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Ray W. Fuller
The Lilly Research Laboratories
Eli Lilly and Company
Indianapolis, Indiana 46206

Lowering of brain serotonin by halogenated amphetamines was initially

observed by Pletscher et ~ l . , ' -who
~ primarily studied p-chlero-N-methylamphet-
amine (p-CMA). A series of halogenated amphetamines had been prepared in
the Lilly Research Laboratories by Dr. Jack Mills as potential appetite suppres-
sant drugs; 4 , s we examined structure-activity relationships among those com-
pounds and reported that p-chloroamphetamine (p-CA) was somewhat more
active than p-CMA in lowering brain serotonin 16 hr after drug injection in
rats6. Later studies revealed that p-CMA is extensively converted to p-CA in
rats and that most of its in vivo effects may be due to p-CA (see below). The
mechanism of action of p C A might initially have been described as obscure
and now must be described as complex. Our studies of p-CA have emphasized
the use of structural analogs as tools in elucidating and dissociating the multiple
actions that p-CA apparently exerts on serotonin neurons.


The initial observations that the concentrations of both serotonin and 5-

hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in the brain were depressed by p-CMA
and p-CA 2 , * suggested that 5-hydroxyindole synthesis was inhibited (agents
like reserpine that deplete serotonin by release increase 5-HIAA as serotonin is
exposed to attack by monoamine oxidase) . Brain tryptophan hydroxylase was
not measured directly because methods were then unavailable, but the haloge-
nated amphetamines were shown not to inhibit tryptophan hydroxylation by
rat liver2*?or by Chromobacterium violaceum7 and to have no effect on
5-hydroxytryptophan decarboxylation.2 Since the halogenated amphetamines
released serotonin from platelets in vitro but prevented its conversion to 5-
HIAA,3 the proposal was made that the compounds lowered serotonin in vivo
by releasing it from storage granules and lowered 5-HIAA by inhibition of
monoamine oxidase. This mechanism left unanswered the fate of the released
serotonin and was insufficient for explaining the effects produced by the haloge-
nated amphetamines, though p-CA probably does release serotonin and inhibit
monoamine oxidase in V ~ V O . ~Sanders-Bush
- ~ ~ et a1.12 made the important ob-
servation that p-CA does inhibit tryptophan hydroxylation in vivo in brain, and
this inhibition of 5-hydroxyindole synthesis is probably the major mechanism
that accounts for the lowering of serotonin and 5-HIAA levels. The molecular
basis for this effect on tryptophan hydroxylase in vivo is unknown, because
p-CA does not inhibit the enzyme in vitro, except at very high concentrations.
p-CA and p-CMA are potent inhibitors of serotonin uptake by brain slices l 3
and synaptosomes l4 in vitro, and inhibition of serotonin reuptake probably
0077-8923/78/0305-0147 $01.75/0 @ 1978, The New York Academy of Sciences
148 Annals New York Academy of Sciences

occurs in vivo, though such inhibition would not result in depletion of serotonin
The actions of p-CA on serotonin neurons are summarized in TABLE 1. The
initial effects probably include inhibition of tryptophan hydroxylation, release
of serotonin from intraneuronal storage granules, inhibition of serotonin reup-
take by the neuronal membrane pump, and inhibition of serotonin oxidation by
monoamine oxidase. Lowering of serotonin by p-CA may occur largely through
inhibition of tryptophan hydroxylation, but these actions seem to vary in
prominence among various p-CA analogs, as will be discussed. Lowering of
5-HIAA may occur via inhibition of tryptophan hydroxylation, inhibition of
monoamine oxidase, and inhibition of serotonin reuptake.
Not only does p-CA produce rapid depletion of brain serotonin, but the
effects are also of extremely long duration. Sanders-Bush er d . 1 5 first recog-


Influence on Concentra.tionof
Action Serotonin 5-HIAA
Inhibition of tryptophan hydroxylation decrease decrease
Release of serotonin decrease increase
Inhibition of serotonin reuptake no change decrease
Inhibition of monoamine oxidase increase decrease
Irreversible damage to
serotonin neuronal function * decrease decrease

* All parameters specifically associated with serotonin neurons are decreased:

tryptophan hydroxylase, high-affinity uptake of serotonin, serotonin and 5-HIAA con-
centrations, and serotonin turnover.

