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Pediatric Dermatology Vol. 11 No. 4 293—303

Impetigo: An Overview
Gary L. Darmstadt, M.D., and Alfred T. Lane, M.D.
Department of Dermatolog y, Stanford Universit y School of Medicine, Stanford, California

Abstract: This article reviews in detail the pathogenesis, clinical char-

acteristics and management of impetigo in children. Impetigo is the
most common bacterial skin infection of children. Most cases of
nonbullous impetigo and all cases of bullous impetigo are caused by
Staphylococcus aoreos. The remainder of cases of nonbullous
impetigo are due to group A beta hemolytic streptococci (GABHS).
GABHS colonize the skin directly by binding to sites on fibronectin
that are exposed by trauma. In contrast,
S. aureos colonizes the nasal epithelium first; from this reservoir,
coloni- zation of the skin occurs. Patients with recurrent impetigo
should be eval- uated for carriage of S. aoreos. Superficial, localized
impetigo may be treated successfully in more than 90% of cases with
topical application of mupirocin ointment. Impetigo that is widespread
or involves deeper tis- sues should be treated with a beta-lactamase-
resistant oral antibiotic. The choice of antibiotics is affected by the local
prevalence of resistance to erythromycin among strains of S. atzreos,
antibiotic cost and availability, and issues of compliance.

Skin complaints or findings are noted in 20% to and are present in relatively stable numbers, and
30% of children who attend general pediatric clinics 2) transient flora, which are introduced from the
(Table 1) (1,2). Bacterial skin infection is the single envi- ronment onto exposed skin and lie free on
most common diagnosis among those with skin the skin surface, without attachment in the
problems, accounting for 17% of all clinic visits. absence of a dis- turbance in the integrity of the
The most common bacterial skin infection of chil-
skin (3). The most important of the transient
dren is impetigo, which makes up approximately
bacteria are the group A beta-hemolytic
10% of all skin problems (1,2).
streptococci {Streptococcus p yo- genes; GABHS)
PATHOGENESIS and StaphylocoCCuS aureus.
Coagulase-negative staphylococci are the most
In order to understand the pathogenesis of im-
numerous of the resident flora, whereas coagulase-
petigo, it is essential to appreciate the factors which positive S. aureus encounters a high degree of nat-
alter the normal flora of the skin and which promote ural resistance to colonization of the skin. Most
colonization and infection of the skin with patho-
body sites are free from colonization with S. aureus
genic bacteria. This subject has recently been re-
(4). However, persistent nasal carriage is detected
viewed extensively by Roth and James (3).
in 20Po to 40% of normal adults (5,6), and up to 20%
Resident and Transient Cutaneous Flora of people may be colonized on the perineum (7). In
contrast, patients with atopic dermatitis will yield
Normal skin microflora falls into two broad catego-
S. aureus from upwards of 90% of skin lesions and
ries: 1) resident flora which are attached to the skin
70% of cultures from nonlesional skin (8,9).
Address correspondence to Gary L. Darmstadt, M.D., De- Coryneform organisms are lipophilic, pleomor-
partment of Dermatology, Stanford University School of Medi-
cine, 900 Blake Wilbur Drive, Palo Alto, CA 94304.
294 Pediatric Dermatology Vol. 11 No. 4 December 1994

