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REBELLION ERA SOURCEBOOK ete aan BILL SLAVIGSEK, STEVE MILLER, QWEN K.C. STEPHENS = REBELLION ERA SOURCEBOOK BILL SLAVICSBH, STEVE MILLER, ‘OWEN H.C. STEPHENS BILL SLAUICSEH Him maHAN ‘THOMAS M, REID Rew STRUZAN 'D, ALEHANDBA GREGORY, ADI GRANDU, JOB CORRONEY, RANDY POST, LEE RERMEJO, LUCASPILM LTD. ICH AGHBERGER SONVA PERCIUAL Perer Him AMBEA PULLERTON, DOUGLAS STEVES HAS DELONG ATE GRUBB, MIRANDA HORNER, SHAUN HORNER. DIDIER Monin, LI STEPHENS special thanks 10 Dale Donovan, Jef Grubb, Cory Herndon, Pablo Hidalgo, Liz DeHoft Duane Manwel, David Noonan, [Abel Peta, Rich Redmon, ond JO Wiker fer some last-minute design assistance thanks also to Lucy Autey WWison and Howard Rofmen of Lucas Licensing: all the authors and artists vino have ‘ontibuted to the expanded Stor Wars universe ané viho«e material we have draivn ftom; and George Lucas, just because Besed on the Stor Wors Roleploying Game by Andy Colis, Bil Slvisek and JO Wike,tiizing mechanics developed for the new Duretons & Deacons game by Jonathan Tet Monte Cook, kip Wiliams, Richard Baker, end Peter Adkison {1 ACFE &LATWANENICA War ofthe Coast, Seu Fo a0 701 2600 bere ‘ademas onnedy anesot ie comune subsaay othe Te ca er cat os hopt fal au 1h Ietradetion (Chapter: ow Hope Fal ofthe Repabic Theo af New Orde Te Maturation of te Empire | ‘TheBith ofthe Rebelion Aang Tato of Service Alen nd the New Order The Cere Words TheOste Bin We Decne ct Fer ‘The Uliate Bate Staton ‘oie the Desert Hane Nites of tone Nos ily Spaceport ona Spaceport Denies ‘Ga vartos Hever De. ‘TheLast erage of Fanve Doids Common bods Ip Ne Machine ever Slomrcopes Speciates teops SpecaaedSermtoepers Dat Vader: The lasted Dart Yader: Dak Lod of he stn api fhe Ligh Side Ave Jed Teachers nd Students Luke skyer, Taio’ ei TheNewlel Th rl of he Senate The Deat a: An Ove The Death f éeraan Daa Star esonrl Te Mitaryndustia Compe. Te peril tar Destroyer Sena let itn: Corporate Sears Incom: Corporat febels Best ofthe Academy TE Fighter lets Defenders of fe liane Xing it Te Bate of Yavin The Rebel Som The Heroes of Yavin haptor2:A Dark Tine Alteran ar aed Pas Rabel oes pera Supply Peet abel rocutement Spats Bounty urtes Seu lorthe HoioNe The Grveyard o deren peril Prepagunds sageeressB eaerace npr nligence Wade The Coporte Secter Working forthe Sk The Spice Mines of Kee -vertions of em ole Agus ofthe Emperor Prophets fe Dark Side Crcepous Noor ster ofthe Charon {Chopter 2: Tha Bnpire Stakes Back Senving fe Caan, at Edo Boe The atl of oth Genero Reskan enero es Prabe Did tas Caid Asst Yooper Rebel Faces Vader's let Feet eso Boy Hares andthe Empire No isineratns Babar impel Fash Asa and sa Dak Tioope Freee Dak Tnape asics Dagan Vode’ Toe espn eu Gy Heroes of Vin: Update (Chapter 4: Shadows ofthe Empire ‘ween Hoth and indo Rogue Squaéen Stans Dothan pyhet Concant Imperial Center luck San ime Syne rice ioe, Under Te git Hane of zor The Vigns More ios Agents ad Underings The Fike Sisters Jabs Swoop Gang * # 6 ” 8 “0 a s 88 6 a a ma ms he 16 hr 10 19 Contents (Chopios 5: Rotun of tha Jedi The Rescue of Han Solo ous ab the Ht Jabba Cour Tro Reel Het ‘Mle Leaders Sie Team abl Commandos ‘Second Death Sar The Emperor The Feret Hor of fndor Imperial onEndor Impai Scous ck Eck evertions ncks at War nck Heroes Treat of Endor Like Sater Update aia Organs Update Han Sole Update Centar Update Bahu Situs |New Republic erin ef te Empire Parsoalis ef the New Ea im \a z 5 z a 0 c g qd QO 2 ull) Introduction The Star Wars phenomenon began in the mide ofthe ‘aga. The first film to hit the screen was actually the Fourth ‘movie in the series. It marked the beginning of athiee=lm syle that chronicled a 5p. Star Wars history=the petiod of galactic civil war Wt showed the highlights of 3 great struggle asthe Rete! alliance battled the Erypte, At stake was nothing short of freedom-fresdom for 3 gala. and freedom for a Jedi caught in the grip of absotute da ness, Uves were los, victories were won by both sides. In Skywalker Found # way to redeem his the end, La her and bring Anakin Skywalker beck from the dark sie and Now that time of stife and coniet has been detailed for Yars Roleplesing Game, From A New Hoge to Return of the Jedi and beyond, ths sourceaook provides Getais on the Alliance, the Empire, and other organizations ‘zruggling to find 2 place in the galaxy. Crime lords such as Jabba the Hutt ane Prince X20 a serve them, canbe found within these pages. Bounty hunters hot on the tral of Rebel agents. Aliens of assorted back grounds and aleglances, A wide variety of starships and other weapons of war, The Death Stars lt ‘Whether youte a Gamemaster[GW) looking for ideas on how the new Star well as the intons Hin hers, {0 set up a campaign during this turnultuous time or @ Player