nized that serotonin levels were still depressed for as long as 4 months after
a single injection of p-CA in rats. All parameters of serotonin neural function
(tryptophan hydroxylase,l5 serotonin concentration 15, l6 and turnover,I6 5-
H1AA,l5# and serotonin uptake l7) are depressed at these long time intervals,
which suggests that some serotonin neurons have been destroyed, and Harvey
et al. have published histologic evidence for selective neurotoxic effects of
p-CA.l8,l8 The initial effects of p-CA are not permanent, however, and can
be readily reversed for a few hours after p-CA administration *OJQ (TABLE 2).
Thus, the rapid initial effects and the long-lasting destructive effects of p-CA
on serotonin neurons can be readily distinguished.
By studying structural analogs of p-CA, we have been able to dissociate
these initial and long-term effects and have further been able to distinguish the
four multiple initial actions listed above. The structures of several of these
analogs are shown in FIGURE 1.
Fuller: Structure-Activity Relationships 149

FIGURE 1. Structures of p-CA and some of its analogs. All of the compounds used
were racemic mixtures of optical isomers.


In o u r initial studies, we observed n o significant depletion of brain serotonin

16 h r after administration of either o-chloro- or m-chloroamphetamines, in
contrast to the marked depletion that occurred after injection of p-CA.' A more
careful analysis revealed that these compounds are, like amphetamine, rapidly
metabolized in the rat.22 The rat metabolizes amphetamine mainly by para-
hydroxylation, and amphetamines that contain a substituent in this position
persist in the brain and other tissues much longer than does amphetamine
itself.23 Thus, the inability of the o-chloro and m-chloro compounds to affect


Reversal ( % )
Hours After Injection ~~

of p-CA or p-BA * p-CA p-B A

4 100 92
8 87 79
24 31 20
48 0 0

*Uptake inhibitor (fluoxetine hydrochloride) was injected at this time, and sero-
tonin concentration was measured 24 hr later. p-CA data were calculated from
Reference 21, and p-BA data were from similar unpublished studies.=
150 Annals New York Academy of Sciences
serotonin in rats, particularly at longer times, could be attributed to their failure
to remain in the brain at effective concentrations. The metabolic differences
between these chlorinated amphetamines in rats can be eliminated hy pretreat-
ment with desmethylimipramine z 2 or iprindole 2 4 to block para-hydroxylation.
When that is done, m-chloroamphetamine lowers brain serotonin in exactly the
same manner as does p-CA.22s2 4 And, in the guinea pig, a species in which
para-hydroxylation of amphetamines does not occur, m-chloroamphetamine acts
like p-CA in lowering brain serotonin.z5 o-Chloroamphetamine, on the other
hand, does not lower but, instead, increases serotonin concentration in des-
methylimipramine-treated rats 2 2 and guinea pigs.2e Furthermore, the addition
of an o-chloro substituent to p-CA markedly diminishes its ability to lower brain
serotonin, although the reduction of 5-HIAA was perhaps even greater with
the dichloro compound.2e Since the dichloro compound is a more potent
rnonoamine oxidase inhibitor,ze this finding supports the idea that inhibition of
monoamine oxidase does contribute to the decrease of 5-HIAA caused by
these compounds.


p-Bromoamphetamine 2 7 and p-bromomethamphetamine 2R, 29 lower brain

serotonin to an extent comparable to the reduction caused by the corresponding
p-chloro compounds. pFluoroamphetamine decreases serotonin levels, but its
effects do not persist to the same degree as those of p-CA.27s30 Other pnra-
substituted amphetamines have less activity (trifluoromethyl, phenoxy) or no
activity (methyl, methoxy ) as serotonin depletors.20
Norfenfluramine is an analog of p-CA that bears an m-trifluoromethyl sub-
stituent instead of a p-chloro substituent on the ring. Norfenfluramine and
fenfluramine (the N-ethyl compound) lower serotonin in rat brain for a very
long time, though they are slightly less active than p-CA.3*-34 Although Costa
and Revuelta 32 have reported that norfenfluramine increases serotonin turnover
instead of decreasing it, as p-CA does, we find that norfenfluramine causes a
rapid reduction of tryptophan hydroxylase accompanying the decline in sero-
tonin, just as p-CA does (TABLE 3). Sanders-Bush et al. have reported short-
and long-term depletion of serotonin and tryptophan hydroxylase in rat brain
after injection of fenfluramine.'? In general, the actions of norfenfluramine and
fenfluramine on brain serotonin neurons may be very similar to those of p-CA
and other chlorinated amphetamines.