TABLE 1. Skin Disorders of Patients Who Present to a

General Pediatric Clinic dermidis is the most common vaginal organism,
and consequently, is the predominant organism in
Percentage of Disorders the neonate; it favors colonization of the upper part
Diagnosis the body (12). Within hours, coryneform bacteria
Tunnessen* Haydent also take up residence on neonatal skin. After the
Skin Infections
first few weeks of life, the neonatal skin microflora
Bacterial 17.5 17.4 resembles that of the adult. In the interim, however,
Impetigo 10.0 8.9
Scarlet fever NR 4.3 gram-negative rods and S. aureus, which has a pro-
Cellulitis 6.0 2.6 pensity to colonize the umbilicus and nasopharynx,
Folliculitis 1.5 0.9 may gain a foothold and cause disease. Antibiotic
Viral 6.5 8.5
Fungal 10.0 9.8 treatment, whether systemic or topical, may de-
Atopic dermatitis 14.5 9.4 crease the density of coryneforms, with a corre-
Diaper dermatitis 11.0 15.7 sponding increase in density of coagulase-negative
Contact dermatitis 8.5 4.7
Seborrheic dermatitis 0.5 5.5 micrococci and gram-negative rods (13). Topical
corticosteroids have little effect on the microflora,
* Pediatr Dermatol l984;1:219- except in patients with atopic dermatitis in whom
222. I Am J Dis Child
1985;139:36—38. the density of S. aureus may decrease following
NR = not reported. their application (14), perhaps through healing of
phic gram-positive rods which are normal residents the skin.
of moist, intertriginous areas of skin (3). Brevibac-
terium preferentially grow in toe webs, especially in
Mechanism of Skin Colonization
association with tinea pedis, and are implicated in
foot odor (10). Propionibacteria are anareobes The process of colonization of the skin involves ir-
which grow in hair follicles and sebaceous glands. reversible adherence to a specific receptor on the
Propionibacterium ocnes, the predominant species, host cell via an adhesin, an antigen on a filamentous
is present in all adults and is the most numerous or- projection from the bacterial cell wall. A major
ganism at sites of high sebum production such as component of the adhesins for staphylococci and
the scalp, forehead, and back. While micrococci streptococci are teichoic acids. Correspondingly,
and coagulase-negative staphylococci usually live the epithelial cell receptor for teichoic acid is com-
on the surface of the stratum corneum and upper posed of fibronectin (15). The difference in normal
parts of hair follicles, the corynebacteria and propi- microflora at different anatomic sites reflects site-
onibacteria are more often found deep in follicular specific differences in receptors (3). Similarly, the
canals. Candida species, most commonly C. albi- pathogenic potential of transient microflora is also
cans, colonize the oral mucous membranes in up to affected by cell surface receptors. For example,
40% of individuals; normal skin is seldom colo- GABHS which are isolated from the skin adhere
nized, except in individuals who have psoriasis or more strongly to skin epithelium than to buccal mu-
atopic dermatitis, or are immunosuppressed. cosa; the opposite is true for streptococci isolated
from the oral cavity (16). This may help explain
why the types of GABHS that cause phayngitis
Factors That Modify the Resident Flora
differ from those that cause impetigo. The inability
Factors that modify the resident flora and may fa- of streptococci and staphylococci to colonize unbro-
cilitate colonization by transient, pathogenic ken epithelium may be due to the absence of avail-
GABHS and S. aureus include increased tempera- able fibronectin on the skin surface. Breaks in the
ture, humidity, presence of cutaneous disease, age skin, however, may reveal fibronectin receptors, al-
of the patient, and history of antibiotic treatment. A lowing GABHS or S. aureus organisms to colonize
decrease in temperature favors the nonpathogenic, the skin (17) and potentially lead to the develop-
coagulase-negative staphylococci over pathogenic ment of impetigo.
coagulase-positive S. aureus and decreases the vir- Knowledge of bacterial adhesins could lead to
ulence of infection with the latter organisms (11). novel approaches to prevention or treatment of bac-
Nasal carriage of S. aureus in neonates or in pa- terial skin infections. Topical application of a puri-
tients with atopic dermatitis has been associated fied bacterial adhesin such as teichoic acid, or of
with an increased number of days of hospitalization cell surface receptors such as flbronectin, might
(5). Colonization of the skin begins at birth. S. epi- competitively block pathogenic staphylococci and
Darmstadt and Lane: Impetigo 295

