coarse
and fine products, and
a and m are both measures of the sharpness of separation and are ap-
proximately interrelated as follows:
a = 1.54m-0.47.
In an earlier paper (Plitt, 1971) it was shown that b o t h equations represent
classification with equal effectiveness.



U i i" I I
dso d50c
Particle Size

Fig. 1. Typical u n c o r r e c t e d a n d c o r r e c t e d classification curve.


One may rewrite eq. 1 in terms of the total solids recovery to the coarse
product as follows:
Rc = - - (4)
where Rc is the total fraction of solids of all sizes recovered by the coarse
product as a result of the classification action, i.e. corrected for by-
passing of coarse product liquid, and
Rs is the total observed solids recovery in the coarse product.
It is evident that if perfect classification occurs on the portion of the feed
subjected to classification, the corrected cut size (ds0c) is equivalent to the
f ( 1 - R c ) size where f(x) is equal to the particle size in the feed which has a
cumulative weight fraction finer than x. The relationship between corrected
recovery and indicated cut size is illustrated in Fig.2. Since classifiers are not
perfect (i.e., they do not have infinite values of m or a), the indicated cut size
determined from the feed size distribution (ids0c) may differ from the actual
cut size.
Fig. 3 illustrates a typical corrected classification curve. The hatched areas
indicate the misplaced material: fines in coarse product and coarse in fine
product. It follows that if an equal amount of feed material is distributed on
either side of the cut size the relative amounts of misplaced material will tend
to compensate each other, and the indicated cut size determined from the
feed size distribution will correspond to the actual cut size. On the other hand
if the major part of the size distribution lies above the cut point, the amount
of misplaced coarse in the fine product will exceed the misplaced fines in the
coarse product and the indicated cut size (ids0c) will be higher than the actual

I Rot 2 "

Particle Size

Fig.2. Illustration of how the indicated cut size is obtained from the particle-size analysis
of the feed.


~1' in Fine Product

m Misplaced Fines
in CoarseProduct

Particle Size

Fig.3. Typical corrected classification curve illustrating the misplaced material concept.

cut size. Conversely, if the classifier cut point lies above the mode of the par-
ticle size distribution the indicated ds0 size should be below the actual cut size.
Applying the above logic to symmetrical feed size distributions the following
relationships between actual and indicated cut sizes should exist:
dsoc = f (50) (i.e. Rc = 50%), idsoc = dsoc
ds0c < f ( 5 0 ) (i.e. Re > 50%), idsoc > dsoc
dsoe > f ( 5 0 ) (i.e. Re < 50%), idsoc <dsoc
To quantify the difference between the indicated and actual cut sizes a

c o m p u t e r simulation of a classifier was carried out. The simulation assumed

that the classifier functioned according to either eqs. 2 or 3. Assumed feed
size distributions using both Gaudin--Schuhmann and Rosin--Rammler dis-
tribution functions were generated in the simulation and compared. These
functions are:
Gaudin--Schuhmann P = 0.5 [ d/f (5 O)]c~ (5)
Rosin--Rammler P = 1 - e x p [ - 0.693 ~d/f (50) } n ] (6)
where P = mass fraction of classifier feed with a particle size less than d,
f (50) = mass median particle size,
a = Gaudin--Schuhmann distribution modulus, and
n = Rosin--Rammler distribution modulus.
As the classification equations are point functions with respect to size, the
feed was subdivided into 100 equal parts to eliminate any substantial error in
obtaining an average size for the particle size fractions. The classifier cut size
was varied over a wide range using various sharpness of separation coefficients
and various size distribution constants.


The results shown in Figs.4, 6 and 7 are plotted in terms of the ratio be-
tween actual and indicated cut size versus the corrected solids recovery. The
curves all display the same general form: rising sharply at low recoveries and
levelling o f f at a constant value near 1 at high recoveries.
As would be expected the difference between the actual and indicated cut
size is least when the sharpness of separation is the greatest (high values of m
or a).
Fig.4a, b and c show the comparison of the cut size ratios with a variation
o f feed size distributions. For a narrow feed size distribution (a = 1.0) the
sharp rise in the cut size ratio occurs at a higher recovery then for fiat feed
size distributions. Fig. 5 shows the constant values of the dsoc/idsoc ratios and
the point where the ratios begin to deviate substantially from the constant
values both p lo tte d as a function of the distribution modulus. Below a dis-
tribution modulus of 0.7 the dsoe/idsoc ratios level off at values above 1.0. This
somewhat u n e x p e c t e d result is due to the highly negative skew of Gaudin--
Schuhmann distributions with low distribution moduli. The result of the nega-
tive skew is that even when the cut size is in the finer size region of the feed
(i.e. high values of Rc) more fines are misplaced to the coarse p r o d u c t then
vice versa. Fig. 5 was prepared using a sharpness o f separation, m, of 2.5, which
represents average conditions for h y d r o c y c l o n e classifiers.
Fig.6 shows the actual/indicated cut size ratios for an assumed Rosin--
Rammler feed size distribution. With a different feed distribution the curves
are only slightly different from those using a G a u d i n - - S c h u h m a n n distribution.
This similarity suggests that all natural feed size distributions will give a similar
relationship between the actual and indicated cut size. To check that the as-
sumed classification function did not produce unique results, Fig.7 shows the