As mentioned previously, the initial observation of serotonin lowering by

halogenated amphetamines was made with p-CMA,'+ which is almost as effec-
tive as p-CA In fact, more recent studies indicate that p-CMA is
rapidly and extensively metabolized to p-CA in the rat (TABLE 4 ) . We have
compared other N-alkyl derivatives of p-CA and find that they all are less
effective than p-CA in depleting brain serotonin in rats.', 6c, N-Ethyl, N-iso-
propyl, and N,N-dimethyl derivatives lower brain serotonin and are metabolized
by N-dealkylation to p-CA in the rat. The extent of their conversion to p-CA
may be adequate to account for their lowering of serotonin; that is, they may
Fuller: Structure-Activity Relationships 151

Brain 5-Hydroxyindoles (pg/g)

Minutes Serotonin 5-HIAA Hydroxylase
0 0.552 0.02 0.5620.02 24.520.5
30 0.4420.02t 0.58f0.01 18.9f0.6t
60 0.31f0.02 t 0.52k0.02 19.9f0.7 t
120 0.2120.005 t 0.47fO.01 t 16.6k0.2t
240 0.19fO.O1 t 0.37kO.01 t 15.320.6t

* Norfenfluramine hydrochloride (a gift from the A. H. Robins Company) was in-

jected intraperitoneally at 15 mg/kg. Brain 5-hydroxyindoles Is and tryptophan
hydroxylase were measured fluorometrically. Tryptophan hydroxylase units are
expressed in micrograms of 5-hydroxytryptophan formed per gram of brain per hour.
Mean values and standard errors for five rats per group are shown.
t p < 0.01,lower than time zero.

all act via conversion to p-CA. W e have been unable to block this metabolic
conversion by any drug to determine whether the N-alkyl compounds are
capable of depleting serotonin o n their own.
N-Hydroxyl-p-CA was an analog of interest because hydroxylamines are
unstable and chemically reactive. We thought that N-hydroxyl-p-CA might be
a (the) neurotoxic metabolite that has been considered as a possible mediator
of the long-term effects of p-CA. However, we found that N-hydroxy-p-CA
was, in fact, rapidly and quantitatively converted to p-CA, so that its effects on
brain serotonin were indistinguishable from those of P-CA.~'
N-Cyclopropylarylalkylaminesare irreversible inhibitors of monoamine oxi-
~ ?general, and N-cyclopropyl-pCA is therefore a unique analog of
d a ~ e , ~ in
p-CA in that the monoamine oxidase-inhibiting component of its activity plays


Treatment 5-Hydroxytryptamine p-CA

Drug Interval/(hr) (pg/g) (nmol/g)
None 0.55k0.02 -
p-CA 2 0.32k0.01 t 91 f 3
4 0.28k0.01 t 89+5
8 0.1920.01 t 8624
p-CMA 2 0.3720.01 t 58k3
4 0.29f0.01 t 6424
8 0.1920.01 t 7721

* Drugs were injected intraperitoneally at 0.1 mmol/kg. Means and standard errors
for five rats per group are shown.
t p < 0.01,different from control group.
152 Annals New York Academy of Sciences

a greater part in its action on serotonin. N-Cyclopropyl-p-CA does not lower

serotonin initially but, instead, produces a delayed and long-lasting depIetion.'O
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid is lowered immediately, probably due largely to
inhibition of monoamine ~ x i d a s e . ' ~N-Cyclopropyl-pCA does cause a rapid
reduction of tryptophan hydroxylase in brain, as does p-CA."l Thus, there are
initially two opposing influences on serotonin concentration by this agent :
inhibition of serotonin synthesis and inhibition of serotonin degradation, the
net effect being little change in serotonin concentration at first. The intra-
neuronal effects of N-cyclopropyl-pCA on serotonin metabolism can be pre-
vented by prior administration of an uptake inhibitor to block its entry via the
membrane pump.*' Uptake inhibition has no detectable influence on overall
inhibition of brain monoarnine oxidase, probably because the monoamine oxi-
dase inside serotonin neurons contributes an undetectably small portion to total
brain activity:" Thus, an uptake inhibitor removes the inhibition of serotonin
synthesis but not the inhibition of serotonin oxidation, so the result is a rapid
increase in serotonin c ~ n c e n t r a t i o n . Although
~~ serotonin oxidation may nor-
mally occur inside serotonin neurons, in the presence of an uptake inhibitor,
serotonin presumably is oxidized by monoamine oxidase outside serotonin