secking new options For your hero if it has to do with the period of galactic dv war, this fs the sokime for you The Rebellion Era Campaign What is 9 campaign? Isa series of adventures. featuring the same heroes who grow and advance while tlng & larger, ‘more complex story. The cassie Ster Wars troy & the ‘rimary exampie ofa campaign set during the Galt Chi War. With the material in ths sourcebook, you can create _your own campaign during that same time fame Using the cassie tlogy asa backérap and ading clement fiom dhe expanided universe, this soureebook provides the framework upon which to build your own campaign. It offers starting points, adventure hooks, game stasis, and a variety of allies and opponents to he'p and Finder your hero characters, As abways we use the term “hero” not necessaity to refer to the “good curs” but as an expression ofthe protagonists of the stories you es player charactes in your campoign. Most of the material presented assuming that your heroes are 1 least roward the same goals as) the Rebel Alliance, A limited amount of material discusses setting up a campaign based around “ev” characters, such 48 using Imperial heroes who are desperate to eush the Rebellion and save the Empire In mast cases, if tis he type of campaign you wish to run, just reverse the situations and scenarios provided In the adventure sections of the text. With alittle work and ingenuity, you can fashion any type of Campaign you want thet takes place against the backdrop of ‘he Galactic Civil Wa, orking fo How ta Use This Book To make it as easy as possible for Gamemasters to shape the ‘Star Wars galaxy for thelr campaigns, this scureebook puts 1 heavy emphasis on information for creting adventures. The book covers the time fiom a few months por 10 Star Wars: Episode 1V A New Hope to the marriage fof Han Selo and Princess Leis atthe end of the novel The Courtship of Princess Leia. While the material in this book sed to play through the events of the orginal Sia ars trilogy, the inten is to provide GMs with building blocks for use in creating their own adhentures set during that same tine frame, Most of the pages in this bock feature two formsts, each Format providing different types of information, ‘The top portion of each two-format page contains general ion about an aspect of the Star Wars galaxy, such as the re of the New Order, the tricky weather conatons an Moth, ofthe Nightsisters of Dathomir, Often, this iafor= mation gives histore sn the Siar Wars galaxy would know, Some of this information is designed for heroes to learn as the campaigr anfolds, Each GM must decide what fe common knowledge and let players read the sections heir characters would aheady krow about The battom portion of each two-Format page features adventure material. tines oF hooks intended for 8 Gamemastet expand upon. These adventure kleas aren't designed to be used on thet own, but are intended to be worked into an ongoing Rebellion era campaign Occasionally,» page contains only one kind oF informa “on-=either a full page of general information ota fll poge of athenture material Sometimes a section of text fs accom= Denied by diagrams, maps er descriptions of Gamemeste characters, The diagrams places that might play important roles in any Rebelion era ‘campaign. The characters are often key Figures from the Stor Wars universe complete with game statistics. The same is rue of equipment and stershios Remember that you need the Siar Wars Roleplaying Game to get the most out of the material inthis sourebook. ‘or cultural data that most people who \ maps describe locations ot Species in the Rebellion Era ‘The Empire fostered an ongoing campaign to deny alien species ther rights and freedoms, Humans were looked upon 5 the favored specs in the Empire-as long as those Humans followed imperil lew and pledged their ves tothe Emperors New Onder, Most members ofan alien species were \lenied privileges and reduced to second-class status, Some species, such 2s Wookiees, were enslaved and outlawed as dangerous in most Imperzl-contralled regions. While life was somewhat easier away fiom the Core Warlls, dhe Outer Rim ako provided the seerecy the Empire needed to turn whole planets into labor colen’es toiling to maintain the Imperial war machine 8 Join che reo froe dis cach play Fo The the ing stag hah cert app dep Fall of the Republic ‘or more than twenty thousand years the Galactic Republic stood at the center 0 representative government that believed in equality and justice forall its citizens. With control of approximately ne milion planets. the Republic ceristed peacefuly with ater Wess venerable Intesela vilzations such as the Hutts and the Hapans. Republic oresetatives-senators diplomats, and the Jedi who Nad orotected its ideals fram the Republics inception—were