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Post Desired : Foreman / Supervisor

Personal data

Birth Date Aughst .021!60

Nationality Filipino
Givil Status Married
Gender Male
Address 0126 Solib . Floridablanca . Pampanga
Cantact No +63!056021361/+63!1U4013783 Philippines
Educstional Background

1911 - 1984 Bachelor of Science in Commerce ( BSC

Economies) Notredame of marble
1974 - 19111 Secondary ( Magsaysay Memorial College )
1966 - 1972 Primary ( Caruray Elementry School )
Employment history

Company Uger Abu dhabi L . L. C

Position Civil Foreman / Lebour Supervisor
Duration Feb 05.2007 - Aug 21.2008
Project U.A.E University Al Ain . Abu Dhabi
Duties and responsibilities
5. Supervise- the construction , Excavation and backfilling with compaction
4. Supervise the preparation of base foundation, float slabs and other related
5. Supervise the installation of rebar's column ,beam and floor slabs
6. Supervise the concerting blacks laying plastering and other masonry works . .
. 7. Proper utilization of manpower as per categorical work schedule
Company Dyer Abu Dhabi L.1.C
Position Civil foremen / Labaur Supervisa
Duration Auiust 21.2008 to August 4.2009
. , project A.0.F.C Al Sowah Island Abu Dhabi
Outins and rsspondbiliti~s
. .
3. Supervise the baa fnundaiion preparation Installatian of Forms rebars and
concreting works
4. Supervise the repair / rectification works, plastering. screedings and
finishing Works
5. Supervise the site installation wurks Blocks laying. tiles installation and
other facilities
6. In charge the manpower utilization as per categorical work schedules
7. Prepare the daily time record and daily accomplishment report

Company Cezanne Construction MAIMPIS. CSFP

Position Supervisor / Foreman
Duration January 07.2004 - December 30.2006
Projects Residential Building ( 2- 5 storey )
Dutils and responsibilitias
I) In charge construction and supervisor of the projects
2) Supervise the layout, Excavation , Fabrication and installation nf rebars as
per plan schedule, fabrication and installation forms. concreting works
blucks i~stellation fabrication and installatiun roof framing and nafing
8) Supervise the installation of tiles, plumbing fixture stairs. steel casement
and painting

Company National Irrigation Administration ( NU-PDDP-It)

Address .
San Matias, Sto .TIJ~BS Pernoanla
Position Construction F o r m
Diation April 16.193U to kernher 31,2003
hjects Conatuction of IlpRs ,Str~cturesend lrrigatim Facilities
Cherectsr Reference

Rupertn Royupa
Bwy ,Eaptain
Maimpis CSFP

Brgy ,Council

Enyr Antonio V.Garcia

Asst. Projed manager
National Irrigation Administration

I here by certify that all information are true and correct

Leo R . Dalanon
Aotrt P a m e o f B a r b e l & o f L e g e
h u l d u l , St)uth li~ladmlo
A . '(~MNW M {/#st Nmei
W ~ R i c p r d 0 c . n O C C U P A I ~Farmer--
W w Ymr -..m~-.
EmraDeeDnla -
- C o u m ~ ~ Bas.-
NCEE 64Wk OSA Yenr ImU-

Cause Number D E S C R I P T I V E TITLE
' '~inal Def-Ex
19SJ 1
m - 3
STU 1 Dmbpmant- 86
Ikgl I r GMW plla ~ m p o s l t hI 78 J
SF 1 ~ ~ S p r o i r b Bn 3
Math lc Matbematics 82 J
NatSc 1 Su w d Wyalefl Schce 83 J
Polk 5 N t n WUtpphm -tion &~*lopmcnt n 3
BLM i mmpph ~btory ccntrst - n
Tbsot 1 Old-T 13)
P.K 1 H d t h dSelf-Tdng Acthitien tlb 1
CMT 1 Citbm Mtlltsry train in^ W 1.5

lhcd 3 Ncw Twtammt tire d C b &- I#$ (3)