3 ~t ~"". (a) o~ = 1.0

ti',, "...."....
2 J~\\\

0 :l I I I I ~ i I I

(b) ~ = 07
\ ",
7 l\ "..

0 i i I i I I i I I

(c) ~ = 0 5
...... rn=l

2 ~ ". --m=4
\ '
\ '..

1 [''"1, ........................................

J i i I I i J I J I
00 20 40 60 80 100
Corrected Solids Recovery

Fig4 A c t u a l / i n d i c a t e d cut size ratios for the R o s i n - - R a m m l e r classification f u n c t i o n with

G a u d i n - - S c h u h m a n n f e e d size distributions

b3 ~o

1.00 40 8

30 25

20 ~
0 95
~0 o

I I I I I I I I I I i I I
0.5 I0
Distribution Modulu~s,
Fig. 5. Values o f c o n s t a n t a c t u a l / i n d i c a t e d cut size ratios and l o w e r limit o f applicability as
a f u n c t i o n o f the G a u d i n - - S c h u h m a n n d i s t r i b u t i o n m o d u l u s (all for m = 2.5).

..,,.,m= 1
~ 4
N ----m=2
--. m=3

\ "'-..

<~--~ - - ~ ~ _ ~ 4"'--" i,
P~lb ........ O.........

Oq I I | l I l l l
20 40 60 80 I O0
C o r r e c t e d Solids R e c o v e r y (%)
Fig.6. A c t u a l / i n d i c a t e d cut size ratios for the R o s i n - - R a m m l e r classification f u n c t i o n with
a R o s i n - - R a m m l e r feed size distribution. Distribution m o d u l u s n = 1.0.

. . . . . .

CJ --a=4

1 ~ f ~ o o ~ l f iolol .... oQi61ollol .... ~o


~) I | I I I I I
2 40 60 80 I00
C o r r e c t e d Solids R e c o v e r y ( % )

Fig,7. A c t u a l / i n d i c a t e d cut size ratios using the L y n c h classification f u n c t i o n with a

G a u d i n - - S c h u h m a n n feed size distribution (~ = 0.7).

actual/indicated ratios using the Lynch equation (No. 3). The form of the
curves is again very similar to those in Fig.4. From these results it can be con-
cluded that with reasonable sharpness of separation (i.e. m > 2) the indicated
ds0c size will provide an estimate within + 10% of the actual ds0c size providing
the solids corrected recovery is over 30%.


dso-size estimation

This technique is restricted to instances when reliable data is available which

will permit calculation of the solid and liquid recoveries. With this information
the cut size of the classifier can be quickly estimated without carrying out a
size analysis of the coarse and fine products. This method is particularly useful
to monitor changes in the cut size or to check that it is within the proper

range before coarse and fine product size analyses axe carried out.
As an example, if the data from the cyclone test shown in Appendix A were
available except for the underflow and overflow size analyses, it would be
possible to determine the values of ds0 and ds0c. The feed size analysis is
plotted as shown in Fig.8. The distribution follows the Gaudin--Schuhmann
equation remarkably well with a rather low distribution modulus of 0.23.
From the mass balance the corrected solids recovery (Rc) is 24.6% such that
the indicated ds0c size is equal to 280 pm and corresponds to the 75.4%
passing size. With reference to Fig. 5 the dsoc/idsoc ratio for an ~ = 0.23 is
1.057. As the Rc of 24.6 is above the lower limit of 17% the ratio applies.
Thus the estimated ds0c is:
1.057 280 = 296/~m
The estimate of ds0 using an assumed m = 2.5 is:
y ' (at ds0) -
= 0.391

dso = 296 0.693

1 In -1--0.391
= 258 pm
The estimated corrected and uncorrected cut sizes compare to the actual
values of 298 pm and 259/~m respectively. Although agreement within 2% is
most acceptable the reasons for the apparent decrepancy in the estimated ds0c
may be:
(1) The sharpness of separation value of m assumed in Fig.5 is 2.5, the ac-
tual value for this test was 3.06 which would lower the dsoc/idsoc ratio.
(2) The geometric mean was employed as the average size for the size inter-
vals in the ds0c size determination. If the arithmetic mean had been used, the
ds0c would have been 294 pm.
Although this method of estimating the cut size is a useful analytical tool