honored end respected throughout much of the galny Tete are tivo things in ths existence that will aways Doe-the voto between the stars and the murificent Gaectic Reputli,” the Snivian poet Zovaren wiote when his kino wns feed from Thalassitn enslavement, This sentiment was shared ty many, but that did't protect the Republic from the one foe it could rot overcome—the greed and compla- cency of its own leaders n some ways, the Republic Fell vet 10 its own succes This expansive government ruled tertitores so vast, with laws hat were so complex, that even simple decsiors were at ms almost impossible to achieve. The Republic grew increasingly stagnant, and its elected representatives became more and more lazy and complacent, With complacen ‘came corruption; many senators were more interested in Where once wise leades ruled over the Republic, bureau ha looking out Far thet racy and self-interest Wook control The government wos rived in complenty and debste, and those who thirsted fo ie influence to the highest bidee The Republic was rotting from within, and the institution waiting to replece it ws The Republi’ long descent into oblivion began with 2 blockade. The Tr rk and oppressive comporate interests based along the Galactic Rim, resorted to armed resistance against what it fet was cavalier treatment oft interests, The veteran Chancellor of the Senate, Valorum, was removed by 2 Vote of Ne Confidence, and despite the apparent best effor' of his successor, Falpatine, ne Repu spiraled into chaos. Ina litle more than & cade’ time, the Empire replaced the ancient Republic. 6 I youte going to play inthe Rebellion era campaign, stop read ingthis section now The material presented in this section and sscions like it all through this book) is intended for the Gamemaster Cony Players should not read any of this information, since doing so right spol the surprise of adver: tures to come in your gerne. This section of the presentation provides you, the Garemaster, with tool for building and euning a successful Rebellion era campaign. t offers advice, adventure hooks, short scenarios, allies, and opponents for the heroes to meet. These tems have been designed around two basic arsurnpions: The heroes start at Istlevel and gain experience asthe ‘campaign advances, and the heroes ‘work to aid the Aliance. The material is dasigned asa starting point; you reed to develop ito sut your own game HH you decide to try something itferent, such os allowing the herves to atve ford instead ofthe Rebellion you must adjus. te material accordingly. n eny ‘casa, there should be encugh ideas throughout this back to jump-start glory of the Empire The Rise of a New Order ‘We will make a New Order. We will trade strength for frailty, order for chaos, and decisiveness for unce Palpatin : ‘About a century before the start of the Galactic CIvil W the Republic began to slowly unravel Corruption, greed, and internal tfe weakened the roots of the Republic and allowed special interest groups and power-hungry bureau teats to chip away at the great government's foundation, This erosion rom within harnpered the workings of govern vent and gave rise to apathy, social injustice, and ineffective leaders tn the midst of chaos end indecision, Naboo Senator Palpatine ose to power. Fora time, peace and prosperity seemed to return tothe galaxy—buc it was fleeting an mostly illusory As new crises appeared on the scene Palpatine aimed oF was granted more and more power. He eventually was named Emperor. The Old Republic passev in those dark years between the ctiss at Naboo and the Bartle of Yavin, 2 Jat happened, While not all the devas hay yet been made cleer, the general story is known, There wa event that history cals the Clare Wars, The Jedi Knights tisoppeared, and belie in the Force was relegated to super tition by the galony at large. The Empire replzced the Od Republic. and tyranny spread throughout the galaxy At fis. the New Order that the Emperor imposed was seer 2s 4 vas mprovement over the ineffective goverment that preceded But slowly, despite the Empire's best efforts. word of the ‘avvotties heaped upon non-Humman species began to Teak ‘out, Some members of the Senate tried to work within the system to effect change, but the bureaucracy had litle power over the Emperor. Ie took mary years, but eventually vals began to rebel against the New Order ental, those rebes would become an Alliance, and that Alfance would sei out to restore freedom to the galaxy through cil war, Net, however, befere species were ensine cultures were broken, opponents were assassinated, andthe Emperor’ wil on all he surveyed, your campaign and get your imagina incorporate into your adventures as your wn ideas the inspiration of the tion working overtime-thus releasing the towne advances, but