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WEB 1.

Web 1.0 can be associated with the era

of static websites. During this phase
static websites were created and used
in order to display some information. A
publisher could use web for displaying
the information, and the user can easily
get access to this information by
visiting the publishers website.
WEB 2.0

The second stage of evolution of web

can be termed as Web 2.0. According
to Wikipedia, this phrase has been
coined by OReilly Media in 2004.
During this stage, websites grew in
terms of interaction capabilities. One
can also relate this phase with websites
like YouTube and Blogger. This phase is
particularly related with the social
networking concepts
WEB 3.0
In the context to Tim Berner-Lees
explanation, Web 3.0 can be described
as a read- write-execute web.
Wikipedia mentions that this phrase
was coined by Join Markoff of the New
York Times in 2006. The two key terms
associated with this phase are
semantic markup and web services.
Semantic mark up helps in describing
an item apart from defining its
appearance. It helps in searching the
other matched items on the basis of
similar attributes.
Hessa Alhooti
ID : H00354404
Rouda Mohammed
ID : H00354555

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