The shorter homolog of p-CA, p-chloro-a-methylbenzylamine,is only a

weak inhibitor of serotonin uptake and of monoamine oxidase in vitro and
does not affect serotonin or 5-HIAA concentration in the brain in viva."? Longer
homologs of p-CA, on the other hand, selectively retain some of the pharmaco-
logic actions of p-CA. The first longer homolog (one additional methylene unit
connecting the phenyl ring and the amine-bearing carbon) is slightly more active
than p-CA as an inhibitor of rnonoamine oxidase in vitro and slightly increases
serotonin levels while decreasing 5-HIAA levels in rat brain, presumably due
to weak inhibition of monoamine oxidase in vivo.4* The next longer homolog,
with two additional methylene units, is a weaker inhibitor of monoamine
oxidase in vitro and does not significantly change serotonin levels in V ~ V O . ~ ~
It slightly lowers 5-HIAA levels in viva4* Both of these two longer homologs
of p-CA retain essentially full activity as a serotonin uptake inhibitor in vitro;
this activity probably accounts fully for the 5-HIAA reduction by the longest
homolog and partly for the 5-HIAA lowering by the intermediate homolog.
Both of these longer homologs can block the depletion of serotonin by p-CA,
demonstrating their ability to inhibit uptake into serotonin neurons in V ~ V O . ' ~
Thus, lengthening the side chain of p-CA abolishes the serotonin-depleting
action but retains other actions of p-CA.

When the @-carbon of p-CA contains two fluorine atoms in place of hy-
drogen atoms, the basicity of the amine group is greatly reduced due to the
strong electron-withdrawing property of This unique p-CA analog
has a pK, of 6.8 and so exists at physiologic pH mainly in the neutral form
instead of being virtually completely ionized, as is p C A itself (pK, 9.3). Pre-
Fuller: Structure-Activity Relationships 153

sumably, as a consequence of the existence of most molecules of j3,p-difluoro-

p-CA in the uncharged form and of nearly all molecules of p-CA as cations,
these two substances differ strikingly in their biologic disposition. The difluoro
compound is localized very heavily in adipose tissue, the tissue in which p-CA
itself is present in lowest concentration.'$ Because of the localization of &/3-
difluoro-p-CA in fat, its concentrations in brain are lower than those of p-CA
after equimolar doses; it must be given at about four times the dose of p-CA to
achieve initial concentrations in brain that are equivalent. Even then, the con-
centration of p,&difluoro-p-CA is not maintained in the brain, because it is
metabolized much more rapidly and extensively than is p-CA itself in the rat.43
Although &p-difluoro-p-CA initially depletes brain serotonin and 5-HIAA to
the same extent as does p-CA itself when brain levels of the two drugs are
equivalent, the effects of the difluoro compound on brain 5-hydroxyindoles in
the rat are only transient and disappear within 24 hr.43 Prior induction of liver
microsornal enzymes with phenobarbital accelerates the already-rapid metabo-
lism of p,/3-difluoro-p-CA and prevents the transient depletion of 5-hydroxy-
ind01es.~~This effect of phenobarbital apparently occurs because the 8,p-
difluoro substitution on amphetamines makes the drugs more susceptible to
deamination by hepatic enzymes.45


