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Monday Tuesday Wednesday

get up at 7
walk and note take care of her
fresh up by 9

9-9.30 breakfast breakfast breakfast

9.45-11 chem inorganic chem inorganic chem inorganic

11.30-1 physics class 11 chem class 11 maths class 11

2-3.30 chem class 12 maths class 12 physics class 12

4-5.30 maths class 12 physics 12 chem12

7-8. hindi hindi hindi

9-10. english english english

11-12. jo man kre jo man kre jo man kre

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast

chem inorganic chem inorganic chem inorganic chem inorganic

physics class 11 chemclass 11 maths class 11 any one from class 11

chem class 12 maths class 12 physics 12 any one from class 12

maths 11 physics class 11 chem 11 revise

hindi hindi hindi hindi

english english english english

jo man kre jo man kre jo man kre jo man kre

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