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M.D. (MALTA). F.R.C.S. (E:.!G.). D.L.O. (L0ND.)
Senior Surgeon, E.N. T. Dept.
St. Luke's Hospital
Lecturer in Otorhinolaryngology,
Royal University of Malta
Otomycosis, chronic or recurrent in The development of fungal external
nature, has been observed most frequently otitis (Gavin, Hildrick, Smith and Sokra-
in tropical or subtropical countries (Sen- ny) is associated with local itching which
turia 1957), but it would seem that its inci- coincides with the proliferation of the or-
dence is increasing (Scott Brown); this, ganism in the external auditory canal and
perhaps, also as a result of widespread use is followed by the progression of the con-
of topical antibiotic preparations, in the dition to produce varying degrees of pain
treatment of otitis externa. The fungi and a clinical picture of mild to severe
most frequently found in otomycosis are local inflammation associated with ~ se-
Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans; rous discharge. Untreated advanced le-
fungi thrive in moist conditions and in the sions are sometimes accompanied by the
presence of epithelial debris. overgrowth of the fungi which give the
A large majority of fungal infections appearance of a cotton-like mass of mate-
arose during the topical use of broad spec- rial, similar to damp or macerated blotting
trum antibiotics, the probability of fungal paper, lodged in the external auditory
implication in an infection appearing to canal. Smyth (1961) claimed that Asper-
be proportional to the duration of the anti- gillus niger infections appear to be regu-
biotic treatment (Smyth). larly accompanied by pain and are difficult
The exudate occuring in bacterial ear to eradicate completely.
infections seems likely to provide a degree Patients complain of itching and ful-
of humidity favourable to fungal prolIfera- ness in the ear (Senturia 1957) and slight
tion and it is clear that bacteria and fungi difficulty in hearing. In more severe cases
can coeixst in the same clinical condition. the patient complains of intense pain in
Antibiotic therapy then might suppress the ear when chewing, and of deafness
the bacteria primarily responsible, leaving and tinnitus. In Aspergillus niger infec-
the fungi free to grow. It is suggested that tions the skin of the osseous meatus and
the normal secretion of the meatus may tympanic membrane is covered with a
have an inhibiting effect on fungal proli- velvety grey, blotting paper like mem-
feration. Senturia (1957) quotes several brane, marked with black spots and giving
authorities who state that most of the the appearance of having been sprinkled
saturated and unsaturated fatty acids have with fine coal dust. The membrane which
some inhibitory effect on the majority of may be washed out of the ear canal has
fungi. a whitish or dirty grey colour. After the
Aspergillus niger is perhaps (M. P. removal of such membranes the skin of
English) the most common cause of oto- the osseous canal and the tympanic mem-
mycosis of the intact ear. Fungi are wide- brane appears very red and swollen and
spread outside the human body, being in part devoid of its epidermal layer.
primarily saprophytic and of world wide From the diagnostic point of view
distribution. They occur in the soil and on (Gregson and La Touche 1961) there are
all sorts of decaying vegetable matter, and three features which should arouse the
in the air of residential districts. It is suspicion of mycotic infection:
therefore not difficult to think of possible l. Relapse after, or resistance to,
sources of aural infection. standard treatment.