~ slope ~1= 0.23


~ 20
id50c = 280p

I L J [illll i ~l i i I I LL
10 20 30 50 100 200 300 500 1000
P a r t i c l e Size in Microns

Fig.8. Gaudin--Schuhmann plot of feed size analysis illustrating the d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f the

indicated cut size (data from Appendix A).

it d o e s n o t r e p l a c e t h e value o f classification curves. T h e e s t i m a t e is o f limited

usefulness b e c a u s e it p r o v i d e s n o i n f o r m a t i o n regarding t h e s h a r p n e s s o f
s e p a r a t i o n or t h e s h a p e of t h e classification curve.

Particle size m e a s u r e m e n t

This t e c h n i q u e also suggests the possibility o f using a classifier as a particle

size m e a s u r i n g device. A classifier with a k n o w n cut size, if i n s t r u m e n t e d t o
p r o v i d e a mass balance, c o u l d be c a l i b r a t e d to d e t e r m i n e t h e particle size o f
the feed. T o illustrate, let us a s s u m e t h a t t h e h y d r o c y c l o n e in A p p e n d i x A
was k n o w n to have a ds0c o f 2 8 9 ~ m . T h e n b y s i m p l y using an a s s u m e d ds0c/
idso of 1.0 it c o u l d be d e t e r m i n e d t h a t t h e feed c o n t a i n e d 75.4% m a t e r i a l
finer t h a n 2 8 9 p m . This size c o m p a r e s to t h e actual value o f a b o u t 2 8 0 p m .
This principle is, in fact, t h e basis b e h i n d the L o n d o n School o f Mines on-
s t r e a m particle size a n a l y s e r ( O s b o r n e , 1972).


When a c c u r a t e solids a n d liquid mass f l o w d a t a are available t h e c u t size o f

a classifier can be e s t i m a t e d f r o m t h e feed size analysis with an a c c u r a c y c o m -
p a r a b l e t o t h a t o b t a i n e d f r o m classification curves. This t e c h n i q u e provides a
rapid m e a n s o f c h e c k i n g t h e c u t size o f a classifier w i t h o u t t h e n e e d o f carry-
ing o u t size analyses o f t h e coarse and fine p r o d u c t s .


Calculation of dsoc from a classification test (Lynch, 1974)

Data: Percent solids by weight: feed 70.4

overflow 64.2
underflow 83.5

Size Analyses

B. S.S. Feed Overflow Underflow

+14 0.1 0 0.3

14/18 1.5 0 3.6
18/25 7.8 0.1 20.7
25/36 8.6 0.6 21.3
36/52 6.1 2.2 13.1
52/72 5.6 4.7 7.0
72/100 5.0 5.9 3.7
100/150 5.3 6.7 3.4
150/200 5.4 7.0 2.7
200/300 3.4 4.7 1.7
--300 51.2 68.1 22.5

Calculated parameters: R s = 38.1%, Rf - 17.9%, and Rc = 24.6%.


Calculation of classifier functions (Efficiencies)

G e o m e t r i c mean % to U.F. Corrected Predicted ~'

size (urn) y % to U.F. (eq.2, m = 3.06,
y' ds0 c = 289 um)

-- I00.0 100.0 --
1010 I00.0 100.0 I00.0
714 99.3 99.1 i00.0
502 95.6 94.7 97.7
355 78.6 73.9 72.9
251 47.9 36.5 36.2
177 27.9 12.1 14.3
126 23.9 7.2 5.3
89 19.2 1.6 1.9
63 18.3 0.4 0.6
-- 16.9 - 1.2 --

Lynch e q u a t i o n (No. 3) best fit parameters ~ = 4.57, ds0 c = 289 pm.

Uncorrected cut size ds0 = 259 ~m.


Luckie, P.T. and Austin, L.G., 1973. T e c h n i q u e for derivation of selectivity functions
f r o m experimental data. In: Proceedings of 10th International Mineral Processing
Congress, IMM 1974, pp. 773--790.
Lynch, A.J., Rao, T.C. and Prisbrey, K.A., 1974. The influence of h y d r o c y c l o n e diameter
on reduced efficiency curves. Int. J. Miner Process., 1: 173--181.
Mular, A.L. and Bates, M.W., 1971. Modelling of parallel cyclones in the absence of flow
measurement. CIM Bull., 64: 51--56.
Plitt, L.R., 1971. The analysis of solid--solid separations in classifiers. CIM Bull., 64:
Osborne, B.F., 1972. A c o m p l e t e system for on-stream particle size analysis. CIM Bull.,
65: 97--107.

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