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Japanese PM's website hacked by whaling

protesters NEW INFORM.


10 December 2015

Hacktivists(NEW UNUSED) claim to have crashed Shinzo Abes website(CONTAINING INFERABLE)in protest at Japans Antarctic
mission to kill whales for research

Hackers have claimed to have disabled the website of the Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe,in protest at his countrys
decision to resuming its whaling programme in the Southern ocean, in defiance of international opinion.
A tweet, purportedly from a member of the loose collective of hacktivists, Anonymous (NEW UNUSED), and addressed to
Abes Twitter account(CONTAINING INFERABLE), said: Whaling is not cultural right! Your website is #TangoDown!
The tweet was accompanied by a screenshot showing that connections to the site were not working. The website appeared to
have returned to normal late on Thursday afternoon.
The governments top spokesman, Yoshihide Suga(BRAND NEW ANCHORED), acknowledged that the site had been
inaccessible since early in the day.
Another Anonymous Twitter account said the group had not been responsible for the attack on Abes site. Instead, the action
appears to have been taken by a sympathiser, operating under the Anonymous umbrella, angered by Japans slaughter of
whales and dolphins.(SITUATIONALLY EVOKED)
Anonymous has, however, claimed responsibility for previous attacks on Japanese websites in protest at the countrys whaling
programme. The group was also linked to recent hacks against five government websites in Iceland, including those of the
prime minister and the environment ministry, in protest at its whaling activities. Japan prompted anger last week when its
whaling fleet left port for the Antarctic, where it(REFERENTIAL IT) plans to kill hundreds of whales over the next few months
for what it(REFERENTIAL IT) claims is scientific research.
Japans fisheries agency said the fleet would conduct lethal research, despite a UN(NEW UNUSED) court ruling last year
that the hunts were a cover for commercial whaling and have no proven scientific merit. The UN called for the hunts to be
stopped immediately.
This week Australia and New Zealand(NEW UNUSED) led an international protest against the resumption of the slaughter in
the Southern ocean that Canberra (NEW UNUSED)regards as a whale sanctuary. Japan, however, does not recognise the
areas sanctuary status. The New Zealand prime minister, John Key(BRAND NEW- ANCHORED), said a strong letter of
protest had been delivered to Japans government signed by 33 countries, including the US and European Union member
In a statement, Key said: We consider that there is (nonreferential or existential there) no scientific basis for the slaughter
of whales and strongly urge the government of Japan not to allow it(REFERENTIAL IT) to go ahead.
The Australian foreign minister, Julie Bishop,(BRAND NEW ANCHORED) said Canberra would continue to put pressure on
Japan to end the hunts. We are working with other like-minded nations to build international consensus against Japanese
whaling, Bishop said in a statementWe are also exploring options for further legal action. The science is clear: all information
necessary for management and conservation of whales can be obtained through non-lethal methods.
The fleet plans to kill 333 minke whales a year in the Antarctic for the next 12 years. The fisheries agency said its revised
whaling programme took into account the concerns and recommendations of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and
the international court of justice in The Hague.(NEW UNUSED)
The IWC banned commercial whale slaughter in 1986 but allowed Japan to kill just under 1,000 whales a year for scientific
research. The meat from the expeditions is sold legally in Japanese supermarkets and restaurants.
Joji Morishita(BRAND NEW), Tokyos ambassador tothe IWC, insisted Japan had the right to resume its pursuit of whales
after a year-long suspension.
Morishita said: We did our best to try to meet the criteria established by the international court of justice and we have decided
to implement our research plan, because we are confident that we completed the scientific homework as well as meeting the
ICJ judgment requirement.
Morishita acknowledged that whaling would continue to divide international opinion, but said Japan would not back down. The
solution is that we have to agree to disagree. However, this does not mean we will take all whales exactly because wed like
to have sustainable whaling. Wed like to have a healthy whale population.
-Hacktivists(blending parts of multiple words or their phones (sounds) are combined into a new word
Hackers+activism) = refers to a person who gains unauthorized access to computer files or networks in order to
further social or political ends

-Shinzo Abes website= is referring to the website who belongs to the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo. The text
is giving additional information about the name of the PM but we can infer reading the title who can be shinzo abe
and the inference is to be made between entities within a single syntactic construction

-In protest(purpose) & research : non referential, when the noun phrase is not marked with the assumption that
the addressee can identify the referent

-A tweet& The tweet: The first is first mention and unidentifiable is indefinite and new but then becomes definite
and given, identifiable active because is textually evoked there is a previous mention, it has been introduced
through the written text

-Anonymous: Referring to the important group of hacktivist anonymous

-Purportedly=doubt presumibilmente

-The action= the attack on Abes site.

-Those= recent hacks

-by a sympathizer= the person involved in the action

-what= we are talking about japan plans to kill hundreds of whales

Two functions of it and there:
- referential pronoun: referring to some object or some other element in the
- non-referential: functioning as filling in subject position.
Indefinite: when the noun phrase is not marked with the assumption that the addressee can identify the referent

Are "protest" and "whales" non identifiable in the same way? Risposta NO. Il primo non ha nessun referent e il
secondo ha come refent le balene(categoria di balene sarebbe). generic reference, and indefinite refers to the
category of whales
-a UN(NEW UNUSED) court ruling= its referring to an indefinite UN court rouling
-The UN= its referring to the UN court

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