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Tag uma pergunta curta e rpida no final de uma frase para se pedir uma confirmao do que se disse antes.


He is a doctor, isn't he? (Ele um mdico, no ?)

Quando a 1 Parte da frase for afirmativa, a segunda parte ser negativa.
He isn't a doctor, is he? (Ele no um mdico, ?)
Quando a 1 Parte da frase for negativa, a segunda parte ser afirmativa.

- Com verbos auxiliares:

It is hot today, isn't it?
Paul is a good boy, isn't he?
She was here, wasn't she?
They were friend, weren't they?
Mary has a car, hasn't she?
She can't run, can she?
They could work, couldn't they?
You should do this, shouldn't you?

- Com verbos no auxiliares:

Empregamos as formas verbais:

do, does, don't, doesn't para o presente
did, didn't para o passado

You know England, don't you?
You don't live here, do you?
She doesn't speak English, does she?
You knew England, didn't you?
She didn't speak English, did she?

- Future and Conditional:

You will go, won't you?
He won't come on time, will he?
She would come, wouldn't she?
He wouldn't go, would he?


- Para a 1 pessoa do singular I, a tag question tem uma forma irregular.

Ex.: I am your friend, aren't I?

Por: English Plus English


1. Complete as lacunas abaixo com as tag questions apropriadas.

a) Youll never be a millionarie, _______?

b) Jack and Bob left for the beach, ________?

c) He has to study hard, ________?

d) Its not cold outside today, _______?

e) Youve never been in Hawaii, ________?

f) Shes not going to take another course, _______?

g) She shouldnt smoke, ________?

h) Shes had many different kinds of jobs, _______?

i) Jack and Daniel have to go now, _______?

j) Jane and Doug have gone, ________?

k) Hes recently been ill, _______?

l) Theres something cooking on the stove, ________?

m) You had a good time at the game, ________?

n) Itll be cold tomorrow, ________?

o) Hes always lived by himself, ________?

p) Hes never on time to work, ________?

q|) There were a lot of people at the concert, ________?

r) Mary had to cook dinner, ________?

s) John has had several operations this year, ________?

t) Weve studied a lot of this so far, ________?

u) You werent at the last meeting, ________?


Agora que voc j preencheu todas as lacunas acima, confira as respostas dos exerccios de tag questions. Caso voc
fique com alguma dvida, fique vontade para fazer perguntas. Fazemos questo de responder todos os nossos

a) Will you? b) Didnt they? c) Doesnt he? d) Is it? e) Have you? f) Is she? g) Should she? h) Hasnt
she? i) Dont they? j) Havent they? k) Hasnt he? l) Isnt there? m) Didnt you? n) Wont it? o) Hasnt
he? p) Is he? q) Werent there? r) Didnt she? s) Hasnt he? t) Havent we? u) Were you?

Para fica ligado nas nossas prximas listas de exerccios em ingls e dicas que vo lhe ajudar a continuar aprendendo
ingls, conhea o nosso canal oficial no Youtube. Essa uma tima chance para voc aprender ingls de graa e e
melhorar a sua pronncia [clique aqui para conhecer]. No Facebook, sempre avisamos quando h novidade aqui. No
fique apenas nos exerccios de tag questions, aprenda muito mais com as nossas dicas de ingls. Ajuda a gente,

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