streptococci from adhering to the skin (18,19). teria tend to produce substances with a wide-
Competitive binding to cell surface receptors by spectrum of activity, whereas the substances se-
resident flora or transient flora of low virulence may creted by gram-positive organisms tend to affect
also prevent pathogenic bacteria from colonizing only the same or closely related species of bacteria.
the skin. A nonvirulent strain of S. aureus has been These narrow-spectrum substances are called bac-
useful in neonates during nursery epidemics to pre- teriocins (24). Bacteriocin producers, including S.
vent colonization of the nasal mucosa with a patho- aureus, tend to increase in number and become the
genic strain of S. aureus (20), and in adults to pre- predominant species when the skin is damaged (25).
vent spread of recurrent staphylococcal abscesses As expected, based on the above review of fac- tors
within families (21). which modify the balance of skin flora, condi-
tions that favor development of impetigo include
Defenses Against Colonization by warm ambient temperature, humidity, preexisting
Pathogenic Bacteria dermatitis such as atopic dermatitis or tinea capitis,
crowded living conditions, and poor hygiene.
Once a pathogenic bacteria has adhered to the skin,
it must overcome several avenues of host defense CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS
before infection can develop. Intact stratum cor-
neum provides the first and foremost mechanism of Nonbullous Impetigo
defense. Cells of the stratum corneum overlap, and There are two classic forms of impetigo: nonbullous
are tightly adherent, providing a mechanical bar- and bullous. Nonbullous impetigo accounts for
rier. In addition, the stratum corneum turns over an more than 70% of cases of impetigo (26-31). Le-
average of every 14 days, favoring the readherence sions of nonbullous impetigo typically begin on skin
of resident flora over the relatively weakly adherent of the face or extremities which has been trauma-
pathogenic microflora. To overcome this barrier, tized; intact skin is resistent to impetiginization or
staphylococci have been observed to advance be- even colonization (32), perhaps due to unavailabil-
tween corneocytes, through intercellular spaces ity of fibronectin receptors for teichoic acid moities
(22). Likewise, S. aureus has a predilection for en- on GABHS and S. aureus organisms. The most
tering the skin at appendageal structures (3). common lesions which precede nonbullous im-
Breakdown products of the stratum corneum, in- petigo include chickenpox, insect bites, abrasions,
cluding free fatty acids, polar lipids, and gly- lacerations, and burns. A tiny vesicle or pustule
cosphingolipids, have antistaphylococcal and an- forms initially and rapidly develops a honey-
tistreptococcal activity (22). Many of the resident colored, crusted plaque which is generally less than
flora, particularly the lipophilic corynebacteria, 2 cm in diameter. Lesions are associated with little
have lipases, and thus contribute to defense against to no pain or surrounding erythema, and constitu-
GABHS and S. aureus by liberating fatty acids from tional symptoms are generally absent. Pruritis oc-
the triglycerides of sebum (23). The acid mantle curs occasionally, regional adenopathy is found in
thus created favors growth of propionibacteria, up to 90% of cases (29,33), and leukocytosis is
which in turn produce propionic acid; this com- present in approximately 50% of patients (34).
pound has relatively more antimicrobial activity Without treatment, lesions may progress slowly for
against organisms than against resident flora. several weeks and occasionally may form a chronic
Humoral immunity may aid in defense against in- ulcer, but in most cases will resolve spontaneously
fection through secretion of IgA in sweat. The cel- without scarring within approximately two weeks
lular immune system, including antigen presenta- (35). The differential diagnosis of nonbullous im-
tion by epidermal Langerhans cells, plays an petigo includes viral (herpes simplex, varicella
important role in defending from infection, as evi- zoster), fungal (tinea corporis, kerion), and para-
denced by patients with defects in cellular immunity sitic infections (scabies, pediculosis capitis), all of
such as mucocutaneous candidiasis and chronic which may become impetiginized secondarily (36).
granulomatous disease who have increased suscep- From the 1940s to the mid 1960s, nonbullous im-
tibility to cutaneous infection. petigo in the United States was primarily of staphy-
A mechanism whereby a given organism can lococcal origin (27,36). During the later 1960s and
gain an advantage over others is through the the 1970s, GABHS became the predominant patho-
production of antibiotics which harm other genic organism. Prospective studies of impetigo in
organisms but not the producer of the substance. an endemic area, the Red Lake Indian reservation
Gram-negative bac-
296 Pediatric Dermatology Vol. 11 No. 4 December 1994