atbest it films and Expanded Universe sources your own ideas for campaign stoy only gives you the ramevrorkfor a andthe actions of your pleyers arcs and adventures. ‘campaign. You need tolayer on the Together, these elements develop into How doyou start? That's easy Let bricks and mortar You arent inthis a fun and exciting campaign, the players create Ist-level heroes alone, however. Your players add their You also need to decide when you using any ofthe metnods descibed in. own elements tothe campeign as want the campaign to start and the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. they interact with the situations you. whether or not the heroes begin play While they work on their character, put Before them and develop the as pat of the allance or ifthe fst youneed to prepare the cousse of personalities and ambitions of heir adventure revolves round their tying, Your campaign. The materil in this characters. I's upte you to take all the to hook up withthe Rebels. We book provides you with a stating elements and weave ther into a tecammend that you start your point and gives you ideas you can compelling wholeadversure hocks, campaign sight before the opening “) I] AdOH MAN Vv |I1 scene of A New Hope, Wie also recom: rend that your heroes start out just like Lake Skywalker and Han Solo did, var ofthe growing Rebelion but not yet parto The fst adveniuie hook cen be used to establish just sada situation Iesimponantto remember that though the players! characters arent Like shywaker or Han Solo, they ae the heroes ofthe adventures you're going te urs the golany ia big piace, and there are plenty of Imperial foes for heroes 10 take on beyond those deta inthe movies ond Expanded Universe sources. ce the familiar characters in your games sparnly as Gamemester charac tery o establish drect testo the films and to serve 28 touchstones to the over: arching Stor Wors story. But hers al they shoul be in your eampsign-back ground characters The sas of your campaign ae the payers’ heroes end they should be given every opportunity to shine, Even ifyour heroes dot blow upthe Death star atthe batle ofYavin, there ere plenty of waysthey an make 2 differance in the sucess or flue of the Rebellion Character Connections Hovr does the fist adventure in your Rebelion ers campaign begin? Are the heroes fiends and companions to start with, 0 do you want them to meet each other ever the course of the opening scene? Ether metrod ‘works; just @ matter of whet makes the most sense for whatever soy youve planned out. In the case of the heroes knowing ‘each other, have the players discuss ways thelr characters can be connected. They need to share with each other afew details incuding thelr character classes and species. ‘hey could be eld fiends from the same planet who have decided to join the Rebellion agains the Empire. Or they could bein business together, trying to make alving as traders with their old clunker ofa ship. The poss bilties of how they are connected are endless. You should also ask each player to decide what his or her char ace’ thinks about the Empire prior te the start ofthe adventure, If the heroes don't know each other (or only know one or two ather ‘members of the party), then you need to get them working together eary in the edventute. This is sometimes harder to da, so we recommend having the heres start out as compar jos. you're up to i, however, etting them maet in the fist scene provides quite afew opportunites for a more rmeeninglul conneston to be made. Imperial Entanglements ‘This adventire idea presents a sta: tion that leads to the heroes running foul ofthe Empire and puts ther in contact with 2 Rebel operative Ia takes piace on an outobthe-way planet deep in the Outer airm Tontores—a planet called Keun. Setup Te oroes have come to Kwevron fr reasons tha ave noting odo with the Empire o the grovingRabelion “he Bal of Yavin iil weeks ava, the pescet planet of eran itil ita ad noone has ren heard of the Death tar yet Maybe the heroes Wve on his bachwater word Maybe businesshes brought hom hee or at least the hope of making some kind of contac ang eaning afew ces. The opering cere con be used to introduce the heowsto eachother (Fou ard the players have decided hey dorithave @ previous connector), but it works just ‘ss vallifthey ar iesong rencs Rolling hils and fees of cops cover the quiet world of Kweuror. Most of the wells meager population works the elds, taing the land and sling procuceto Impetal-authotzed merchants fra action of whet tis worth, Hete, a5 ona hunted similar ‘wordy, he Empire and the Bits of news about a rebelion seem ven far away Except inthe spaceport, where an impetialpretect overseas a small sgarison and makes sure the Emperor's taxes anc tari are pal. This adventure begins in Kwevron’s