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Plan Template

Teacher Trainee: afra alowais Student Number: 25

Date: 23/10/2017 Subject/Grade: math/ grade kg1

Topic: Resources:
Flashcards 1,2,3 Flashcards
Fake toys

Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to identify each number.

Key Term
Learn each number.

Key Questions: (List key questions you want students to be able to answer at the end of the lesson)

What are the numbers?
Lesson Introduction:
Show the kids how write 1,2,3 in a fun way so they can understand better.

Teaching Activities/Learning Strategies (If it is new skills or concepts remember to utilize Gradual Release of Responsibility)
Time Learning Activity How (Teacher says and does) Student says and does
15 Doing a n a ctivity w ith n umbers Explaining h ow t o c ount t he I will let the students to count by
min so they can learn better. numbers. themselves.

Lesson Closing:
I will ask the students what have they learn and I will approve it.

Assessment of Understanding: (how do you know the students understand? When and how will you check their
I will ask one of the kids to explain to others what he understood so I know he understood the lesson well.

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