of Minnesota, during 1969 demonstrated that early (56Po), normal skin (68%), and skin lesions (58%)
lesions of nonbullous impetigo more commonly of 37 children (35).
grew pure cultures of GABHS (36%) than S. aureus During the early 1980s S. aureus again became
(9%); GABHS more commonly outlasted staphylo- the predominant organism of nonbullous impetigo
cocci in mixed lesions which were cultured sequen- in the United States (42). Staphylococci can now be
tially; and while the same strain of GABHS per- cultured from approximately 80% or more of
sisted in 85% of sequentially cultured lesions lesions of impetigo of most populations, and is the
during an average time of 12.6 days to spontaneous sole pathogen in approximately 50% to 60% of
heal- ing, the strain of staphylococcus changed in cases (3, 27,30,31,43,44). Furthermore, several
57% of lesions (35). Unlike today, the clinical recent stud- ies have demonstrated that treatment
response of nonbullous impetigo to penicillin was regimens which utilize antistaphylococcal agents
found to be the same, regardless of whether culture now pro- duce cure rates superior to those regimens
of the lesion grew pure GABHS as opposed to which employ beta-lactamase sensitive antibiotics.
either mixed GABHS and penicillin-resistant Lesions of nonbullous impetigo which grow
staphylococci (37), or pure penicillin-resistant staphylococci in culture cannot be distinguished
staphylococci (38). A possible explanation for this clinically from those which grow pure cultures of
finding was that S. au- reus produced a bacteriocin, GABHS (26,29,30,42). Whereas S. aureus can be
which interfered with growth of GABHS in culture cultured from lesions of impetigo on children of all
(39). ages, GABHS is most common in children of pre-
Studies during the 1960s also clarified the differ- school age and is unusual before 2 years of age ex-
ing natural history of GABHS and staphylococci in cept in highly endemic areas (36,45).
lesions of nonbullous impetigo. In 21 of 31 (70%) The staphylococcal types which cause nonbul-
cases of impetigo in Red Lake Native American lous impetigo are variable and are from phage group
children, the skin became colonized with GABHS 2, which is associated with scalded skin and toxic
an average of 10 days before development of inn shock syndromes, in the minority of cases (29).
petigo; in approximately 74% of episodes, the same Several serotypes of GABHS, termed “impetigo
serotype was recovered from normal skin and the strains,” are found most frequently in lesions of
subsequent lesion of impetigo (40). After gaining a nonbullous impetigo (41) and are different from
foothold in the skin, GABHS then colonized the na- those that cause pharyngitis. The risk of developing
sopharynx; in 74% of episodes of impetigo, the impetigo following colonization with GABHS var-
same strain of GABHS was recovered from the ies with the specific serotype (40).
nose and throat an average of 15 and 20 days, re-
spectively, after the appearance of lesions of im- Bullous Impetigo
petigo. Among family contacts, streptococcal skin Bullous impetigo is always caused by coagulase-
infection developed without going through interme- positive S. aureus; approximately 80% are from
diate respiratory colonization or infection. Routine phage group 2, 60% are type 71, and most of the
cultures of normal skin of the wrist, ankle, and back remainder are types 3A, 3B, 3C, and 55 (29,46).
were three times more likely to be positive for Flaccid, transparent bullae develop most commonly
GABHS (31Wo of 4021 cultures) than cultures on skin of the face, buttocks, trunk, perineum, and
from the nose (11% positive) or throat (10% extremities (27,29). Rupture of bullae occurs easily,
positive) (40). These data suggest that the upper leaving a narrow rim of scale at the edge of a shal-
respiratory tract does not serve as the reservoir for low, moist erosion (29). Surrounding erythema and
infection of the skin with GABHS, but vice versa regional adenopathy are generally absent.
Unlike nonbullous impetigo, lesions of bullous
In contrast to streptococci, staphylococci gener- impetigo are a manifestation of localized staphylo-
ally spread from the nose to normal skin, and coccal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) and therefore
thence are able to infect the skin (29,35). Among 31 develop on intact skin. When 6. aureus of phage
patients with bullous impetigo, 19 (61%) had con- group 2 were injected into newborn mice, a gener-
current impetigo and a positive staphylococeal cul- alized exfoliative erythroderma developed, regard-
ture from the nose or throat; 79% of cultures grew less of whether the S. aureus organisms had been
the same strain from both sites (29). At the Red isolated from lesions of patients with bullous iron-
Lake Indian Reservation, a single strain of Staphy- petigo or SSSS (47).
lococcus, phage type 75, accounted for the majority
of staphylococcal isolates from the respiratory tract
Darmstadt and Lane: Impetigo 297