spacepor, Mal Ethon Cty wihere the hhefoes witness the cruel actions ofthe Empire up close and personel, What they do ator that is up to then Scene |: The Wi of the Empire The scene opers on @ broad avenue in the middle of Mal Ethon City, The city bones faely large spacepert for such anoutotthe-way location. The planet has always provided food fer the neigh boring sectre, and the Empire has taken aninterestin kwevion because ofthis, tis thatthe Empire needs more food, butthe planet is far enough from the Core to make it attective to the Rebels whe have dared to cha lenge the Emperor's New Order, There's ‘ne way in which the Empive will and by and allow the Rabelon to gain @ foothold on Kwevron. For this reason, the Empire hos placed 2 small gavison in tho space port to act as a deterrent to any legal activity A prefect oversees the Imperial presence, but mast of the muscle comes from the prefec’ fist oflces, it Flto Dragen. He hes been making his presence known through ‘utthe spacepert threatening shop ners with fines anc penalties, rmockingly accusing city leaders of basing Rebel simpathiess, anc gener ally bullying everyone into a frightened sfate. iter sll tt Dragon believes, a fightoned subject is 2 loyal subject. ‘On this day Lx. Drage mekes ns rounds ofthe spacepert with two ‘sormtrocpers in tow. The heroes are in the spacepertfor reasons oftheir nn (esdetermined by you and the players whan character connections, F the lack ‘thereof were established) the heroes now each other, theyre together when the scene begins. the heroes haver't alimet each othe yt then theyre in the area, eech going about his or her ‘own business when the trouble stars. Read the opering situation out loud to the players to begin the action: a Lo Mal Ethon City busiles as the midéay crowds pushes through the streets: In action to. the loca) shop owners and the work trs they employ, the place crawls, with 2 variety of spacers of dozen ot more species. There are raders and freighter crews, scouts ahd tough-iooking sorts who have to be smugglers. or pirates of one kind or another, There are representatives of merchant houses. from all over he sector, hee to finalize deals and complete their business Defore moving. on to the next planet on their routes. Farmers from all over the planet are in the ity as well It is harvest time, ard they al co sell ‘One farmer, dsplaced thoran for from the nearest herd ship, sits at the front of @ long wagon full of heads of sweet Kwevron. lettuce and. staks of blue-kemel com, The wagon over flows with the fresh vegetebies, stacked so high that ‘the piles Dately look Stable, It doesn't help that the nerf that pulls the Seems to go ou of ts way te lea xy burp and the wagon over pothole in the street. But. the Whorian farmer doesn't seem to, ‘mind, He jst looks straight ahead gently slopping the reins every 9 ‘often fo remind the nerf that he s back the Imperial ofheer and two stormtroopers step into the sireet, stopping directly in front of the nerf. “A mer,” the office we need to inspect your wagon. The stormtrooper step to each side and start toward the wagon full of vegetables. Suddenly, the Ihorian whips the nerf hard. The animal squeals and dashes forward, narrowly missing the dodging Imperial officer “Stop him!” the officer commands. One of the storm: troopers casually raises Wi blaster rifle and shoots the Ithorien jn the back, With @ Tow gasp, the farmer crumbles forward and falls to the street The nerf. frightened. by. the blaster shot, drags. the wagon ‘oxer the fallen Whorian as it ties (9 get away. Ancthe: shot, fred by the secand stormtrooper, hits ne nerf, causing the animal's legs to buckle. A moment later, he wagon smashes. Into. the wownded animal. The wagon overturns, which tosses lettuce and corn in all directions The overtumed wagon also dumps a hidden’ cargo: two men, one Human and one Duras, “It seems our informant was correct," the Imperial off. cer calls as he and the storm srogpers step over the dead Ithorian ond move toward the dezed men, “There are Rebels an Kwevto ‘What ste you going to do? The Maturation of the Empire Daring its eary years, the New Order was a populst move ment, Grassroots organizations sprang up, and commoners, F became actively involved in the shaping of local and galactic 4 politics as they hadnt ben for centuries, These citizen § _gioups-foreiost among them the Commission fer the Presenation of the New Order, or COMPNOR~beca absorbed into the Empires evolving poiticl structure, with particularly energetic and Fethfl members putin positions ‘of power, Inthe eatly days of the Empire, many citizens fi for the fist time that they could impact thelr government In pnor became 8 powerful pots! toal fof the New Order. Through subtle manipulations, it taught the citizens of the