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InTASC Standard 5

The artifact I have chosen to go along with the InTASC Standard 5 is a final

observation reflection paper I had completed in a previous class. The InTASC

Standard #5: Application of Content, where the teacher understands how to

connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical

thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local

and global issues. In this reflection paper I was to complete three different

observations in the classroom, this was to go along with the field placements I

had been conducting. In these observations I was to provide in detail of five

different prosocial behaviors along with five more examples of anti-social

behavior. In my second observation I was to conduct an interview with one of

the students in the classroom, I was also supposed to describe the environment

in which I was conducting this interview. Lastly the final observation I conducted

was to identify and analyze societal issues facing the youth today. I chose this

paper because I believe that it shows that I am able to pick up what the

students are experiencing and I can make the students aware that I understand

what they are saying and I can engage in their in their daily routines.

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