HISTOPATIIOLOGY phritis (APSGN). The clinical character of impetigo

On histopathologic examination, lesions of bullous lesions is not different between those that lead to
impetigo show vesicle formation in the subcorneal APSGN and those that do not (29,33). Fewer than
or granular region, occasional acantholytic cells 5% of patients with APSGN are less than 2 years of
within the blister, spongiosis, edema of the papil- age; it most commonly affects those 3 to 7 years
lary dermis, and a mixed infiltrate of lymphocytes old. The latent period from onset of impetigo to de-
and neutrophils around blood vessels of the super- velopment of APSGN averages 18 to 21 days,
ficial plexus. Neutrophils are generally visible which is longer than the 10-day latency period
within the blister cavity. Unless staphylococci can following pharyngitis (41,49).
be cultured from the bullae or, less commonly, can APSGN occurs sporadically, due primarily to M
be seen on gram stain, it may be impossible to dif- type 12 infection of the pharynx, and epidemically
ferentiate bullous impetigo from pemphigus folia- following either pharyngeal or skin infection.
ceus histopathologically. Pemphigus foliaceus tends Impetigo-associated epidemics are caused by M
to have more acantholysis and fewer neutrophils groups 2, 49, 53, 55, 56, 57, and 60 (41,49), whereas
within the subcorneal blister and may have dyskera- M groups 1 and 12 are most often associated with
totic changes in cells of the granular layer (48). APSGN following pharyngitis. M types 1 and 12 are
Clin- ically, pemphigus folliaceus differs from rarely isolated from lesions of impetigo.
impetigo in its presentation with multiple small The most common site of GABHS infection
flaccid blisters which easily rupture, leaving which results in APSGN varies according to geo-
erythematous, crusted erosions. Subcorneal pustular graphic location. While 76% of symptomatic
dermatosis may also be indistinguishable, APSGN in children in Chicago was associated with
histopathologically, from im- petigo, but its clinical upper respiratory tract infection (50), 40% to 80% of
presentation is that of crops of grouped pustules in episodes of APSGN in children in the southeast fol-
a serpiginous outline, gener- ally on the abdomen or lowed impetigo (41,51,52). In general, since the
in the axillary and inguinal folds, sparing the face. 1960s APSGN in the United States has appeared
Nonbullous impetigo has histopathologic findings more frequently following pharyngitis than impetigo
similar to the bullous vari- ant, except that blister (53).
formation is slight. The true incidence of APSGN is difficult to de-
The differential diagnosis of bullous impetigo termine, as many mild or subclinical cases go unde-
also includes allergic contact dermatitis, bullous tected. A prospective study of 248 children with
pemphigoid, burns, dermatitis herpetiformis, and streptococcal infection demonstrated that 22% de-
erythema multiforme. Although these conditions veloped asymptomatic urinary abnormalities, a low
are histopathologically distinct from impetigo, each serum C3 concentration, or both (54). The risk of
may become impetiginized secondarily. nephritis after impetigo varies widely with the strain
of GABHS. During an epidemic of acute nephritis
COMPLICATIONS due to M group 49 GABHS, 24% of children with
streptococcal impetigo developed acute nephritis or
Potential complications of either nonbullous or bul- unexplained hematuria; the risk was highest in chil-
lous impetigo include osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, dren less than 6'/2 years of age (43%) (55). Multiple
pneumonia, and septicemia (29). Positive blood cul- subclinical and clinical cases of nephritis often oc-
tures are rare, but are more common with skin than cur within a family (41). Strains of GABHS which
respiratory infection with GABHS (46). Cellulitis are associated with endemic impetigo in the United
has been reported in approximately 10% of patients States have little or no nephritogenic potential (55).
with nonbullous impetigo, but rarely follows the There have been no cases of glomerulonephritis
bullous form (29). Lymphangitis, suppurative lym- among the more than 500 patients from trials which
phadenitis, guttate psoriasis, and scarlet fever may compared the efficacy of erythromycin and mupiro-
follow streptococcal disease occasionally. There is cin treatments (28,30,31,43,44,56,57).
no correlation between number of lesions and clini-
cal involvement of the lymphatics or development IMMUNE RESPONSE TO
of cellulitis in association with streptococcal im- STREPTOCOCCAL IMPETIGO
petigo (29). Anti-DNAase B is the test of choice for detecting
Infection with nephritogenic strains of GABHS preceding streptococcal impetigo. Of patients with
may result in acute poststreptococcal glomerolone-
298 Pediatric Dermatology Vol. 11 No. 4 December 1994