Chlorinated 3-phenylpiperidines are analogs of chloroamphetamines (though

they lack the a-methyl group) with rigid conformations in which the nitrogen
is part of a second ring structure that involves the @carbon. The p-chloro,
m-chloro, and m,p-dichloro compounds in this series lower serotonin and 5-
HIAA levels in rat brain, but their effect is smaller than that of p-CA and is
short-lasting.46 In other respects, such as tissue distribution and influence of
desmethylimipramine on brain levels, the chlorinated 3-phenylpiperidines re-
semble the chloroamphetamine~.~~
6-Chloro-2-aminotetralin is another analog of p-CA that has a rigid con-
formation. This compound also depletes brain serotonin and 5-HIAA, but,
again, its effect is short-lasting and smaller than that of p-CA itself.47 A par-
ticularly interesting compound that can be considered as a rigid p-CA analog
derived from 6-chloro-2-aminotetralin by the addition of a third ring structure
is a compound known as Org 6582. This compound was reported recently by
Sugrue et al.lRto be a potent and specific inhibitor of serotonin uptake. We
have compared it to 6-chloro-2-aminotetralin.~QOrg 6582 has lost the ability
of p-CA and 6-chloro-2-aminotetralin to inhibit tryptophan hydroxylase, to
deplete serotonin, and to inhibit monoamine oxidase in vivo but retains the
ability to inhibit serotonin uptake. It thus is a potent and specific inhibitor of
serotonin uptake with a long duration of action.


The long-term depletion of 5-hydroxyindole levels and of tryptophan hy-

droxylase and serotonin reuptake capacity suggests that the function of some
serotonin neurons has been permanently impaired by p C A , and histologic
changes consistent with neurotoxicity have been observed.l8. The mechanism
154 Annals New York Academy of Sciences
by which p-CA exerts these long-lasting effects is not known, but attention has
focused on the possibility that a neurotoxic metabolite is formed from p-CA.50-52
Despite this attention, no compelling evidence that a metabolite of p-CA plays
any part in its actions on serotonin has emerged. If such a metabolite is in-
volved, it most likely is formed inside the serotonin neuron, because p-CA itself
is selectively taken up into serotonin neurons, but there is no a priori rcason
that a metabolite would be, and because a metabolite so highly reactive that it
would destroy a neuron is unlikely to reach the site of action in brain if it were
formed in a peripheral tissue, such as the liver. Since no evidence in favor of
a toxic metabolite of p-CA has been uncovered, perhaps the idea that none is
involved deserves more consideration. p-CA itself may cause irreversible dam-
age to the serotonin neuron by virtue of being concentrated extensively inside
the neuron over a prolonged time. Baliga et have shown that amphetamines
can inhibit protein synthesis by interfering with initiation; p-CA was more
active than amphetamine itself in this regard. Perhaps p-CA attains concentra-
tions inside the serotonin neuron high enough to inhibit the formation of key
cell proteins and persists at these high concentrations for a long duration as a
consequence of continual reuptake by the amine pump on the serotonin neuronal
membrane. This mechanism for the long-lasting effects of p-CA would be
compatible with the observations that an uptake inhibitor can reverse serotonin
depletion (and tryptophan hydroxylase lowering) by p-CA initially and that the
reversibility gradually declines to zero within 32-48 h r after p-CA injection.
This period may be the time for which the serotonin neuron can survive without
the resynthesis of essential proteins required for general cell function. The data
summarized in TABLE2 may be instructive in considering mechanisms by
which serotonin depletion by p-CA and analogs becomes irreversible. One
might anticipate that p-CA and p-bromoamphetamine would be metabolized at
different rates, so that their effects would become irreversible at different rates
if the irreversible effects were due to a toxic metabolite. This possibility would
be particularly applicable to metabolism on the phenyl ring, for instance, the
formation of an arene oxide intermediate due to attack by a mono-oxygenase.os
However, the rates at which the effects of these two compounds become irre-
versible were virtually identical. This finding would be compatible with a theory
that interference with some essential cellular process for a critical period is
involved; that period would be independent of the inhibitory agent. The ability
of some analogs of p-CA (e.g., 6-chloro-2-aminotetralin, p-fluoroamphetamine,
/3-/3-difluoro-p-CA) to lower serotonin initially but not for a long duration may
reflect a relatively poorer affinity for the uptake pump, so that these analogs are
not maintained inside serotonin neurons at adequate concentrations for suffi-
ciently long periods to produce irreversible damage.


pChloroamphetamine and various analogs influence brain serotonin neurons

through multiple actions. Comparison of these compounds has permitted the
distinction between short-term and long-term depletion of serotonin and among
inhibition of tryptophan hydroxylation, release of serotonin, inhibition of
serotonin reuptake, and inhibition of monoamine oxidase as mechanisms in-
volved in the actions of these agents on serotonin neurons.
Fuller: Structure-Activity Relationships 155


I am grateful to Drs. Jack Mills and Bryan B. Molloy and their associates
for the synthesis of the p-CA analogs; to Drs. David T. Wong, C. John Parli,
and E. Martin G i l for collaborative assistance in various phases of our studies;
and to Harold D. Snoddy, Kenneth W. Perry, John C. Baker, and Susan
Hemrick for their experimental work.


