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LOCATION: SIOUX FALLS, $0 EMERGENCY CODE: YTI7C RETURN BY: NEXT 48 HOURS ROUTING CITY: BROOKINGS Brookings, SD 57006 stints Helden Dear Pat, Ill get right to the point: In Washington, I am working to ensure a bold tax reform bill that creates jobs and helps middle class families is sent to President Trump’s desk before 2017 will be over... +. . but I also need to make sure our campaign for Governor of South Dakota ends the year in a strong position, which is why I am asking for your immediate help Please send an urgent donation of $100, $75, $50 or another amount to my campaign using the envelope provided for you. You are among my most loyal supporters anywhere in South Dakota, Pat, and I cannot thank you enough for your steadfast generosity and friendship. Your help has always been a major reason why the people of South Dakota have re-elected me to the U.S. House of Representatives, and I am 100% confident that with you again on our team as a key member, we will win this race as well. But it is extremely important for us to build a strong foundation for next year’s election now and grab key early momentum. That’s why I rushed you this message, and I hope you will respond promptly. December 315t marks not just the end of the year, but the financial reporting deadline for all candidates for state offices in South Dakota. Will you please rush an important contribution to help ensure our campaign finance report shows the real grassroots strength we have heading into 2018? Simply detach your Year End Urgent Reply below and mail it back along with your year-end gift of $100, $75, $50 or another amount using the envelope I have provided for you. Every dollar you send will be greatly appreciated. We will put your over, please . PO BOX 527 * SIOUX FALLS, SD 57101 PAID FOR BY KRISTI FOR GOVERNOR Not printed at taxpayer expense. DETACH BOTTOM PORTION AND INCLUDE WITH YOUR CONTRIBUTION IN THE ENVELOPE PROVIDED. THANK YOU, KRISTI FOR GOVERNOR - YEAR END URGENT REPLY EMERGENCY CODE: YT17C RETURN BY: NEXT 48 HOURS ROUTING CITY: BROOKINGS Kristi, you have my continued full support in the efforts for you to post a strong Year End campaign finance report. I’m happy to RUSH my urgent campaign contribution in the amount of: G $100 O $75 G $50 O Other: §. Please make checks payable to: Kristi for Governor * P.O. BOX 527 * Sioux Falls, SD 57101 Page two for Pat Powers contribution to good use building a strong campaign foundation, organizing volunteers in all 66 counties, and promoting my vision for South Dakota. Just as importantly, your donation will send a strong message that our campaign has active, motivated supporters from all over, and we are ready to win this election and bring conservative reforms to Pierre. That's what this is all about. I never - ever - considered spending a career in Congress. My heart is in South Dakota, and I believe the experience I gained working on legislation in Congress can be put to use for the families of South Dakota as we lead our state to a brighter future, with a state government that reflects our values of hard work, thrift, faith and patriotism. So with your support, I am anxious to spend lots of time in 2018 talking to voters about what we can do to make sure our state remains a wonderful place to live, work and raise a family Pat, your donation right now will help me do that, as I begin hitting the road and visiting South Dakotans, talking about: ‘** Keeping taxes as low as possible and making sure our tax system here encourages job growth and makes things easier for the small businesses that drive our economy forward; *** Improving wage growth so our workers can get ahead and their paychecks don’t get eaten up by cost of living increases. I never want another person to feel like they have to leave South Dakota to earn the wages necessary to provide for their family; *** Holding down government expenses and finding more efficient ways to deliver vital services. South Dakotans know how to stretch a dollar and clip coupons, and we should expect our government to operate with the same sense of frugality and discipline; *** Upholding the 2" Amendment and protecting our great outdoors culture; and, *** solving the drug crisis, which is partially responsible for the substantial increase in violent crime rates we have seen in recent years. That's my message, and it’s a winning message as long as we can deliver it to the voters, so please send an urgent Year End gift of $100, $75 or $50 ASAP. Every dollar will help us demonstrate how much real grassroots strength we have heading into the election year. Thank you in advance, Pat! sincerely, Kristi Noem P.S. One last thing - please respond within the next 48 hours. ‘That way, your contribution is guaranteed to be received and processed before December 31°t so we can include it on our Year End filing with the Secretary of State’s office. I'll be working in D.C. to create jobs and cut taxes all through December, but I need to lay the foundation for my campaign to become South Dakota’s next governor. 1 am very grateful for any support you can offer. Thank you again - best wishes to you and yours for the upcoming holiday season. DETACH BOTTOM PORTION AND INCLUDE WITH YOUR CONTRIBUTION IN THE ENVELOPE PROVIDED. THANK YOU, 73 maar ROSE Rae aRTORETS is a a, pI Sports _stroet addresses (PO Boxes are not accepted) of all individual contributors. Contributions are veda OD 08D cee Om) eae a =e re i ao a ann nainee et ES EE SS Call Phone: Pro Ss a a eee ‘ey, ans nt made either ona corporate ar business enty card or onthe card of another ‘| want to join KRISTI FOR GOVERNOR'S online team, My e-mail is: Penney eect citer ee eee PO BOX 527 w SIOUX FALLS, $0 57101 ©2 W

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