uncomplicated impetigo and impetigo-associated strains), utility as a single agent, lack of alteration
APSGN, 67% and 92%, respectively, had elevated of resident skin and gut flora, and competitive
antideoxyribonuclease B (anti-DNAase B) titers price.
(33). After an episode of nonbullous impetigo
caused by GABHS, the antistreptolysin O response
is slight or absent, perhaps due to binding of strep- Topical Antibiotics
tolysin O by lipids, including cholesterol, in the Mupirocin is produced during fermentation by
skin (58). In one study, 43% and 51% of patients Pseudomonas fluorescens. It was first introduced in
with uncomplicated impetigo and impetigo- the United Kingdom in 1985. Its chemical structure
associated APSGN, respectively, developed an is unique among antibiotics, and it is highly unlikely
elevated ASO titer. The anti-DNAase B response is to cause photoreactions because the wavelength of
greater after impetigo than after pharyngitis, ultraviolet light which it is capable of absorbing to
whereas the ASO titer is more highly elevated the greatest degree (222 nm) never reaches the
following pharyngitis (49). The antihyaluronidase earth’s surface, but rather is filtered out by the
test is also thought to be superior to the ASO test in ozone layer (66). Mupirocin is bactericidal at the
documenting a pre- ceding streptococcal skin concentration achieved following topical applica-
infection (59). The strep- tozyme test measures tion and is not absorbed systemically. Even when
more than five antibodies to streptococcal antigens, administered systemically, however, mupirocin is
including ASO, anti- DNAase B, and converted rapidly to an inactive metabolite (67).
antihyaluronidase. When only one of the antibodies Therefore, side effects from mupirocin, especially
is minimally elevated, however, false negative contact hypersensitivity, appear to be due to the
results may be obtained (60). In addi- tion, the polyethylene glycol vehicle rather than the active
combination of individual ASO and anti- DNAase ingredient (67). Mupirocin’s mode of action is the
B tests is more effective than the strep- tozyme test reversible inhibition of bacterial isoleucyl-tRNA
in detecting preceding GABHS infection (61). synthetase; it has a relatively low afflnity for mam-
Treatment, whether systemic or top- ical, in cases of malian isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase. Micrococcus
APSGN following impetigo, does not prevent the spp. , coryneforms, and propionibacteria are less
development of APSGN in the in- dex case (36,62), sensitive than GABHS or S. aureus to mupirocin
but may prevent spread of im- petigo to others and (68); thus, the natural skin flora is left relatively un-
thus reduce the incidence of APSGN in the disturbed. Rare instances of bacterial resistance to
community. Acute rheumatic fever does not occur mupirocin have been reported (68,69). Coagulase-
as a result of impetigo. negative staphylococci, S. aureus, and GABHS are
thought to share a common antibiotic resistance
TREATMENT gene pool, which theoretically could be transferred
from the resident flora, particularly S. epidermidis,
Several studies have demonstrated that topical to pathogens during infections (68,69). Most pa-
(neomycin, bacitracin, polysporin, gentamicin, or tients who have demonstrated resistance to mupiro-
mixtures of these) or systemic antibiotic treatment cin have been treated irregularly and/or prophylac-
is superior to placebo or cleansing with 3% hexa- tically for prolonged periods of time (more than two
chlorophene soap (63). Furthermore, cleansing with weeks).
3% hexachlorophene soap adds little to no benefit Several studies have demonstrated that mupiro-
over systemic antibiotics alone (36). Until the intro- cin applied three times daily for 7 to 10 days is
duction of mupirocin (Bactroban), topical antibiot- equal to or greater in effectiveness than oral
ics were inferior to systemic antibiotics (64,65). erythromycin ethylsuccinate 30 to 50 mg/kg/day for
Factors to consider when selecting the optimal 7 to 10 days for treatment of impetigo in children
antibiotic for treatment of impetigo include ease of (30,31,43,44, 56,57). Treatment success rate with
use, low potential for adverse reactions, delivery of mupirocin was greater than 90%, regardless of
a high concentration of drug to the site of infection, whether the length of treatment was 7, 8, or 10
low risk for development of bacterial resistance or days. There were fewer side effects of treatment
cross resistance to other agents, chemical structure (30,31,43,56), in some cases lesions cleared more
and mechanism of action which is unrelated to other rapidly, and the rate of erradication of pyogenic
antibiotics, activity against common bacterial skin bacteria was equivalent
pathogens (i.e., GABHS, S. aureus, including
(28) or greater (30,57) in those treated with topical
methicillin resistant and beta-lactamase producing
mupirocin compared with systemic erythromycin.
A cost-effectiveness analysis evaluated the total
Darmstadt and Lane: Impetigo 299