SIU 2 DmIopmm RCadIng 1l 85 d
w ib m u G r w r nod Cmpodtion tH 3
Spa 2 Imtemwllwtc Spniab 59 J
mth 3 Calbr AWn YO J
N8tk 2 Sumy of BWoglcal Scknre 86 3
M g 1 -51 Accwnting. P a e l 78 6
P,E 2 Heallb & F t u t i l w t d iu abytbmic Activitic~ 117 1
CMT z a h a ~ ~ h Tr*ldng
u y no 1.5
v I2 J
Span 3 A d v m d Spadsh
W k Mllbematica at b v m l m t n t ~ 87 J
w 1 FYldpkob lCtmlamkY I 92 3

AatP 2 Elemmtwy Aceauntlng, Part Il 8 G
PA 3 HtJlb&~~moaWinC*mc&Spoltr !W I
CMT 3 C&km MiUta~yW n g 86 1.5
2 A d v C9mpdlh
~ 76 3
W 18 Bud.trr Em- md Correrpolldwce 85 3
4N S c k c d WriUo* In S p d s b 85 3
~ a t sa C
- A I W ~ T~+~OBON~Vn 87 3
+ h2 w t oc~~ ~ ~ O O ~n I C S
p w J
M*agr 1 Buslmm Orgmnhtion and Mnsagcmeat 811 .
Stat 1C Bull- Stddic na 3
P.E, 4 Hwlth and WareP1Joaal Actit4tia 92 I
Thad 1 Utuw wiib Emphasis on tile M a #9 (1)
CMT 4 Cltkan Miliry Trnlnlng W 1.5 V

3 k a m n i c AnJ y s b I &6 J
Eoon 5 Socio-Economic Stmeturn of the Philippines 86 J
mou 9 1ntcrnationJ Tmde 83 J
- 1 General Psychdolp' 86 3
GRADMG SYSTEM : Undrrgr~duau- 9FIOU E~rellmt;#W4 VPQ Gnwk #W'I V t q
Sutiufncluq: W.1Alwvc AteruRr: 75-7YAwragc: FFallctl; OH -
Dropped: W-Wfthdfawn; FA-Fdkd duc to Esccsu A b s e m ; PH'-
Faikd duc to Withdmwal wlo Pcfmladon; HEX No EWI
ONE UNIT OF CREDIT la une hWr of Ierturc or rdtatlom. or 18
tPbonbov emb we& tor me semrarer.
Duties snd respansibilities
I) Supervise the coffer damming protection layout and excavation schedule
2) Supervise the setting installation and driving of fnundation support as per
works fabrication and installation concreting work ,installetion of
embeeded parts steel gates and mechanism
3) Utilization of equipment and manpower as per schedule and its needed
4) Supervise the construction of irrigation canal and structures, review the
work to be done and estimate the amount of time necessary to finish the
-A project. submits progress and accomplishment reports.

Company Nationel Irrigation Administretion ( NIA-ARIP-II)

Address .
Isulan Sultan Kudarat
Position Construaion Foreman
nuration November 06,1986 to April 15.1!!0

Dutlas and responsibilitias

I) Supervises the construction of irrigation Dams. canals and structures.
review the wnrk to be done and estimates the amount of time necessary to
finish the project . Makes rough estimates of cost labour and the amount of
construction materials needed ,interpret plans and prepare bill of materials
and sketches, requisition. Supplies snd equipment needed. submit progress
and accomplishment reports
2) When not engage in construction works. may be assigned to maintenance and
repair works

Company Ministry of public works

Address Isulan ,Sultan kudarat
Position laborer
Ouration April 16, ti79 to August 15.1983

Dutlss and rsspnnslbllities

Memo graphing mashine operator Ouplicator ,clerck processor messenger and
other typing jobs

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