Empire the ethics of the New Orde, wh dlenouncing the tenets of the Old Republi But even as the Empite tock form, there were signs that he Emperor's New Order would lead the galaxy down 3 dark path, While strides were taken to inwolve some citizens in ‘govemment, further efforts cut others out of the proces. From the very beginning, the New Onder held ats core & vinated in all aspects by Humans. Although on the surface it might seem odd Wrat such a notion could come to be widely accepted in a galaxy where thousands of highly evoled species had coexisted for millen= ria, it played well on the Harnan-dominated Core Wars Fen doubted that the alien-dominated Trade Federation hed touched off the chain of events that had culminated with he estabisirent of the Empire. And it was an unquestion: fable fact that it had been the clear vision ané superier lead teship abities of a Haman that Fad pulled civilization back from the brink of oblivion. The Emperors New Order cajeled the Serate into repealing antislavery laws, passing law discouraged or outright restricted aliens from leaving their rate worlds declaring entre species properiy ofthe Empire, and imposing sti tariffs on alien-ovned busines that attempted to engage in commerce with anyone but mperil-contcled institutions, Within the space oF 2 few years, Humans and near-Humans dominated nearly every aspect of intrsteller trade andl polities. ith ths opening scene. you ean troopers to fend for themselves as he not extend to Dragen, howeves, due i build a ful-scale edventure to begin retreats tothe getson this rejection of the peacetul philos ° your Rebellion ere campaign. Wil the Fer the two stermtoapers, use the phy of his people. Oragen believes 8 heroes come to the rescue ofthe two statistics presented in Chapter 4: that tue peace can only come as the re suspected Rebels? Wil they decide alles and Opponents inthe Stor Wars result ofa strong rue tha places lave 6 rotto getinvolved? Those srethe Roleplaying Geme. Far detalls on. and order abave individual freedoms fa types of questions upon which an _‘Fako Dragen, see below. Lu, Drazen, a pompous and over R adventure bulls the herces do bearing man, enjoys throwing his step into batle the storrtroopers weight around. He's well auare ofthe and orcuethe suspected Rebels, tt Falto Dragen isa fay typical lax contol the Empire holds over the t Dragen does not stick around very _mperialofficer. He isa nate of spacepert but he hes no intertion of s long, He pertcipates inthe first round Alderaan and comes from a well alloning tis sate of affirs to con: 8 ‘of combat, then leaves the storm- respected family. That respect does _tinue, Dragen feels i's high time the qi local population gave up tsicylic enistence and faced the realty of the Emperor’ New Order. He ha recerly received information that his suspi- ions were true~some af the local farmers have been helping the Rebellion. The prefect has gven fim petmission to investigate the cleims. In adeltion tothe two sterm- troopers who ainays remain by his side, Dragen can call up the rest ofthe farton: ten more stormtronpers and three other juno officers The Birth of the Rebellion oppression more blatant, come members of Senate became concerned, They watched as dissident 5 1on-Humans beceme more plentiful, 05 the New Order actively hreats of wolence, and started 10 fear 3 comupt Republic tion to the Empero had been a junior s 1¢ Emperor’ ris. She had opposed granting As the New Order grew more power'ul and its tacties of continued to silence political oppo: was Mon Mothma from Chandeila, Sh unlimited power ard she grew increasingly horrified at how contributors to galactic clulization—inty secon shouted down, When she sow violent ind when she herself was subjected physical threets due to her opposition to the Emperors New Order~she knew she had to give up trying 10 reform the system from within, With her ability to inspie others bol of the Al Boll Organa of Alderson was a chief ally of Mon Mothm He had been troubled ty Palpatine’s polices of military expansion, and he and his people fel: that less miliary wa more, Gorm Bel Ibis 8 ve tor from Corelli, also worked to reform the New Order. The very emboeiment of Iblis saw his power, his own people sip any as Corellia eager New Onder. he rugged Corellian individualist, Bel estige, and everything he Toved about These three very different leaders emerged a the centers of separate, highly successful movements to resist the indulg their efforts. With this agreement, th Corellia, and pled ies oF the New Order, They eventually 1d to coordinate 1a Rebellion. The Alliance co Restore the Republic had Lt alto Dragen: vale Human Noble 2/Saldiee 2; It +2; Defense 16 (14 clas, +2 Dex): Spd Om VPP 24/12; Ak +2 melee (2d6-1, vib blade) or +5 ranged (345, blaster