cost, including physician fees, transportation ex- mupirocin for elimination of nasal carriage be re-
penses, and cost of the medication for a 10-day served for outbreaks, primarily when MRSA is in-
course of treatment with mupirocin compared with volved (76,80), to minimize the emergence of resis-
erythromycin ethylsuccinate. Although the cost of tant strains of S. aureus. Consideration should also
treatment was significantly greater for mupirocin be given to using mupirocin intranasally for those
($62.30) than for erythromycin ($56.85), this extra with recurrent impetigo, particularly if the phage
cost was offset by increased side effects (43% vs types which are cultured from the nares and lesions
22%) and number of schooldays (3.0 vs 1.2) and of impetigo are identical repeatedly.
workdays (0.5 vs 0.2) missed in the group treated
with erythromycin (28). Systemic Oral Antibiotics
Studies which have compared the effectiveness
of mupirocin with erythromycin have generally re- Penicillins
stricted their patient population to those with super- The majority of strains of S. aureus isolated from
ficial, localized primary pyoderma. Low-grade fe- lesions of impetigo in various areas of the United
ver (31,56) and regional adenopathy (31), however, States are resistant to penicillin or amoxicillin (26,
are not absolute contraindications to treatment with 27,31,57), resulting in treatment failure rates of one-
mupirocin. Lesions around the mouth should prob- fourth or more (26,27,42). Given that lesions of
ably not be treated with mupirocin, as the medica- non- bullous impetigo due to GABHS or S. aureus
tion may be licked off (30). cannot be distinguished clinically (26,29,30,42),
A patient with recurrent impetigo should be eval- treatment with penicillin or amoxicillin is no longer
uated for S. aureus carriage. Colonization of the appropriate (81). Adding clavulanic acid, a beta-
nares, via teichoic acid adhesins (70), correlates lactamase inhibitor, to amoxicillin significantly im-
with carriage at other sites such as the perineum proved the efflcacy of amoxicillin from a 20Po fail-
(71) and the axillae, but screening for nasal carriage ure rate to no failures (82). In two studies,
alone may miss approximately one-fourth of carri- amoxicillin (20 [83] or 25 [84] mg/kg/day given
ers (72). The flrst clinical trial of mupirocin for TID for 10 days) plus clavulanic acid (Augmentin)
elim- ination of nasal carriage of 5. aureus was compared with cefaclor (20 mg/kg/day given
demonstrated that application of mupirocin four TID for 10 days) for treatment of impetigo in
times daily for five days to the anterior nares children. Augmentin produced an equivalent rate of
eliminated nasal car- riage within two days in all 32 clinical cure (89% [83] or 86% [84) for Augmentin
patients (73). Coagulase-negative staphylococci and versus 81Po [83] or 90% [84] for cefaclor) but a
coryneforms became the dominant nasal flora, and superior rate of bacteriologic cure (86% (83) or
may have contributed to prevention of reaquisition 100% [84) for
of S. au- reus by the mechanism of bacterial Augmentin versus 33% [83) or 90% [84] for ce-
interference (74); there was no overgrowth of gram- faclor). Treatment with cloxacillin resulted in a
negative or- ganisms (73). Twenty-two weeks after 100% cure rate among 33 children with impetigo
therapy, however, half of the patients were (85).
recolonized with CephalospDrins
S. aureus; 29% reacquired the same phage type The first generation cephalosporin, cephalexin (40
(73). Several studies have reproduced these results, to 50 mg/kg/day for 10 days) produced more rapid
showing elimination of nasal carriage of methicillin- (21 to 23 patients cured within three to five days)
sensitive and methicillin-resistant S. aureus clearing of lesions of impetigo than did erythromy-
(MRSA) from greater than 90% of patients within cin estolate (30 to 40 mg/kg/day for 10 days; 16 of
two to four days (75,76). In time, however, mea- 25 patients cured within three to five days), but the
sured in weeks to months, the nares become recol- cure rate at the end of 10 days of treatment was
onized. Mupirocin is better tolerated intranasally equivalent (100% for cephalexin versus 94% for
when formulated as a calcium ointment than as Bac- erythromycin) (26).
troban, which utilizes polyethylene glycol as the ve- Cefprozil (Cefzil) is a second generation cephalo-
hicle (75,77). Calcium mupirocin ointment, how- sporin which has greater in vitro activity than
ever, is not currently available in the United States. cefaclor or cephalexin against GABHS and
Although rates of staphylococcal infection have methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (86). Cefprozil (20
been reduced in patients with atopic dermatitis (78) mg/kg once daily), cefaclor (20 mg/kg divided three
and those on hemodialysis (79) following elimina- times daily), or erythromycin ethylsuccinate (30
tion of nasal carriage, it is recommended that use of mg/kg/d divided four times daily), each given for 5
300 Pediatric Dermatology Vol. 11 No. 4 December 1994

