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3 reading questions

1. The main powers involved in the Korean War were the United Nations on
the side of South Korea, and China and the Soviet Union on the side of
North Korea.
2. While the Soviets did not directly fight the UN forces from South Korea,
they played a significant role in the fight against them as they provided aid
to the North Korean forces both in money and in military force.
3. When the Vietnam War started, their enemy was the French armies as
they occupied a great amount of Vietnam. Later, when the US got in-
volved, they became the enemy, as they were heavily involved in the inter-
vention of the conflict, and while they were purely trying to eliminate com-
munism, they escalated the conflict to a level that was unforeseen.
4. Cambodia suffered a great amount of US bombing as it was used as a
sanctuary by Vietnamese troops. South Vietnam was bombed several
times as well.

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