Pistol): SO Call ina favo, inspire cont dence +1; Sv Fort +4, Ret +4, Wil +4; 52 M;FP 1; DSP 7; Rep 5. St 9, Dex 14, Con 12, nt 10, Wis 13, Cha 15. Challenge Code: c Equipment: Blaster pistol, uniform, rank insignia, comlirk, atapad. strogate +4, Blut +5, The Galactic New Order was about to face its first vil War was underway. Computer Use +7, Diplomacy +3, Intimidato +5, Knowledge (New (Order) +7, Knowledge (military) +10, Pilot +5, Read/Write Besic, Speck Basie Survival +4, medium), Alertness, Point Blark Shot, Rapid Shot Skil Emphasis (Knowledge (milter), Weapon Group Profciency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, haavy weapons simple weapons, vibro weapons). H| S3d0H MAN vf ec ; Getting the Heroes, Involved ‘The bes: outcome for his opening scene would be the heres rushing to the rescue ofthe suspected Rebels. they decice that atachng an imperial officer and » pai of tormiroopersis.@ bad ides, they getto stand by and watch what happens ‘The Human éraws a blaster and fies widly atthe approaching stormtroopers, missing them. With hardy 2 concer, the stormtrocpers raise thet blaster rifles simuane- ‘ously and cut down the Human with a flury of well-placeé shots. The Dutos stays on the ground, his, hands empty and outstretched for the impetials to see. Lt Dragen shouts and points atthe Duros Enough! he commands. “| wen the alien Rebel scum alve! Take him into custody ‘At some point belore the scene breaks up, Drogen picks up & spilled head of lettuce, examines it with a dstasteul ook, then tosses it 0 any rnor-Human character inthe crowd one ofthe heroes is a nor-Human ‘that cherate is Oragen’s target. “Alien {g10Wn," he sneers. “Only good enough for another aie. Erion As allol this occurs, no one on the street makes any lind of move ageinst the Imperial. No one even goesto checkon the thovian famer or te ‘wounded nert They est stand around, ‘watching the show, hoping that the Impetiais dont tun thee atention to thom next Of course, the heroes might make @ piay at anytime. Or they might stand back and stay out of i Everyone knows better than to ‘mess with stormiroopers, afte el Wthe heroes simply stand by and let the Human get killed anc the Duios dragged aweyin tinder, then you have to provide them with another oppcrtunity to get involved ‘Tht opportunity takes the form of Cala Worner Gala Worner ‘Young, confdert, and beautiful, Cala Wioxneris.a recruiter forthe Rebel Alliance. She keeps her eyes open for prospective recruits, anyone who can help the alliance of course, Cela doeen’t blurt outher affilation to the first people she meets. She works 253 trade agent forthe Outer Rim Trade Consortium, 9 position that gives hor the freedom to move around a lot without casing too much suspicion, She's om Kwevron to corvines some of the loca farmers to provide aid to the Alliance inthe form of safe houses, foodstuis, and other supplies. Everything wes fine untl Ut Dragen showed up. Then things started to goto the Final Jump with uta starship, and Cala Worner's mission was jeopardized One of he best contacts on Kwerron was Idv Teanfaer, an thorian ‘who arrived on the planet long ago and was (uni his death just now) a prosperous farmer. Cala has often used Idus farm as a sale house and \way station for new Alliance recruit. The lthorian was secrety transporting |wo new Rebe's 10 stip in the paceport when the Imperial into rupted. Now Cale needs to come up with anew plan. Ifthe herace wantte the aid of the suspected Rebels, Cala approaches ther efter the fight ends. Ether wey, she neods their help. Only afew of the deals need to change, depending ton what heppened upto this point Cala Worner: Female Human Scout /Saldie 2; nit +2; Defense 15 (+3 «lass, +2 Des); Spd 10m; VEANP 20/10; Atk +1 melee (245-1, vibro lade) 0 +4 renged (346, blaster pistl) SV Fort 48, Ref +3, Wl 41:2 MFP 1; DSP O; Rep 1. St 8, Dex 14, Con 16, int 13, Wis 10, Cha 18 Challenge Code: 8, Equipment: Blaster pistol, comlink daiaped. Skill: svogete +5, ut 65, Computer Use +7, Demoitions +5, Hide +6, intimidate +8, Usten +, Pilot +9, Read Mite Basic, Speak Basic. Speak Shytiwook, Spot +4 Feats: Arror Prolcercies (ight, medium), Staship Operation (pace transport), Weapon Focs (baer pistol, Weapon Group Proficiency (buster pistols, lester rifes,heaw weapons simple weapons, bro weapons). Scane 2: Freeing the Midnight Star Whether the heroes aided the suspected Rebels ot sod by ard watched the Imperial atcctes uno they tl have the leak of people who right be able to hep. Cala Worner approaches the heroes, ofeing them a chance to put Lt Dragen in his place and get off Kweuran in the process. Sie explains othe heroes “Prior to the scene you witnessed fon the stret, that Imperial offi cer, Lt. Dragen, locked down the docking bay where my ship parked,” Cala says. “The ship and ‘my copilot, Thal Karss, can't go anywhere, Atleast nat right now. But T¥e got the command codes needed to bypass the docking bay locks. 