2. The symptom of irritation. this is the first record of its use in otomy-
3. A history of local antibiotic the- cosis.
rapy. The diagnosis of otomycosis was
made clinically but confirmation of infec-
Treatment tion by Aspergillus niger, was obtained
by mycological studies in ten cases. Of
The first rule in the case of fungus the thirty cases, two affected post ope-
infection of the ear canal is to remove rative mastoid cavities and in six cases,
thoroughly all the accumulated debris in a central perforation was present.
the ear canal or post operative mastoid No pain or other symptoms were
cavity. This is accomplished by the remo- complained of, when Tinaderm was used,
val of the larger central masses with a except in the case of the two mastoid
dull curette. In very sensitive patients the cavities and when a central perforation
ear canal or mastoid cavity is syringed was present. In these cases the patient
with sterile water at body temperature complained of slight stinging.
and the debris removed. Debris was removed by a dull curette
If the treatment is limited to simple and in nervous patients by syringing with
cleansing and to the removal of detritus sterile water at body temperature. The
from the canal without the use of fungi- meatus was then mopped dry, with cotton
cides and where necessary bactericides, wool tipped probes and then filled with
the canal or cavity may be completely Tinaderm Solution. The external auditory
refilled with the same sort of debris within canal or cavity was then packed slightly
a few days. with ! inch selve edged ribbon gauze.
Several prep!lrations are used in the The patient was instructed to keep the
treatment of otomycosis because of their gauze moist by instilling on it, six drops
fungicidal action. three times daily for three days. At the
The ear canal may be wiped with a end of this period, the ribbon gauze was
solution of 2% thymol in 70% alcohol. removed and the drops instilled directly
This may cause exfoliation or maceration into the meatus, six drops three times daily
of the skin, otorrhea occurs and treatment for a further period of three days. The
has to be discontinued. Full strength meta- patient continued with the drops, six drops
cresyl acetate may be used, but the pa~ient twice daily, for another six days.
may be hypersensitive to this drug. 2% The itching and irritation in the ear
gentian violet in 70% alcohol is also used, disappeared within the first 48 hours of
but there is the objection to the use of the commencement of treatment. All
dyes in and around the ear. 2% salicylic thirty cases cleared up with this treat-
acid in absolute alcohol is also effective ment, and when seen after a month no
but in several cases it causes severe pain recurrence was found in any.
and irritation of the skin of the meatus. In 1960, Japanese investigators syn-
The most widely used preparation is Nys- thetised a new group of antifungal agents
tatin, which is employed as a powder or with local action. These substances were
as a cream. This is fungistatic and not designated generically as Naphthiomates.
fungicidal (M. P. English), and deteriorates "Tinaderm", Tolnaftate 1% solution in
in warm moist conditions. Some patients Polyethylene Glycol 400 is one of these
develop furunculosis while under treat- substances. Chemically it is 0-2 Naphtyl
ment with this preparation (La Touche and m N-Dimethyl-Thiocarbanilate.
Gregson 1961). In vitro studies of antibacterial and
Thirty patients suffering from Otomy- antifungal activities, show Tinaderm to be
cosis due to Aspergillus niger were treated a potent antifungal agent, against, among
with Tinaderm, with '{ery good results. other fungi, Aspergillus niger. It is entirely
Tinaderm is in extensive use for the treat- inert against gram-positive and gram-
meant of fungal skin infections in other negative bacteria. Tinaderm is apparently
parts of the body, but as far as is known of no value in the treatment of cutaneous

lesions due to Candida albicans. Tinaderm Corporation, U.S.A., for their generous
was found to be ineffective by systemic supply of the necessary samples for this
administration. It has no local or systemic work.
side effects. Tolnaftates are soluble in or-
ganic solvents but are virtually insoluble References
in water. These preparations are odour-
less, colourless and greaseless. It also does SCOTT BROWN, Diseases of ENT.
not stain or discolour the skin, haIr or GAV1N, HILDRICK, SMITH and SORKANY, Fungus d s-
clothing. The toxicity to man on topical eases and their treatment.
application or on oral administration is SENTURIA (1957), Dise'l.~es of the external ear.
virtually negligible. There is no primary Publication by Schering Corporation U.S.A.
irritation or acquired contact sensitivity. ROBINSON, H. M. and RASKI:<f, J. (1964) J. Invest.
It can be used with impunity on severely Derm. 42, 185.
irritated skin. All patch tests for sensitivity MARY P. E:<fGLISH, J. Laryng. 77, 422.
have been negative. GREGSON, 4.E. and LA TOUCHE, C.J. (1q6J) J.
Laryng. 75, 167
Several preparations used in the treat- SMYTH, C.D. (1961) T- Laryng., 75, 70 3.
ment of fungus skin infection act by virtue Vlu" DE ERvE (1964) J. of the South Carolina Med.
of the keratolytic effect produced by them. Ass., Nov. 1964-
Tinaderm has proved itself to be an ex- KAP1NSKY, KAPLAN Pt al. Paper read before the
cellent fungicide acting as a chemical and Dermatology Association of Argent:na Oct. 1962.
not by peeling or exfoliation. V1GLIOG1A, LINARES, GAROFOLI, Local actiou of
Tolnaftate :n the Treatment of Dermatomycosis,
Luedemann has tried to demonstrate Schering Publications.
the antifungal activity of Tolnaftate. He EL HEF:<fAWI and RACHEED, Clinical and comparative
found that the drug distorted the hyphae evaluation of Tolll'l.ftate as an Antifungal agent
and stunted the mycelial growth of ger- in tIle U.A.R., Scbering Publ:cations.
minating spores of susceptible fungi. LUEDEMANN, Schering Corporation Division of B'o-
My thanks are due to Dr. E. Agius logical Research.
for mycological work and !o the Schering

This periodical is published biannually, in June and in Decem-
ber. Contributions for the June issue should reach the editor at the
Bacteriological Laboratory, St. Luke's Hospital, by the 1st May.
Reprints of individual articles will be available to contributors by
For record purposes, we would like graduates of the Malta
medical and dental surgery schools to send us reprints of any of
their publications, new or old, published in other periodicals.
We heartily thank our advertisers for their continued support.

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