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Management Plan:

TEL 311 Signature Assignment

Gaston Famania

Arizona State University

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Table of Contents
I. Self-Introduction/Philosophy of Education..Pgs. 2, 4

II. Classroom Management Resources.......Pgs. 4-10

Classroom Layout ...........................Pgs. 4, 5

Classroom Procedures .Pgs. 5-6

Discipline Strategies/Rules & Consequences ..Pgs. 6-7

III. Work Cited .Pg. 8


My philosophy is to be an evolving educator. What I mean is to be learning new

ways to educate as I teach and not stay at the same level from the beginning. Educators

should be able to learn new ways to teach throughout their careers so they can handle all

the different kinds of students they will teach.

My belief is I need to be confidence as I teach but, be open as well to new ideas.

As time goes by we need to change as well to keep up with the younger students. Students

are not the same as the previous year they have new interest or new technology. Educators

must be ready for these new challenges every new year or be open to learn as they go.
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The world is filled with different kind of students. I believe I should be open to

learning new ways to teach and be open to criticism to better myself. That said one must

not lose respect in the classroom as well. One should command discipline and respect in

the beginning to be able to control their classroom environment.

I believe students can sense the style of an educator from their introduction. I

think if you are open, respectful, and disciplined you can bring out the best in them. Since

childhood I have always had a difficult time in school. The difficulty of being comfortable

in school can be said to be the summary of my troubles in a classroom. Dealing with self-

esteem issues going to school would be a challenge because it did not feel warm, or

neutral. Having trouble learning teachers always seemed to have a difficult time assisting

in my understanding of certain subjects. Fellow students who may be on pace with the

class always seemed to dislike the repetitive questioning, to either the instructor or them.

As time passed I would regress to the back of the class hoping to go unnoticed so to avoid

disappointing those around me.

A classroom should be welcoming a safe place one spends half their day away

from the confines of their home. Students should be able not just to feel like they are at

a second home, but encourage to take part in the development of their classroom.

Teachers are not parents but they are mentors students should look forward to learn

from, and grow from the experiences of school. Classrooms should not just be the

instructors domain, but a shared community that can teach young minds not just

education, but also morals, and self-awareness.

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Educators should be able to manage their classroom environment to promote

engagement towards academics, and community. Students should learn from their

mistakes not fear making mistakes. Teachers should be able to assist all of their

students, and learn from each other.

Classroom Layout

This classroom layout chosen above is somewhat how I would like the students to

be sitting in class. The reason for this model is that teachers need to be able to flow

from student to student with the least possible obstructions. Students should be able

to have the same ease if they need to move around the classroom to minimize their

time consumption. As a teacher I want to move around the students as the lesson is

given to manage disruptions, keep blood flow moving.

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The teachers desk if possible would be at the rear of the classroom so if there is

a time the instructor needs to work from the desk he or she is not a distraction to the

class. This also keeps students mindful of their actions when given time to work on

their own. Many aspects of non-student furniture may be hard to plan for this layout,

but the main goal is student seating.

Students need to be able to have a clear view of the main stage up front when

there is a presentation on the board. So this butterfly layout gives them a stadium like

experience to not miss the information that may be presented. Visual, and auditory

learners may have the same advantage from their seats. Group assignments can be

simplified by the angles students have to interact with fellow students.

Classroom procedures

1. Entering the classroom- As students enter the classroom they must go to their

assigned seats. Students must take out the materials assigned for the class,

and put away anything else like (jackets, electronics, sport equipment.)

2. Attendance check- Attendance will be taken by seating arrangement. If

student is not in their seat they may be marked absent.

3. Late arrival- Students who are late must present late pass. If no pass is

available student will check their name on tardy chart next to door.

4. Behavior expected from students- Students will respect their fellow students,

and the classroom regulations. Student will refrain from distracting the rest of

the class.
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5. Seeking help procedure- Student will raise their hands up if they need help

from the teacher. This process will also be needed for bathroom, or water


6. Food and drinks- food will be prohibited unless specified by teacher. Drinks

like water are acceptable with top cover. Juice or soda will not be permitted.

7. Materials- Class materials needed will be assigned on the board unless

otherwise specified. Pencil, pen, and paper will always be brought to class.

8. End of class- Students will be given exit out assignment five to ten minutes

before the end. Student will not leave their seat until dismissed by the teacher

even if the bell rings.

Instruction, and lesson procedure.

1. Students will pay attention to the teacher as lesson is given. Eyes on the

teacher will be expected during the lesson.

2. Students must participate in class by interacting with the teacher when

question is given. Hands will be raised to give answer or ask a question.

Interaction in group work will also be mandatory.

3. Assignment will be completed at the student assigned seating unless

instructions given to move seat.

Emergency procedure

Students will follow fire drill to safety by listening to instructions from a

teacher. No disruptive actions will be tolerated in emergency procedure.

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Discipline steps

1. Student will be given verbal warning.

2. Student will be asked to step aside, and have face to face warning.

3. Student will be sent to the office.

4. Students parents will be contacted.

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Work cited

Classroom Management: Procedures. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2017,


Emmer, E. T., & Evertson, C. M. (2013). Classroom Management for Middle

and High School Teachers. Pearson.

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