1 could use some help dealing with the guards and ‘making sure the bay's tractor beam can't be used to stop us from leaving.” It the Duros was captured, Cala fst asks the heroes to rescue him belore they take him to the garrison. "He's 'Nuuk Kur, and if Dregen follows standard procedures, Nuuk will be deported to the spice mines of Kessel or some other labor prison,” Cala explains. Develop a short scene in which the heroes ambush the speeder canrying Nuk Kuue to the Imperial garigon. Two stormtroopers guard the Dutos wile an imperial oficer drives the speeder. Any reasonable plan on the part ofthe heroes should work. Then they can help Cala tee Midnight Star and escape from Kwevton ifthe heroes ask Cala about the Rebellion, she premises to put any interested heroes in contact with someone who can help them with that station. She never comes ight ut and says she's a Rebel operative Wien the tee comes, Cela heads cut to bypass the locks and get ‘Midnight Star ready to wave. nthe uu with tort caus the uu loca tow the ib gua dec the sne tuoe pos dis be: che the be: a °°) ing ol, meantime, she sends the heroes (and uuk Kauri he's with them) to deal With the stormtroopers guarding the ‘contol tower and knock out the trac torbeam. "We car'tfly anay ifwe're ‘aught ina tractor bear,” Cals tll the heroes. Use the Duros commoner Nok Kuve tne tractor beam contiol room Is loested in the spaceport contol tower. Ws only a short distance from the docking bay where Mionight Stor is being held. Two stormtroopers ‘urd the tower The heroes must decide whether they want 10 blutt their way inte the contro! room, sis on page 15 to represent sneak in, of take out the storm: ‘troopers as quicky and quiety as possible. Once inside, they need to fisable the tractor controls. This can be done subtly with a Disable Device check (OC 15), 0” they can just blast the control panel ‘tter taking care of the tractor beam, the heroes must make 2 dash for Midnight Star. As they approach, alarms go off and they see Cala running up the Star's loed ing ramp. Six stormtroopers tush ‘across the tarmac toward the ship, tlthough they'e still 100 matort oway, The heroes can also see Ut Dragen in 2 nearby tower, safe behind a tansparistecl window. The heroes need to run to beat the stormtioopes to Midnight Ster the heroes have any ships oftheir aswell while the tractor beam is out of commission Once the heroes take to space xy may want to get to those they must get amay from Kwvevion's gravity well so they can safely make the jump into hyperspace. This requites 3 minutes of fight time. Lt Dragen hells Midnight Star on a comlink and demands ite surrender immediately. He warns that any further resistance will sul in the ship's destruction, Aftar 1 minute of flight two TE fighters appear at sensor range, losing with Micn/gh Star. the heroes must avoid the fighters for 6 rounds or destroy them. Then they can make the jump to lightspeed. Cala provides coordi: nates that vill take the heroes to Ouro, She thanks the heroes for their help and suggests that they keep a low profile fora few weeks. W's a big universe, and while Lt. Oragen should remember this for many years, cthe: imperial officers are unlikely to think twice about it once some time hat passed. Thus, it may never be a goed idea to head back to Kwevron, but the heroes should be eafe enough elsewhere after everything cocls of When the heroes have helped Cala escape from Kwevron and are well fon their way to Duro, Cala approaches them to discuss @ few things. Ate you stil interested in ‘making contact withthe Rebellion? she asks, She waits a moment, jude ing their responses. Then, when she's sntsfed that the heroes aco every thing they seem to be, she says, “triends, meet your Rebel contact Cala miles, holding out her hand to elcome the heroes into the struggle for freedom I the heroes dont have a ship, rif ugh fer the whole group, you may want to let them have Midnight Star, t can be ive to them to uso fer a few rissions, then permanently assigned to them by Alience High Command in recognition of their contributions Giving the heroes access to Minh Star isa great way to keep therm together It azo males » great story generator I the ship is damaged or malfunctions, the heroes must decide it they can risk setting down for repais. Ifthe heroes wish to mal limprovernents 1 the ship (such as they dont have one le ing hotter shielde or perhape 9 faste: lyperdive), they must gather the components and find someore te instal ther. This could moan salvaging pais from 2 junk dealer stealing them from o repaiefcilty or

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