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43. FULLER,R. W., H. D. SNODDY & B. B. MOLLOY.1973. Effect of p,p-difluoro-
substitution on the disposition and pharmacological effects of 4-chloroamphet-
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44. FULLER,R. W., J. C. BAKER,K. W. PERRY& B. B. MOLLOY.1974. Effect of
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158 Annals New York Academy of Sciences


DR. A. S. HORN: Have you studied the various isomers of these com-
pounds? If so, do they have differential actions?
DR. FULLER: All of the compounds that we have studied were administered
as mixtures of the D- and the L-isomers. It would be interesting to know if they
have differential effects; however, we havent given this a high priority, because
several years ago we found that the two isomers of p-chloroamphetamine
appeared to be identical with respect to their effects on brain serotonergic
DR. E. SANDERS-BUSH: Have you looked at other possible antagonist effects
of fluoxetine on p-chloroamphetamine or its derivatives? I ask this question
because there is some debate about the mechanisms underlying the initial de-
crease in tryptophan hydroxylase activity seen after p-chloroamphetamine injec-
tions. Can this effect be reversed if animals are pretreated with fluoxetine?
DR. FULLER: In fact, all parameters that are depressed after p-chloro-
amphetamine treatment can be reversed by the administration of fluoxetine.
For example, brain serotonin levels and tryptophan hydroxylase activity are
normal within 4 hr after fluoxetine treatment. If the reversal in tryptophan
hydroxylase activity is dependent on the synthesis of new enzyme protein, that
implies that there is a more rapid rate of synthesis than one would anticipate
on the basis of values for tryptophan hydroxylase enzyme turnover described
previously in the literature. However, there is also no evidence that the reversal
of p-chloroamphetamine-inducedinhibition of tryptophan hydroxylase is related
to differential inhibition by p-chloroamphetamine or its metabolites. In short,
then, I really dont know what mechanisms might account for the ability of
fluoxetine to rapidly reverse the effects of p-chloroamphetamine.
Some indirect evidence indicates to us that p-chloroamphetamine might act
directly on serotonin-containing neurons, rather than via a neurotoxic metabolite
of the compound. For example, in one study, we reasoned that if the metabolite
was formed via a change in the ring structure of p-chloroamphetamine, a com-
pound like p-bromoamphetamine might be converted to a neurotoxic metabolite
at a rate different from that of p-chloroamphetamine. Since the rate of develop-
ment of irreversibility of p-chloroamphetamine and p-bromoamphetamine were
identical, we now think that p-chloroamphetamine exerts its effects directly on
the neuron.
DR. E. M. GAL: We have some evidence that pchloroamphetamine pro-
duces a strong inhibition of tryptophan hydroxylase activity either in vivo or
in v i m , if you use the natural cofactor for the enzyme in the assay. Have YOU
or Dr. Sanders-Bush tried this cofactor?
DR. FULLER:The fact that p-chloroamphetamine-induced inhibition of
tryptophan hydroxylase activity cannot be reversed by dialyzing tryptophan
hydroxylase obtained from brain homogenates would argue against the possi-
bility that p-chloroamphetamines effects only occur in the presence of a natural
cofactor but not an unnatural one. Hence, it seems unlikely that there is any
direct inhibition of tryptophan hydroxylase by either p-chloroamphetamine or
a metabolite that would be present in our preparation.
DR.SANDERS-BUSH:We have also found that p-chloroamphetamine de-
creases tryptophan hydroxylase activity in vivo whether we use Dr. Fullers
assay or the procedure developed by Dr. GBI.
Fuller: Structure-Activity Relationships 159

DR. GAL: There is some evidence that the more active form of the trypto-
phan hydroxylase enzyme molecule must be phosphorylated. Is there any possi-
bility that this process might be interfered with shortly after p-chloroamphet-
amine administration?
DR.FULLER: I think that something like your hypothesis might be possible.
DR. J. H. GROWDON: Immediately after injection of p-chloroamphetamine
in normal animals, one sees a rather complex set of changes in motor behavior
that can be reversed up to 30-45 min later by injecting these animals with

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