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Section Five: Teacher Candidate Reflection Guidelines


There is an art to teaching. Being an educator requires skills beyond teaching subject

content to children. It involves one to be compassion, empathy, and knowledge about human

cognitive growth. As we know, the list does not stop there. I have learned that there are specific

teaching pedagogies and a great will of passion that makes an effective teacher. This section is a

reflection on my process of becoming a competent educator. My current and previous teaching

career has given me priceless life experiences. Additional, being a student at Medaille and this

portfolio has lead me to grow in pedagogics skills.

Portfolio Project/Teacher Education Learning Experiences

Being accepted into Medailles Elementary Masters program has been a privilege.

Throughout my time here, I have worked with a diverse and intelligent group of peers. Also, I

have been taught by many esteemed professors who have all helped me grow as an educator. The

professors at Medaille equipped me with the skills necessary for being a successful teacher

candidate. For instance, professors at Medaille have lead me through the discovery of the

individuals who have greatly influenced the field of Education, such Jean Piaget, Marie

Montessori, and Lev Vygotsky. (TEAC Claim 2: Pedagogy and Best Teaching Practices.)

As I reflect on my Guided Reading Lesson Plan, I can produce an effective lesson for

diverse leveled readers. Medailles graduate courses: Assessment & Evaluation of Literacy, and

Developmental Literacy have prepared me for all types of readers. Now, I can analyze my

students strength and weakness in literacy. This lesson plan shows that I can create a lesson that

teaches students a literacy element that align with New State Common Core. Additionally, my

Guided Reading Lesson was geared towards teaching acceptance of different cultures in our

world. The skills I acquired in these classes will be translated into future generation learning

how to read and write in my classroom through effective instruction. (TEAC Claim 2:

Pedagogy and Best Teaching Practices.)

Technology is a huge part of our lives. The graduate course, Technology in the

Classroom taught me how to properly implement technology into my classroom. Now, I can

produce a professional website that can be accessed by parents, students, and other professionals.

Also, Ive learned countless interactive activities that I can do with my students such as,,, and more. This class also taught me how to accurately

align common core standards with iPad applications that can assist students. This allows me to

excel to a new level with my students. (TEAC Claim 1: Subject Matter & Claim 2:

Pedagogy and Best Teaching Practices.)

The artifacts, Guided Reading Lesson Plan, the Science Lesson Plan, and the

Learning Segment are evidence that in knowledge of subject manner to becoming a certified

elementary teacher in New York State. Weighing the significance of these lesson plans has lead

me to conclude that these products illustrate my skills in effective pedagogy. For example, I have

created these lessons with specific learning instructions, assessments, and accommodations based

on the needs of my students. Medailles methods courses have taught me how to prepare lesson

plans that are backed by proven educational methods that can be taught successfully to a diverse

group of learners. (DOE Claims & CAEP Standards: Claim 1: Subject Matter & Claim 2:

Content and Pedagogical Knowledge.)

Working at The Summit Center, and shadowing at Buffalo Prep gave me an awareness of

the many different students within our community. They all differ in strengths and weakness, yet

each student offers the world something unique and beautiful. As an educator, it is my duty that

every childs individuality traits excel them into confident and successful adults. This definition

of success will look different for each student. For my students with serve disabilities on the

ASD, success may look like writing, speaking, and toileting indecently. Whereas, my ENL

students, success could be learning English, and sharing facts about their culture to a group of

open minded peers. These two experiences have taught me the importance of being an empathic

educator (Claim 3: Caring Educators).

Reediness to Become a Teacher

This portfolio is an accumulation of my work experiences in a classroom, and it has

shown the skills I have learned throughout the Masters Education Elementary Program.

Therefore, I am confident that I am a high qualified competent teacher. Within this Portfolio, I

have documented my strengths that prove that statement to be true.

As discussed in this section and previous sections I am to plan accordingly to my students

needs and NYS requirements. The artifacts I have provided demonstrate my abilities to plan

lessons for multiple subject content areas, and multiple grades. My background in special

education has given me an edge to plan for students who need additional accommodations.

In addition, my previous work experiences at The Summit Center have prepared me for

how to effectively manage my classrooms. My training in Applied Behavioral Analysis has

given me insight into different way to approaching difficult situations. Additionally, my classes

at Medaille, have taught me the research behind behaviorist such as B.F. Skinner, and the

theories that can be applied within the classroom.

As stated earlier, I am proficient with integration technology in the classroom. My

experiences with tools such as the SMART Board will keep my students engaged. Also, it will

keep my learning content current, and interesting. Integrating technology in the classroom will

make me an effective teacher.

After completing my DASA training, I have grown as Culturally Responsive Teacher.

However, training is just one example of my growth as a CRT. Throughout my lesson plans, and

my CRT essay, I have demonstrated my abilities to welcome all students. My classroom will be

inclusive to all races, ages, disabilities, gender, and religions. The main goal for each of my

students will always be to make them feel comfortable in their learning environment. Therefore,

bullying, harassment or discrimination of any sorts will be tolerated in my classroom.

Last, as I am on my way to becoming a New York State Certified Teacher I feel

confident in applying NYS Common Core State Standards in my classroom. Throughout this

entire experience I learned a great deal about Common Core. I know how and when to apply

these standards in the most effective way. The best teaching pedagogy, research, and other skills

I have studied along with Common Core have make me into a well-rounded and successful



Section 5 reflects on my educational career at Medaille, and my classroom experiences as

teachers aide and observer. Both have made me into the educator I am today. I can confidently

state that I will teach accordingly to the best teaching practices for each subject area. Through

years of professional education, I have learned teaching pedagogy and standards that will ensure

success students for the generations to come. Additionally, my passion for teaching and

empathetic attitude towards my students is what truly makes me a highly qualified teacher.

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