TABLE 2. Cost of Antibiotics for Treatment of Impetigo

Antibiotic*t Dose (mg/kg/day) Interval Costs
Augmentin 82“ 4 20 TID $29.50
Cephalexin26# 87 # 88 40 TID $19.75
Cefaclor" ' 4 20 TID $31.05
Cefadroxil" 30 BID $24.95
Cefprozil'“ 8 20 QD or BID $35.35
Cefpodoxime" 10 BID $58.95
Clarithromycin’0 15 BID $24.30
Clindamycin" 15 TID or QID $28.45
Dicloxacillin 8’ 30 QID $25.95
Erythromycin ethy1succinate§ 40 TID or QID $15.40
Erythromycin estolate°6 ’ 2 30 TID or QID $10.25
Mupirocin' 0'3 43 44#56#5 15 g tube TID $18.25

* All antibiotics listed have been shown in clinical trials to be highly efficacious (> 85Wo
clinical cure) for treatment of impetigo in children.
I Superscripts indicate reference number for use of given antibiotic for treatment of im-
I Cost based on treatment of a 20-kg child for seven days. Price for prescription filled at
Stanford University Medical Center Outpatient Pharmacy.
§ References 30,3l,43,44,56,57,88,9l,92.

to 10 days, produced an equivalent, greater than

90% clinical response and bacteriologic eradication Miscellaneous
rate of S. aureus and GABHS in patients with a va- Clindamycin (15 mg/kg/day given TID or QID for
riety of skin infections, approximately one-fourth of 10 days) and erythromycin ethylsuccinate (40
which were impetigo (87,88). The incidence of ad- mg/kd/ day given QID for 10 days) produced
verse reactions was equivalent for the three medi- equivalent rates of clinical (99% for both agents)
cations (88). The primary advantage of cefprozil and bacterio- logic (99% for both agents) cure of
was the ease of once daily administration. lesions of im- petigo in children which were
Cefpodoxime proxetil is an oral third-generation predominantly strep- tococcal in etiology (91).
cephalosporin which has shown 92% clinical effi- Clindamycin has not been evaluated for treatment
cacy in the treatment of impetigo in 66 children (89). of impetigo during the era of staphylococcal-
This agent has not been compared with other agents predominant impetigo but would be expected to
for treatment of impetigo. provide excellent staphylococcal coverage.

Macrolides Summary of Treatment

Clarithromycin is a new macrolide antibiotic which
offers the advantage of fewer gastrointestinal side In areas with a high prevalence of erythromycin-
effects and less frequent dosing than erythromycin. resistant strains of S. aureus, a child with superfi-
Clarithromycin has superior activity in vitro com- cial, localized impetigo not involving the mouth
pared with erythromycin against erythromycin- could be treated successfully with mupirocin ap-
sensitive S. aureus and GABHS, but no better ac- plied topically three times daily for seven days. For
tivity against erythromycin-resistant GABHS and impetigo that is more widespread or involves
S. aureus or methicillin-resistant S. aureus (81). A deeper tissues as in cellulitis, furunculosis, or sup-
recent study of 231 children with skin infection, purative lymphadenitis, a beta-lactamase-resistant
three-fourths of whom had impetigo, showed that oral antibiotic should be prescribed. In areas with a
clarithromycin (7.5 mg/kg twice daily for 10 days) low prevalence of S. aureus resistance to erythro-
and cefadroxil, a first generation cephalosporin (15 mycin, erythromycin ethylsuccinate (40 mg/kg/day
mg/kg twice daily for 10 days) produced equivalent divided three to four times daily for seven days) or
rates of clinical (86% and 94%, respectively) and erythromycin estolate (30 mg/kg/day divided three
bacteriologic (96Po and 99%, respectively) cure to four times daily) are preferred oral therapies
(90). Fifteen percent of 5. aureus isolates, however, (92). If there is widespread erythromycin resistance
were resistant to clarithromycin, compared with in the community, alternative oral antibiotics which
5% resistance to cefadroxil. have been shown to be more than 85% effective in
children for treatment of impetigo include cloxacil-
Darmstadt and Lane: Impetigo 301

lin; amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid; clindamycin; 16. Alkan M, Ofek I, Beachey E. Adherence of pharyn-
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rates of
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There is little evidence to suggest that a 10-day
course of therapy is superior to 7-day course. If a
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within seven days, a culture should be taken by
swabbing beneath the lifted edge of a crusted
lesion. If a re- sistant organism is detected, an
appropriate antibi- otic should be given for an
additional seven days.

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