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This story is about greed as the root of all evils and its main characters are 3: Kino, Juana
and Coyotito. Kino is a young and strong brown man of black hair, Juana is his wife and
mother of Coyotito who by the way figure to be as a fragile patient character obedient
and respectful and Coyotito is just a baby.

the story takes place in a small rural town called La Paz on the Baja Peninsula. One-day
dawns in total normality until suddenly a scorpion itches Coyotito therefore Kino and
Juana must travel to the city near the beach in search of a medical doctor who refuses to
serve them for two reasons for their ethnicity and the lack of money, being them from a
poor family, from that moment they return to their hut on the beach and Kino is placed
in the obligation to look for pearls in the sea that can help pay the doctor's fees. It is
exactly at that time looking for pearls at the bottom of the sea which finds what would
be called as the Pearl of the World according to the other people of the Gulf. A pearl as
big as the egg of a bright shiny bird that brings with it a beautiful and pacifying music

one day while Juana cooks, she realizes that the wound of her son, which had been
sucked to extract the poison, had healed, therefore no longer needed the money to pay
the doctor. The discovery of the pearl was scattered among all the inhabitants and this
brought a series of problems for the characters, which were deceived and persecuted
during most of the history. Kino one of the main characters is seen in a fight to preserve
his pearl which would cost the life of his son coyotito. The story ends with the fact that
Kino finally accepts to throw the pearl to the sea heeding the advice of your wife to get
rid of the curse that brought such a precious pearl.

we find a very interesting story that uses parabolas and symbols to demonstrate the evils
that can bring an object of material value in people's lives. an omniscient narrator is in
charge of narrating the thoughts and actions of all the characters making history easy to
understand. The Pearl is a parable, the story is about a moral lesson. The most prevalent
theme in The Pearl is that greed and envy eliminate the sense of gratitude one should
have for the things they already possess. In much of her dialogue, Juana best conveys
the notion of this. After Kino is attacked and injured by someone trying to steal the pearl,
she says to Kino, ''Kino, this pearl is evil. Let's destroy it before it destroys us.''


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